Landing Gear Flashcards
How are gears and door controlled and operated ?
Electically controlled and hydraulically operated
Which system control the operation of gears and doors ?
Two Landing Gear Control and Interface Units (LGCIUs)
What are the function of LGCIUs ?
Landing Gear Control and Interface Units
-Control operation of gears and doors
-Supply infor abt landing gear to ECAM
-Send signal indicating whether a/c in flight or on ground to other systems
How does LGCIUs operate ?
Landing Gear Control and Interface Units
One LGCIU controls one complete gear cycle, then switch automatically to other LGCIU at the completion of retraction cycle.
Also switch over in case of failure
How can the system protect the L/DG ?
Landing Gear
Abv 260kt , a safety valve automatically cut off hydraulic supply to landing gear system
Which source does L/DG system take in oder to limit the gears operation ?
Landing Gear
ADR 1 and ADR 3
Can the crew lower the gear when lost hydraulic system ?
Yes, with gravity extention
How can the crew lower the gear with garvity extention ?
Turn the crank on central pedestal 3 times clockwise
What happen when turn the crank 3 times clock wise ?
- 1st crank, isolate the system from hydraulic system
- 2nd crank, unlock the doors and gears
- 3rd crank, allow gravity to drop the gears
How are gear dowlocked when using gravity extention ?
- Locking spring crank the main gear into lock position
- Aerodynamic force assist locking the nose gear
Can crew reset the system after use gravity extention ?
Yes, turn the crank anti-clock wise 3 times
What green triangle light on L/DG panel indicate ?
Landing Gear
Gears are locked at selected position
What red UNLK light on L/DG panel indicate ?
Landing Gear
Gears are not locked at selected position
What happen when LGCIU 1 lost ?
Landing gear control and interface unit
Lost indication from L/DG panel
Landing Gear
What is the different btw LGCIU 1 and 2 ?
Landing gear control and interface unit
LGCIU 1 supplies to both L/DG panel and ECAM
LGCIU 2 supplies only ECAM
Landing gear control and interface unit
What RED ARROW on L/DG lever mean ?
Gears not down when a/c in landing configuration
How can you check the gear is downlocked ?
Open WHEEL page check at least 1 triangle on each L/DG is green
What indication of the triangle on WHEEL page mean ?
-No triangle
-Amber cross
-Green: gear is downlocked
-Red: gear is in transit
-No triangle: gear is uplocked
-Amber cross: LGCIU failed
Which system control the NWS and Brake ?
Nose wheel stearing
Brake and Steering Control Unit (BSCU) with two channels
What is the maximum NWS angle ?
Nose wheel stearing
+/- 6⁰ with rudder pedal, decrease to 0 from 40kt until 130kt
+/- 75⁰ with hand wheel, decrease to 0 from 20kt until 80kt
When will NWS operate ?
Nose wheel stearing
-A/SKID & N/W STRG switch is ON
-Towing control lever in normal position
-One engine running
-A/C on ground
-One BSCU channel
-Yellow hydraulic press avail
How can you prevent rudder pedal orders from going to BSCU ?
Brake and steering control unit
Pb on steering handwheel
How can crew center the nose wheel after T/O ?
An internal cam mechanism do it automatically
What does NW STRG DISC amber mean ?
A/C in towing position and 1 eng running
What kind of brakes are fitted in main L/DG ?
Carbon Multidisc brakes
Which hydraulic sysyem supplies the NORMAL BRK system ?
Which hydraulic system supplies the ALTERNATE BRK system ?
Which will back up the brake system when lost Green and Yellow system ?
Yellow Accumulator
How many brake mode are there ?
-Normal Brake
-Alternate Brake with or without anti-skid
-Parking brake
Which system control the alternate brake ?
Alternate Braking Control Unit (ABCU)
Which system control the Antiskid ?
Brake and steering control unit
What is BSCU function ?
Brake and steering control unit
-Control normal brake, NWS, anti-skid
-Check residual press in brake
-Monitor brake temp
-Provide wheel speed infor to other system
How does BSCU operate ?
Brake and steering control unit
One channel control at a time, changeover take place at each DOWN L/G lever selection, or in case of one channel failed.
What is Anti-Skid sytem purpose ?
Provide max brake efficiency by maitaining wheel at the limit of impending skid.
How does Anti-Skid system operate ?
The speed of each main gear wheel (given by tachometer) is compared with the a/c speed (reference speed). When the wheel speed decrease below 0.87 times the reference speed, brake release order are given to maintain the wheel slip at that value.
In Anti-Skid system, how is the reference speed determined ?
By BSCU from horizontal acceleration of ADIRU 1 or 2 or 3
In case of ADIRUs malfunction, reference speed = the max of either main landing gear wheel speeds
What are the condition to arm AUTO BRK ?
-Green avail
-Anti-skid avail
-No failure in brake system
-At least 1 ADIRU avail
What are the AUTO BRK mode ?
MAX: for take off
MED/LO: for landing
When does AUTO BRK activate ?
-LO/MED: the command for ground spoiler extend is detected
-MAX:the command for ground spoiler extend is detected and wheel speed > 40kt
- Two SECs must be operative
When will AUTO BRK deactivate ?
-System is disarm
-Spoiler retract
When will AUTO BRK be disarmed ?
-Pb switch is pushed
-At least one arming condition is lost
-After take of/touch and go
-Manual brake
When does Normal BRK avail ?
-Green avail
When does ALT BRK with antiskid avail ?
-Yellow avail
-Parking brake is not ON
When does ALT BRK lost antiskid ?
A/Skid can be deativated
-Electrically (switch, power supply failure, BSCU failure)
-Hydraulically (Y+G lost)
Which system is better when using pedal for brake ?
Yellow, aka alternate brake
How can the Alternate brake system protect the wheel without antiskid ?
ABCU limmit the brake press at 1000 psi automatically
Alternate Brake Control Unit
How many time can you brake using accumulator ?
Min 7 times full brake application
How long can the accumulator maintain the Parking Brake ?
12 hours
What is the different btw MED and LO autobrake ?
The diff btw two mode are the time engage after spoiler extend and deceleration rate.
DECEL lt mean ?
Actual deceleration = 80% of selected rate
How do you interpret the green arc appear on a wheel in WHEEL page ?
Hottest wheel when one brake temp exceeds 100⁰C
What does it mean when a green arc turn amber ?
The corresponding brake temp > 300⁰C
What is the maximum brake temp for take off ?
150⁰C with brake fan on
300⁰C without brake fan
Anti-skid auto deactivate when ground speed is less than ….
20 kt
What does the triangles in WHEEL page represent ?
L/DG position
What is the maximum speed L/DG can be extend ?
Landing gear operation is inhibited at what speed ?
What would occur if you switch the Anti-skid off ?
Lost NWS and Antiskid,Yellow system supplies the brake system
Is it require to depress the brake pedal while set parking brake ?
How do you verify the parking brake is set ?
- Triple indicator