Ventilation Flashcards
What does ventilation system include ?
- The avionic
- The batteries
- The lavatories and galleys
Which computer control the avionic ventilation ?
Avionics Equipment Ventilation Controller (AEVC)
How does avionic ventilation work ?
It uses two electric fans to force the circulation of cooling air.
What are the component of Avionic Ventialation System ?
- Fans
- Skin air inlet and outlet valves
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves
- Air conditioning air inlet valve
- Skin exchange isolation valve
Avionics Equipment Ventilation Controller
What is the function of skin air inlet and outlet valves ?
Admit air from outside and evacuate hot air outboard
What is the function of skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves ?
Enable air to circulate btw avionic bay and the space under cargo compartment floor
What is the function of air conditioning inlet valve ?
Enable the air conditioning circuit to supply air to the avionics bay
What is the function of skin exchange isolation valve ?
Connect or isolates skin heat exchanger
Which system control the electric fans ?
Fan Speed Controller (FSC) controls the ventilation fan speed as a function of temp:
- High speed when ventilation air temp > 40⁰C
- Low speed when ventilation air temp < 35⁰C
How many configuration are there in the avionic ventilation system ?
- Open
- Close
- Intermediate
- Blower fault or Extract fault
- Smoke
When does OPEN configuration operate ?
- A/C on ground
- Temp > ground threshold
When does CLOSE configuration operate ?
- A/C on ground, temp < ground threshold
- A/C in flight, temp < in flight threshold
When does **INTERMEDIATE **configuration operate ?
- A/C in flight
- Temp > in flight threshold
What is ground threshold?
abv 12⁰C and increase
blw 9⁰C and decrease
What is in flight threshold ?
Abv 35℃ and increase
Blw 32℃ and decrease
When does Blower fault or Extract fault configuration operate ?
When BLOWER or EXTRACT pbs is pushed
When does SMOKE configuration operate ?
- When BLOWER and EXTRACT pbs are pushed
- Smoke is detected in avionic bay
How is air circulated in avionic ventilation system in OPEN config ?
Air come from outside (some from cockpit vent), then extracted overboard.
System is cooled by cool air from outside
- Skin air inlet and outlet valves open
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves close
- Air conditioning air inlet valve close
- Skin exchange isolation valve close
How is air circulated in avionic ventilation system in CLOSE config ?
Air come from avionic bay (some from cockpit vent), some are extract through the space under cargo compartment floor.
Air is cooled via skin heat exchanger
- Skin air inlet and outlet valves close
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves open
- Air conditioning air inlet valve close
- Skin exchange isolation valve open
How is air circulated in avionic ventilation system in INTERMEDIATE config ?
Air come from avionic bay (some from cockpit vent), circulate inside the system, some are extract through the space under cargo compartment floor and overboard.
Air is cooled via skin heat exchanger
- Skin air inlet close and outlet valves partialy open
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves open
- Air conditioning air inlet valve close
- Skin exchange isolation valve open
How is air circulated in avionic ventilation system in Blower fault or Extract fault config ?
System is in closed circuit and air come from air conditioning system.
System is cooled by conditioning air
- Skin air inlet and outlet valves close
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves close
- Air conditioning air inlet valve open
- Skin exchange isolation valve open
How is air circulated in avionic ventilation system in SMOKE config ?
Air come from air conditioning system and vented overboard
System is cooled by conditioning air
- Skin air inlet close and outlet valves partialy open
- Skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves close
- Air conditioning air inlet valve open
- Skin exchange isolation valve close
What happen when BLOWER pb set to OVRD ?
- Blower fan stop, exctract fan run
- System switch to Blower fault config
What happen when EXTRACT pb set to OVRD ?
- Extract fan and Blower fan both run
- System switch to Extract fault config
How can the system alert the crew, if there is smoke in avionic bay ?
- Fault light on Blower and Extract pb illuminate
- SMOKE lt on GEN 1 LINE pb illuminate
- ECAM alert mess
Which light illuminate when there is a controller failure ?
Avionic ventilation system
What to do when there is a controller failure ?
Avionic ventilation system
Set both Blower and Extract to OVRD
What happen when EXTRACT pb and BLOWER pb set to OVRD ?
- Blower fan stop, exctract fan run
- System is the same as smoke config except skin air inlet valve, skin exchange inlet valve and skin exchange isolation valve open
What happen when EXTRACT pb and BLOWER pb set to OVRD and smoke is detected in avionic bay ?
- Blower fan stop, exctract fan run
- System switch into smoke config
How are batteries ventilated ?
A venturi in the skin of a/c draws air from the space around the batteries and vent it outboard
How are lavatories and galleys ventilated ?
An extraction fan drawn ambiet cabin air through lavatories and galleys and exhausts it near the outflow valve
How can you turn on the extraction fan of lavatories and galleys ventilations system ?
it runs continually when elec power avail
FAULT lt on BLOWER pb ?
- Blowing pressure is low
- computer power supply fails
- smoke warning
- duct overheats
FAULT lt on EXTRACT pb ?
- Extract pressure is low
- computer power supply fails
- smoke warning
When a/c on ground with engines shut down, and blower or extract pressure is low, what will happen ?
An external horn will sound
How are the FWD cargo compartment ventilated ?
The air come from cabin and is exhausted outboard via an extraction fan or by differiential pressure
What are the component of AFT and FWD cargo compartment ventilation system ?
- An extraction fan
- Inlet and outlet isolation valves
- Cargo ventilation controller
How are the AFT cargo compartment ventilated ?
The air come from cabin and is exhausted outboard via an extraction fan
When will the controller closes the isolation valves and stops extraction fan ?
cargo ventilation
- Smoke detected
What happen when AFT or FWD ISOL VALVE pb set to OFF ?
- Isolation valves are closed
- Extraction Fan stop
When will extraction fan of FWD cargo stop running ?
- When a/c inflight and ΔP>1
- Smoke detected
- DITCHING pb pushed
When will extraction fan of AFT cargo stop running ?
- Smoke detected
How can cargo temp be regulated ?
System mix hot bleed air with the air from cabin.
The amount of hot air is control by trim air valve.
What will happen when inlet temp reach
* 70℃
* 88℃
Cargo ventilation system
- 70℃ trim air valve close
- 88℃ pressure regulating valve close
- OFF: Pressure regulating valve and trim air valve close
- FAULT: duct overheat (T°>88℃), light goes out when T°<70℃ and OFF is selected
Can the crew reset system when duct over heat ?
Cargo ventilation system
Yes, reset by pressing HOT AIR pb, when temp < 70℃
Come on amber when either inlet or outlet valve is not in selected position
Cargo temperature selector
- Hot
- Middle
* Cold
- Cold: 5℃
- Hot: 26℃
- Middle: 15℃
With BLOWER and EXTRACTOR pb in AUTO, what ventilation system’s config do you expect to see ?
On which ECAM page you will get the information abt ventilation system ?
PRESS page
On which ECAM page you will get the information abt cargo heating system ?
COND page
During the ground function operation, the outflow valve is …
Fully open
With both BLOWER and EXTRACTOR in OVRD, what are the position for the skin air inlet and outlet valve ?
SMOKE config
- Skin air inlet valve close
- Skin air outlet valve partialy open
With cargo smoke waring, what happen to the isolation valve and extract fan ?
- Isolation valve close
- Fan stop