9. Male Reproductive System Flashcards
bulbourethral glands
- pair of exocrine glands near the male urethra
- secrete fluid into the urethra
- aka cowper glands
-ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra
ejaculatory duct
-tube through which semen enters the male urethra
- one of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes above each testis
- stores and carries sperm from seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens
erectile dysfunction
- inability of an adult male to achieve an erection
- impotence
-hair-like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile (able to move)
fraternal twins
-two infants resulting from fertilization of two separate ova by two separate sperm cells
glans penis
- sensitive tip of the penis
- comparable to the clitoris in the female
identical twins
- two infants resulting from division of one fertilized egg into two distinct embryos
- conjoined twins are incompletely separated identical twins
interstitial cells of the testes
- specialized cells that lie adjacent to the seminiferous tubules in the testes
- these cells produce testosterone and are also called leydig cells
parenchymal tissue
- essential distinctive cells of an organ
- in the testis, the seminiferous tubules that produce sperm are parenchymal
-male external organ of reproduction
-external region between the anus and scrotum in the male
-fold of skin covering the tip of the penis
prostate gland
- exocrine gland at the base of the male urinary bladder
- prostate secretes fluid that contributes to semen during ejaculation
external sac that contains the testes
-external sac that contains the testes
seminal vesicles
-paired sac-like exocrine glands that secrete fluid (a major component of semen) into the vas deferens
seminiferous tubules
narrow, coiled tubules that produce sperm in the testes
sperm cell
procedure that removes a persons ability to produce or release reproductive cells
-removal of testicles, vasectomy, and oophorectomy are sterilization procedures
stromal tissue
- supportive, connective tissue of an organ, as distinguished from its parenchyma
- aka stroma
- male gonad (testicle) that produces spermatozoa and the hormone testosterone
- testis means one testicle, and testes are two testicles
- hormone secreted by the interstitial tissue of the testes
- responsible for male sex characterisitcs
vas deferens
- narrow tube (one on each side) carrying sperm from the epididymis toward the urethra
- aka ductus deferens
glans penis
water, fluid
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o
testis, testicle
prostate gland
semen, seed
sperm/o, spermat/o
spermatozoa, semen
testis, testicle
varicose veins
vessel, duct
-vas deferens
animal life
fixation, put in place
new opening
no semen at all
semen without sperm cells
carcinoma of the testes (testicular cancer)
- malignant tumor of the testicles
- can be be treated and cured with surgery if detected early (orchiectomy)
- younger crowd
- most common testicular cancer
- arises from embryonic cells in the testes
nonseminomatous tumors
- embryonal carcinoma
- teratoma
- choriocarcinoma
- yolk sac
tumor markers
- human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
- serum levels detect these proteins to determine success of treatment
cryptorchidism; cryptorchism
- undescended testicle
- orchiopexy is performed to bring testes into the scrotum
- undescended testicles are associated with high risk for sterility and increased risk of developing testicular cancer
- sac of clear fluid in the scrotum
- may be congenital or occur as response to infection or tumors
- can resolve on its own
- aspirated using needle -> or hydroelectomy
- sudden onset, no trauma
- scrotal swelling
- discomfort (not really pain)
testicular torsion
- twisting of the spermatic cord
- rotation of the spermatic cord cuts off blood supply to testis
- surgical correction within hours can save testis
- epididymis is not anterior (abnormal)
- compresses artieroles and venous -> kill testes
- weight lifting, delivery truck drivers
- enlarged, dilated veins near the testicle
- associated with oligospermia and azoospermia
- varicocelectomy- internal spermatic vein is ligated (segment is cut out and ends are tied off)
- increases fertility
- spermatic cord is dilating and twisting
- impacting mostly veins (a little arteries) -> can cause testes demise
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- benign growth of cells within the prostate gland
- common for old people
- inability to pee
- treated with transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)- relieves obstruction
- obstruction may arise again
carcinoma of the prostate (prostate cancer)
- malignant tumor (adenocarcinoma) of the prostate gland
- old men
- digital rectal exam (DRE) can detect tumor
- early detection -> prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
- protein secreted by tumor cells in blood stream
- elevated levels in prostate cancer
- normal- 4.0 or less
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
- congenital abnormality in which the male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis, instead of at its tip
- corrected surgically
tearing or cutting
- narrowing (stricture) of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis
- interferes with urination
- causes secretion to accumulate under prepuce -> infection
- treatment is circumcisions
chlamydial infection
- bacterial invasion of the urethra and reproductive tract
- after 3 weeks of infection burning while urination
- white discharge from penis
- women may experience yellow discharge
- antibiotics
- intreated-> salpingitis
- inflammation of the genital tract mucosa, caused by infection with gonococci
- can affect eye, oral, rectum, joints
- signs- dysuria, yellow mucopurulent from penis
herpes genitalis
- infection of skin and genital mucosa, caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV)
- most caused by HSV type 2
- reddening of skin with small fluid-filled blisters and ulcers
- inguinal lymphadenopathy, fever, headache, malaise
- no cure
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
- infection of the skin and mucous membranes in the anogenital region by the human papillomavirus
- genital warts
- can cause cancer of the cervix
- vaccine are available
- chronic STI caused by a spirochete (spiral-shaped bacterium)
- chancre (ulcer) appears on external genitalia a few weeks after bacterial infection
- secondary then occurs two to 6 months after
- tertiary includes brain damage, spinal cord, heart -> small pox
- penicillin
PSA test
- measurement of levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood
- PSA produced by cells within prostate gland
- elevated levels are associated with enlargement of prostate gland -> prostate cancer
semen analysis
- microscopic examination of ejaculated fluid
- sperm is counted and examined for motility and shape
- fertility study to evaluate effectivness of vasectomy
- < 20 mil are sterile
- sterility can result in mumps, infectious disease that effects testes
surgical excision of testicle or ovaries
- can reduce production of secretion of hormones that stimulate malignant cells (breast & prostate)
- if done before puberty -> eunuch -> no secondary male characteristics
-surgical procedure to remove the prepuce of the penis
digital rectal examination (DRE)
-finger palpation through the anal canal and rectum to examine the prostate gland
photoselective vaporization of the prostate (greenlight PVP)
- removal of tissue to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) using a green light laser (laser TURP)
- minimally invasive
- can replace TURP for treatment of BHP
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
- excision of benign prostatic hyperplasia using a resectoscope through the urethra
- treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- electrical hot loop cuts the prostatic tissue
- treatment and diagnosis
- takes a piece of prostate to examine and treat
- bilateral surgical removal of a part of the vas deferens
- cut vas deferens -> removes a piece -> ligation (typing and binding ends)
- on both sides
- sterile but not castrated
- hormone secretion, sex drive, erection are intact
26 year old male presented to the emergency room with acute onset of right-sided scrotal pain
-how about 76yo
- testicular cancer more likely for 26yo
- more common for prostate problems in 76
- not absolute but likely
- enlarged scrotum from STI can be from either
without testes