Auto Flight Flashcards
What is the basic principle of autoflight systems ?
- Reversion
- Protection
- Managed and selected guidance mode
What are the component FMGS ?
Flight Management Guidance System
- 2 Flight management guidance computers (FMGC)
- 2 Multipurpose control and display units (MCDU)
- 1 Flight control unit (FCU)
- 2 Flight augmentation computers (FAC)
What is managed guidance ?
FMGS compute and guide a/c along prplanned route and vertical and speed profiles
What is selected guidance ?
FMGS guide a/c to the target value that is set on FCU
What are the functions of FAC ?
- Yaw damping, rudder limiting, rudder trim
- Airspeed computation
- Windshear detection
- Low energy warning
What are the main interface btw FMGS, FADEC, and flight crew ?
Thrust levers
What are the main interface btw flight crew and FMGS ?
- EFIS control pannel
How many mode does FMGS have ?
- Dual mode
- Independent mode
- Single mode
- Back-up navigation mode
FMGS mode
What is dual mode ?
Two FMGC are sychronized, one is the master, the other is slave. Each FMGC computes its own data and exhchange with each other. Some of the data in the slave FMGC come from the master. All data insert in any MCDU is transffered to both FMGCs.
FMGS mode
What is the master FMGC logic in dual mode ?
If one AP is engade, the related FMGC is master
If two AP is engaged, FMGC 1 is master
If no AP engaged:
* FD 1 on then FMGC 1 is master;
* FD 1 off, and FD 2 on FMGC 2 is master
If no AP/FD is engaged: A/THR is controlled by FMGC 1
FMGS mnode
What is independent mode ?
Both FMGC work independently and are linked only to their own side peripherals.
Each MCDU transmits its own side FMGC data
FMGS mode
What will not be displayed in MCDU in independent mode ?
On POS MONITOR page, FMGS position from opposite FMGC
On RAD NAV page, navaid tuned on the opposite MCDU
FMGS mode
When will FMGS select independent mode ?
Different database validity on both FMGS
FMGS mode
When do you have CROSSLOAD funtion in MCDU ?
Each FMGC has different database and a/c is on ground, and independent operation is detected
FMGS mode
What is the indication of independent mode ?
FMGS mode
What is single mode ?
- One FMGC fails
- Both FDs are driven by operative FMGC
- Any entry on either MCDU is sent to the operative FMGC
FMGS mode
What are the indication of single mode ?
“OPP FMGC IN PROGESS” displayed on MCDU of failed FMGC
ND of failed FMGC display
* “MAP NOT AVAIL” and “SET OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” if NDS are not both in same mode or range
* “OFFSIDE FM CONTROL” if in same mode and range
POS MONITOR pages display same position (operative FMGC position)
FMGS mode
When do you select Back Up Navigation mode ?
Dual FMGCs failure
FMGS mode
How do you select Back Up Navigation mode ?
Via MCDU MENU page
FMGS mode
How does Back Up Navigation mode work ?
They recover the navigation function through MCDU and IRS/GPS
MCDU memorize active flight plan in its memory
MCDU annunciators (on the side of key board)
Display “FAIL” amber ?
MCDU has failed
MCDU annunciators (on the side of key board)
Display “MCDU MENU” white ?
Indicate flight crew should call up a peripheral linked to MCDU
such as ACARS, ATSU, or CFDS
MCDU annunciators (on the side of key board)
Display “FM” white ?
Come on when flight crew is using MCDU to display peripherals. This tell that FMGC has an important mess to deliver
Accesses the mess by press MCDU MENU
MCDU annunciators (on top of key board)
Display “FM 1/FM 2” amber ?
Onside FM is failed
MCDU annunciators (on top of key board)
Display “IND” amber ?
Onside FM detect an independent mode of operation while both FM are healthly
MCDU annunciators (on top of key board)
Display “RDY” green ?
MCDU passed its power up test after it was turned off using DIM key
How many type of message are there in MCDU ?
2 type:
* Amber
* White
What is amber message ?
Type 1: direct result of flight crew action. Displayed immediately ahead other mess
Type 2: inform flight crew of a given situation or request a specific action
How many channel does FCU has ?
FCU has 2 channel
One fails the other take control
What is the indication of managed guidance ?
FCU window display dashes and white dots light up
ALT window always display altitude selected by flight crew
During managed guidance, what will happen if you only turning the knob without pulling it ?
the value will be displayed for 45s on HDG/TRK and 10s on SPD/MACH before the dashes reapear
This rule does not apply on ALT knob
If V/S or FPA not engaged, what will happen to the V/S or FPA preselected value ?
Dashes reappear after 45s
What happen when push V/S or FPA knob ?
A/C level off
Display on ND
How do you know Rad Nav is manually tuned from MCDU ?
a “M” symbol stand next to the station identification on ND
ARC mode only
Display on ND
How do you know Rad Nav is manually tuned from RMP ?
a “R” symbol stand next to the station identification on ND
ARC mode only
Which computer compute the speed displayed on PFD ?
Which computer compute the speed displayed on MCDU ?
base on A/C ZFW and FOB
Characteristic speeds on PFD
What is the difference btw these computted speed on NEO and CEO ?
