Micro = Toxins Flashcards
Inhibit protein synthesis
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Increase fluid secretion
Bacillus anthracis
Vibrio cholerae
Inhibit phagocytic ability
Bordatella pertussis
Inhibit release of NT
Clostridium tetani
Clostridium botulinum
Lyse cell membranes
Clostridium perfringens
Strep pyogenes
Superantigens causing shock
Staph aureus
Strep pyogenes
Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxin
Diphtheria toxin
Diphtheria toxin
Inactivate EF-2
Pharyngitis with pseudomembranes in throat and severe LAD (bull’s neck)
Pseudomonas toxin
Exotoxin A
Exotoxin A (Pseudomonas)
Inactivate EF-2
Host cell death
Shigella toxin
Shiga toxin
Shiga toxin
Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
GI mucosal damage –> dysentery
Enhance cytokine release –> HUS
EHEC toxin
Shiga-like toxin
Shiga-like toxin
Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
Enhance cytokine release –> HUS
Does not invade host cells
ETEC toxins
Heat-labile toxin
Heat-stable toxin
Heat-labile toxin
Overactivates adenylate cyclase –> + cAMP –> + Cl- secretion in gut and H2O efflux
Watery diarrhea
Heat-stable toxin
Overactivates guanylate cyclase –> + cGMP –> - resorption of NaCl & H2O in gut
Watery diarrhea
Bacillus anthracis toxin
Edema toxin
Edema toxin
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme –> + cAMP
Edematous borders of black eschar in cutaneous anthrax
Vibrio cholerae toxin
Cholera toxin
Cholera toxin
Overactivates adenylate cyclase –> + cAMP by permanently activating Gs –> + Cl- secretion in gut and H2O efflux
Voluminous “rice-water” diarrhea
Bordatella pertussis toxin
Pertussis toxin
Pertussis toxin
Overactivates adenylate cyclase –> + cAMP by disabling Gi –> impair phagocytosis –> permit survival of microbe
Whooping cough
Clostridium tetani toxin
Protease that cleaves SNARE –> inhibit release of GABA/glycine from Renshaw cells
Spastic paralysis, risus sardonicus, lockjaw
Clostridium botulinum toxin
Botulinum toxin
Botulinum toxin
Protease that cleaves SNARE –> inhibit release of ACh from NMJ
Flaccid paralysis, floppy baby
Clostridium perfringens toxin
Alpha toxin
Alpha toxin
Phospholipase (lecithinase) that degrades tissue and cell membranes
Degradation of phospholipids –> myonecrosis and hemolysis
Strep pyogenes toxin
Streptolysin O
Exotoxin A
Streptolysin O
Protein that degrades cell membrane
Lyse RBCs –> B-hemolysis
Host antibodies against toxin (ASO) used to diagnose RF
Staph aureus toxins
Toxic shock syndrome toxin
Exfoliative toxin
Heat-stable enterotoxin
Toxic shock syndrome toxin
Binds MHC II & TCR outside antigen binding site to cause overwhelming release of IL-1, IL-2, IFN-y, TNF-a –> shock
Toxic shock syndrome = fever, rash, shock
Exfoliative toxin
Scalded skin syndrome
Heat-stable enterotoxin
Food poisoning
Exotoxin A (Strep pyogenes)
Binds MHC II & TCR outside antigen binding site to cause overwhelming release of IL-1, IL-2, IFN-y, TNF-a –> shock
Toxic shock-like syndrome = fever, rash, shock
Scarlet fever