Limitation Flashcards
Load acceleration
- Clean -1g to +2.5g
- Other config 0g to +2g
Runway slope
+/- 2%
Runway alt
* -1000ft CEO
* -2000ft NEO
Norminal rwy width
Max tail wind T/O
Max tail wind landing
- CEO: 10kts
- NEO: 15kts
note: tail wilnd > 10, recommend flap full
Max cross wind for T/O and Landing
38kts (gust include)
(its not Airplane Flight Manual limit, its operator limit)
Wind limit for passenger door and cargo door
- pass door: 65kts
- cargo: 40kts (or 50kt if nose into the wind or door on leeward side)
- cargo door must be close before wind speed exceed 65kt
Max cross wind on wet or contaminated RWY
- Braking Action:
- Good (5) - 38kt
- Good to Medium (4) - 29kt
- Medium (3) - 25kt
- Medium to Poor (2) - 20kt
- Poor (1) - 15kt
Max cross wind on wet or contaminated RWY
Braking Action:
* (6): 36kt
* Good (5): 36-33ktkt
* Good to Medium (4): 29-25ktkt
* Medium (3): 25kt-20kt
* Medium to Poor (2): 20kt-15kt
* Poor (1): 15kt-10kt
* Ureliable (0): 5kt
Cockpit window open max speed
Max Flap/Slat speed
- Flap 1: 238kt/230kt/235kt
- Flap 1+F: 225kt/215kt/225kt
- Flap 2: 215kt/215kt/215kt
- Flap 3: 195kt/195kt/195kt
- Flap full: 186kt/190kt/190kt
CAT C: Flap 1: 238kt/230kt
CAT D: Flap 1: 235kt (only CEO)
Max operating VMO/MMO
MMO: 0.82
Max speed landing gear operation
VLE: 280kt/0.67
VLO(extend): 250kt/0.60
VLO(retract): 220kt/0.54
Max Tire speed
Min control speed (vmcl)
- CEO:114kt
- NEO:115kt
Max wiper speed
Weight limitation
- Max tax: 89.4kg/89.4kg/93.4kg
- MTOW: 89kg/89kg/93kg
- MLW: 77.3kg/75.5kg/77.8kg
- MZFW: 73.3kg/71.5kg/73.8kg
- Min weight: 46.3kg/47.5kg/47.5kg
(x 1000kg)
Cabin Press
- Max +diff: 9.0 psi
- Max -diff: -1.0 psi
- Safety relief valve setting: 8.6psi
- Max cabin alt selection: 14000ft
- Cab alt warning: 9550ft +/- 350ft
- Max norm cab alt: 8000ft
After 3 consecutive APU start attempts must wait for how long?
60 min
Max APU N speed
- for APU start (<35000ft): 1090℃
- for APU start (>35000ft): 1120℃
- for APU running: 675℃
Max Alt APU bleed operation
- Max alt for assist eng start: 20000ft
- Max alt for single pack op: 22500ft
- Max alt for dual pack op: 15000ft
- APU bleed for wing anti ice is no permitted
Thrust setting/ EGT limit
* All engines with TOGA: 5 min/ EGT 1083C
* One engine with TOGA: 10 min/ EGT 1083C
* MCT: EGT 1043C
* Starting: EGT 1083C
* All engine with TOGA: 5 min/ EGT 650C
* One engine with TOGA: 10 min/ EGT 650C
* MCT: EGT 610C
* Starting: EGT 635C
Max N1/N2
(aka shaft speed)
- NEO: N1/N2 100% (normal) , 105% (permited)
- CEO: N1/N2 100%
(N1 limit may be lower due to ambient condition and bleed configuration)
Oil Temp Engine
* Max continuous:151C
* Min starting:-40C
* Min before T/O:52C
* Max continuous: 155C
* Min starting: -40C
* Min before T/O: 50C
* Max transient(15min): 165C
* Min before IDLE is exceed: -10C
Oil press engine
**CEO **
min : 60psi
* min: 65psi
* max:270psi
Oil quantity engine
Min: 11qt + estimate consumtion (0.3qt/hr)
* 14qt if OAT at or abv -30C
* 16.5qt if OAT < -30C
- A standard auto start include up to 2 start attemp, is consider 1 cycle
- For ground start (auto or manual), 35s pause is required btw successive cycles
- 15 min cooling aft 3 failed cycles or 15min of crank ( continuous or accumulate)
- must stop if N2>20%
- A standard auto start include one start attemp, is consider one cycle
- For ground starts (auto or manual), 15s pause is required btw successive cycles
- 30 min cooling aft 3 failed cycles or 5 min of crank
- Stop if N2 > 10% on ground / 18% in flight
Reverse thrust
Max reverse must not be use when < 70kt
Reduce thrust at T/O
Flex limit
TFLEX cannot:
* > ISA + 42ktCEO
* < flat temp (TREF)
* < OAT
FLEX T/O is not permitted on contaminated RWY
Max cross wind engine start
Max alt flap/slat extend
Max allowed fuel imbalance (wing tank)
-At T/O
* Full/600kg
* 3400/600kg
* 1200/1200kg
-In flight and landing
* Full/1320kg
* 4000/1450kg
* 2350/2350kg
(Tank quantity/max asymmetry)
Max allowed fuel imbalance (wing tank)
-at T/O
* Full/400kg
* 3000/400kg
* 700/700kg
-in flight and landing
* Full/1320kg
* 4000/1450kg
* 2350/2350kg
(Tank quantity/max asymmetry)
Min fuel quantity for T/O
Max brake temp for T/O
Max tire speed while taxi with deflated tires
- One tire per gear (consider 3 gear): 7kt during turn
- Two tires same main gear: 3kt
- NWS angle: 30 degree
- 321Neo: 115kt
- 321Ceo: 114kt
Max taxi speed during turn when taxi weight > 76000kg
Max operating alt
(cabin press relate)
JET temp
Jet A1/JP8/N3
* Min: -43C
* Max: 55C
* Min: -43C
* Max: 54C
Severe Ice accretion
Can GA SOFT mode be use with one engine inoperative?
When Max rev should be used?
> 70kt
Limit time of avionic ventilation
- 49℃< OAT ≤ 55℃: 2h
- 55℃< OAT ≤ 60℃: 1h
- 60℃< OAT ≤ 64℃: 0.5h
With passenger onboard, how long should Air cond off?
IR alignment
- 73 north-73 south
- If ADIRUs same magnetic variation: 73N and 60S
- If one ADIRU diff magnetic var:
60N btw 30W and 160W, and 70N and 55S
Oxy limitation
With N mode:
* 13 min for fligh crews and observers
* 107 min during cruise FL100 for 2 crew
With 100%:
* 15min for all flight crews and observers at cabin alt 8000ft
With N mode
* 15 min for fligh crews and observers
* 105 min during cruise FL100 for 2 crew
With 100%
* 15min for all flight crews and observers at cabin alt 8000ft
Auto Pilot limitation
- At T/O:100ft and 5s aft liftoff
- Approach FINAL APP, V/S, FPA: 250ft
- Circling: 500ft
- CAT I: 160ft
- CAT II, CAT III: 0ft
- Other phase: 900ft or MDA/MDH
Auto Land CAT I/II/III
Wind limitation ?
- Headwind: 15kt
- Tailwind: 10kt
- Crosswind: 10kt
Auto Land CAT I/II/III
Wind limitation
- Headwind: 30kt
- Tailwind: 10kt
- Crosswind: 20kt
Can you perform an auto land when wind on ND exceed limitation, but reported wind on surface within the limit ?