Pressurization Flashcards
When does ∆P become amber ?
When out of normal range
≤ -0.4 or ≥ 8.5 PSI
What is the function of DITCHING pb ?
Close all the valve below the floatation line:
* Avionic ventilation inlet and extract valve
* Pack Flow control valve
* emergency Ram air inlet
* Out flow valve
* FWD cargo outlet isolation valve
How many motors available to operate outflow valve ?
Three electric motors
* 2 motors for automatic
* 1 motor for manual
What are the main components of pressurization systems ?
- 2 Cabin pressurization controllers (CPC)
- 1 Residual pressure control unit (RPCU)
- 1 outflow valve
- 1 control panel
- 2 safety valve
How many modes of pressurization are there when in automatic ?
6 modes:
* Ground (GN)
* Takeoff (TO)
* Climb (CL)
* Cruise (CR)
* Decent (DE)
* Abort (AB)
What is Ground mode ?
Before T/O and landing 55s, outflow valve is fully open. At touch down the remaining cabin press is released at V/S = 500ft/min
What is Takeoff mode ?
System will pre-pressurize the cabin with rate of 400ft/min until ∆P=0.1 PSI
What is Climb mode ?
Cabin alt varies according to a fixed-programmed law that take into account a/c rate of climb
What is Cruise mode ?
Controller maintain cabin alt at level off value of landing elevation, whichever higher, but the Max cabin alt is 8000ft
What is **Descent **modes ?
Controller maintain cabin rate of descent, such that cabin press = landing field press +0.1 PSI, shortly before landing.
Max descent rate is 750ft/min
What is Abort modes ?
If a/c does not climb after T/O, the abort mode prevent cabin alt from climb.
Cabin press is set back to +0.1 PSI
What are the inputs of CPC ?
Cabin pressurization controllers
- Landing elevation and QNH from FMGC
- Pressure alt from ADIRS
- If FMGC data not avail, controller will use captain BARO from ADIRS and LDG ELEV selection
- Engine interface unit (EIU)
How many controller are there?
Two identical, independent, automatic systems (each consisting of a controller and its associated motors) control cabin press.
Can two controller work at the same time ?
No, only one controller operates at a time
When will Controller 2 take over ?
Automatic tranfer occurs:
* 70s after each landing
* If operating system fails
RAM AIR pb is ON, ∆P<1PSI, but the outflow valve not open, Why ?
Because outflow valve is under manual control
How does safety valve work ?
They are pneumatic operate, which prevent cabin press, ∆P > 8.6 or < -1 PSI
What does RPCU do ?
It automatically depressurize the A/C in case of abnormal residual pressure on ground by open the outflow valve.
During manual operation of pressure system, you increase the cabin alt by switching the toggle to UP position, but the outflow valve position on ECAM not moving, what should you do ?
Wait 5s as the operation of outflow valve in manual is slower and the resolution of outflow valve position on ECAM is limited.
How to change btw two pressure controller system ?
Switch MODE SEL pb to MAN for at least 10s then switch back to AUTO
What does FAULT light in MODE SEL pb indicate ?
Both automatic system are faulty
DITCHING pb is ON, but outflow valve not closed, Why ?
Because MODE SEL is in MAN
On PRESS page, cabin V/S is flashing, what does this mean ?
cabin V/S reach 1750ft/min
(stop flashing when return below 1650ft/min)
On PRESS page, cabin alt is flashing, what does this mean ?
Cabin alt reach 8800 ft
(stop flashing when below 8600ft)
When does cabin alt turn red ?
Cabin alt at or abv 9550 ft
What does an amber “SAFETY” mean ?
either safety valve is open
When does ouflow valve position indication become amber ?
when outflow valve open more than 95% during flight
Where is the outflow valve ?
On the right hand side of fuselage, behide the aft cargo compartment, below the floatation line
From what source does the pressurization obtain the landing elevation ?
If system is in AUTO then landing elev will be obtain from FMGS
If system is in Manual then landing elev will be obtain from LDG ELEV knob
What is cabin max rate of descent with pressurization in AUTO ?
At what cabin differential pressure does** RAM AIR** valve open ?
∆P ≤ 1
What protects the air frame from excessive cabin differential pressure ?
2 safety valve
When will safety valve open ?
8.9psi < ∆P < 9.7psi
Describe what occurs when cab alt exceeds:
- 8800ft
- 9550ft
- 11300ft
- 14000ft
- 8800ft: CAB ALT flash
- 9550ft: Excess CAB ALT warning
- 11300ft: All cabin signs illuminate
- 14000ft: All pass masks deploy
(OXYGEN panel)
* Auto
* Pressed
- Auto: the mask doors open automatically when cab alt exceeds 14000ft
- Pressed: the mask doors open
(OXYGEN panel)
This light come on white, when the control for oxygen mask door is activate, and remain on until TMR RESET pb is pressed.
(OXYGEN panel)
* ON
-ON: the valve is open, and suppies low press oxygen to the masks
-OFF: valve is closed, and the white light comes on