UWORLD random 3/20a Flashcards
parietal cell epi location
upper glandular layer
below simple columnar epi cells that secrete mucus
activates NFAT –> NFAT binds IL-2 promotor in nucleus –> ++ IL-2
IL-2 stimulates growth and differentiation of T cells
calcineurin inhibitors
vit C deficiency sc
easy bruising mucosal bleeding periodontal disease poor wound healing hyperkaratotic follicles with corkscrew airs
Vit C deficiency pathophys
impaired hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues during collagen synthesis
on macrophage
stimulate T-cell differentiation into TH1 subset
IL-12 deficiency
no activation of macrophages for intracellular organisms (mycobacteria)
tx IFN-y (bypass IL-12)
post strep A complications - preventable with AB?
assoc with skin infxn?
PSGN - not preventable by AB
acute rheumatic fever - preventable
NOT after skin infections
multiple myeloma
normocytic, normochromic anemia
infiltration of bone marrow by plasma cells
IL-1, IL-6 activate osteoclasts –> bone resorption, osteopenia
AL amyloid
renal failure
head bobbing with carotid pulsations
large LV stroke volume to head and neck
aortic regurg
bounding femoral/carotid pulses
wide pulse pressure
aortic regurg
aorti regurg murmur
diastolic decrescendo murmur L sternal border
mycoplasma & anemia
complement mediated intravascualr anemia
similar antigens to cell membrane of M pneumo and erythrocytes
genetic shift
influenza A
segmented genome
normal FEV1/FVC
tolerance to opioid side effects does NOT include
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
cyclic breathing pattern
apnea - gradually increasing and decreasing tidal volumes - apnea
poor prognostic sign