S speed, VLS, VS, F speed, Green dot
On NEO FAC use FMS weight data
On CEO FAC use aerodynamic data
Some CEO a/c FAC use both of the data (605-615)
Protection speed on PFD
Which computer compute these speed ? and base on what ?
FAC compute base on aerodynamic data
Displayed purpose only, the activation of protections is computed by ELAC
What is Vref ?
Reference speed use for normal final approach
Equal to 1.23 x VS of CONF FULL
Displayed on MCDU APPR page, (VLS CONF FULL)
What is “FM positon” ?
a position of A/C which is computed by FMGS base on MIX IRS and radio/GPIRS position
GPS/IRS is basic nav mode
What is “GPIRS position” ?
Each IRS independently select their GPS source and computes a mixed IRS/GPS position called “GPIRS position”
Which then send it to FMGS
How is FM position updated at take off ?
Automatically at RWY threshold position as stored in database or manually by enter T/O shift on PERF TO page
FM position update is inhibited when GPS PRIMARY is active
What is “BIAS” ?
a vector which is computed by FMGS from its MIX IRS position to the radio/GPIRS position
What is the purpose of “BIAS” ?
In case of losing radio/GPIRS position, FMGS memorizes the “BIAS” and compute the FM position
Do you need to enter T/O shift when T/O at intersection with GPS primary active ?
Yes, even FM position update is inhibited,due to in case of lost GPS
What is the priority order of FM position update ?
Navigation mode
- IRS only
It is an estimate of how much FM position diverged, and it is a function of the navigation mode that the system use
Computed by FMGS
What is the purpose of EPU ?
Estimated position uncertainty
FMS compare EPU with RNP to determine accuracy HIGH or LOW
EPU not exceed RNP = accuracy HIGH
EPU exceed RNP = accuracy LOW
What does “PROCEDURE RNP IS XXX” or “AREA RNP IS XXX” mess mean ?
Entered RNP value is higher than published value
Where are EPU and RNP value displayed ?
In the ESTIMATED field and REQUIRED field of PROG page
What are default RNP valueds ?
* En route
* Terminal
* Approach
- Enroute: 2.0nm
- Terminal: 1.0nm
- Approach: GPS/RNAV 0.3nm
other 0.5nm
When will “GPS PRIMARY” be displayed ?
When GPS status complies with both criteria
* Accuracy criterion
* Integrity criterion
What is GPS accuracy criterion ?
HIGH accuracy
What is GPS integrity criterion ?
This is the capability to detect a failure and provide warning of it
What is this message mean ?
FM position deviate from GPS position 1 or 2
Longitude threshold
* 0.5’ for lat below 55°
* 0.9’ for lat 55°-70°
Lat threshold of 0.5’
What does that mean ?
BBB= ident FFF.FF= frequency
Manual tuning prevent FMGS from auto tune to compute position
How many VOR can FMGC tune (manually and automatucally) ?
What is the priority of automatic tuning ?
- The specified navaid for approach
- Navaid to compute radio position
- For displayed purpose
* Navaid specified for active flight leg
* “TO WPT”
* A waypoit farther along the flight path
* Closest navaid
How many DME can FMGC tune aautomatically ?
* One for display and VOR/DME pos computation
* TWO for DME/DME pos computation (no indication)
* One for ILS/DME
Some other a/c can tune up to 5
When will FMGS auto tune a ADF ?
When flight plan specified a NDB approach and a fix in the approach is the TO WPT
How many ADF can FMGC auto tune ?
How many ILS can FMGC auto tune ?
When will FMGC auto tune ILS ?
- In preflight of t/o phase when t/o rwy has ILS
- Other phase when the type of approach in flight plan is ILS
What is this message mean ?
Manually tune ILS does not agree with ILS or LOC IDENT/FREQ in flight plant
Where can you find tuned navaid page in MCDU ?
- RADIO NAV page
What can be modified in SELECTED NAVAIDS page ?
You can only deselected navaid or GPS for the whole flight
Flight crew manual tune the ILS by FREQ but can not arm approach, why ?
the course has not yet been enterred
How can you indentify a NAVAID ?
Check identifier decode on PFD for ILS
On ND for VOR or ADF
What should you check when identifier decode is different from published one ?
Check the audio
Morse code
Can you identify DME via ND ?
What input does FMGS need to align the IRS ?
Reference point coordinate of departure airport
How can FMGS know the reference point coordinate of departure airport ?
From database automatically when a company route or an origin-destination pair is entered and ALIGN IRS key on MCDU is pressed
“IRS IN ALIGN” memo flash ?
- Excessive motion
- Disagreement btw MCDU position and last IRS memorize position
- Disagreement bwt latitude on MCDU and latitude computed by IRS
- IRS has not recieved a position from MCDU
Some a/c “ALIGN” flashes on ADIRS overhead CDU
What does navigation performance mainly base on ?
- Accuracy of a/c position computation
- Validity of nav database
How can you check NAV database validity ?
What happen when a/c enters a flight plan discontinuity ?
NAV mode automatically switch to HDG/TRK mode