Urogenital System Flashcards
just like human males, this organ system of the rabbit are linked to the same pathway
urogenital system
where female rabbits urinary tract and genital tract join together
urinary bladder
Urogenital system in rabbits consists of:
urinary or excretory system
genital or reproductive system
label the excretory system of the rabbit
grade yourself accordingly
filtering unit in the kidney that removes nitrogenous waste from the blood and excrete them as urea
bean-shaped organs with a dark red colour that are located in the abdominal cavity
emerge from each kidney, opening posteriorly into the uterine bladder and leading into the urethra
thick-walled muscular duct
label the male reproductive system of the rabbit
grade yourself accordingly
shape of testes
what cavity is the scrotal sacs located
abdominal cavity
type of tiny tubule found in each teses
seminiferous tubules
coiled tubule that lead to the vas deferens
sperm duct
vas deferens
where the vas deferens merge
enters the penis and flows backwards
three accessory glands that aid reproduction in male rabbits
cowper’s gland
perineal gland
label the female reproductive system
grade yourself accordingly
small oval structure that are found in the abdominal cavity, behind the kdineys
oviduct’s anterior portion that connects into the uterus
fallopian tube
known as the vestibule, is produced by connecting the urine bladder and vagina, runs backwards and has a vulva-like orifice that opens to the outside
urogenital canal
consist of the urinary system and reproductive systems, which share some components
urogenital system
remove nitrogenous waste from the body as urine, and regulates osmotic pressure
urinary system
produces the gametes necessary for the ormation of offspring including the structures involve in the sexual transfer of sperm to ova and in the protection, development, and birth of young
reproductive system
gland found in the kidney, part of the endocrine system
adrenal gland
filter waste from the bloodstream and produce urine
in female rabbits, the urethra empties here whereas in male it continues to the penis
urogenital sinus
outer portion of the kidney, where filtration happens
renal cortex
inner portion of kidney
renal medulla
label two picturer of urinary system
grade yourself accordingly
male hormon
male gametes
where testosterone and
gametes are produced, white
marbled ovoid structures
sperm are
produced inside the testes
seminiferous tubules
tightly coiled tube that
collects and stores sperm cells
where the sperm
are released from the epidydmis
during ejaculation
ductus deferens
base of the bladder
where its secretes a fluid into the
ductus deferens
seminal vesicle
combines with the fluid
from ductus deferens to produce
semen, seen as a thickening of the
dorsal wall of the seminal vesicl
– free end of the penis
that lies within a pouch of the skin
called prepuce
glans penis
small bone in the penis,
which stabilizes it during copulation
label the male urogenital system
grade yourself accordingly
female gametes
produces ova, can be found in the dorsal wall of the abdomen caudal to the kidneys
ova are released from the ovaries to here once they mature
fallopian tubes
rabbits have a pair of these, a distinct left and right each with a
muscular wall that distinguishes
from the fallopian tubes
each uterus enters this through a separate cervix terminating at the external uterine aperture
vagina and urethra converge here which opens to the exterior at the vestibular opening or urogenital orifice
label female genital system
grade yourself accordingly
view rabbit specimen