External Anatomy and Exoskeletal Structure of Vertebrate Flashcards
body of vertebrates generally divided into (3)
usual body of vertebrates
peculiar to land vertebrates
label the body of a shark
grade yourself accordingly
body of Chondrichthyes are this shaped
Being pointed at both ends and laterally flattened
Provided with a minute scale, which can be felt as rough tiny spines if the hand is pressed over its skin
fine, light-colored whitish horizontal stripe, will be observed to extend along each side of the body
lateral line
located underneath the lateral line that contains sensory cells
lateral canal
zigzag muscle segments that can be detected through the skin
the most anterior part of the body, somewhat flattened and triangular in shape
pointed anterior end of the head
ventral narrow and crescentic opening that is bounded by the upper and lower jaws both bearing diagonal rows of teeth
a pair of openings on the ventral side of the rostrum, it is provided with a little flap of skin dividing it into two passages
pair of large oval structures on each side of the head, set in deep sockets without upper and lower eyelids
two canals that connect the ears to the surface of the head by a pair of small pores on the mid-dorsal surface of the head just at the back level of the eyes
endolymphatic ducts
Intended for balance
endolymphatic ducts
cartilaginous fishes are also known as
fusiform or spindle-shaped being pointed at both ends and laterally flattened
having no operculum, openings just behind the eyes
gill slits
first circular opening
a row of five elongated gill openings
2nd to 6th gills
Some have extra 1 gill slit for deep water sharks
2nd to 6th gills
arise from the median line
unpaired median gills
arise from the mid-dorsal line
anterior and posterior dorsal fin
arise from the ventral side (sharks)
paired fins
anterior pair of fins found immediately behind the gill slits
pectoral fins
posterior pair of fins found at the junction of the trunk and tail
pelvic fins
in males, two stout processes are found on the medial side of the pelvic fins
fine flexible rays that supports the fins
dermal fin rays
dermal fin rays for cartilaginous fishes are also known as
large opening found between the bases of pelvic fins, which if spread apart, are projecting urogenital papilla would be seen
cloacal aperture/anus
modified into a fin, located at the posterior end of the body, and considered heterocercal because it consist of larger dorsal and a smaller ventral lobe
type of tail of sharks, having unequal upper and lower lobes, usually with the vertebral column passing into the upper.
heterocercal tail
gives out electrical signal to locate prey
ampullae of lorenzini
structure to determine the sex of the shark (male
covered with scales, arranged in diagonal rows, and embedded into the dermis of the skin
osteichtyes body
most anterior part of the body, somewhat oblongated in shape
head (bony fish)
the terminally situated anterior opening of the head
two pairs of openings on the anterodorsal end of the head
large structures found on each side of the head, without upper and lower eyelids
a large flap-like structure that forms the posterior and lateral margins of the head
gill cover or operculum
large, flat scale-like bones that support the operculum and cover the gill opening
opercular bones
wide slit in the body wall
gill opening
membrane attached to the ventral margin of the operculum and is supported by branchiostegal rays
branchiostegal membrane
supports the branchiostegal membrane, supported by seven bony rays
branchiostegal rays
four curved structures within the cavity covered by operculum
gill arches
situated on the outer margin, consist of soft filaments
gill filaments
situated on the inner margin, a series of tooth-like processes
gill rakers
transition from cartilaginous to bony fish
arise from the mid-dorsal line
unpaired fins
unpaired fins in bony fishes
dorsal and posterior fin
anal fin
paired fins of bony fishes include
pectoral fin
pelvic fin
fin found just behind the operculum
pectoral fin
fin found nearly at the level of the pectoral fin from the level of the anus
pelvic fin
bony flexible jointed fin rays supporting the fins of the bony fishes
large opening on the mid-ventral line in front of the ventral fin
anal opening
small elevation that projects from a depression just behind the anal opening
urogenital papilla
modified into a fin, bilobed homocercal type
label the turtle
grade yourself accordingly
its typical body is cornified and provided with scales and is divided into:
turtle is divided into
short tail regions
anterior most part of the body somewhat triangular in shape
pair of closely placed openings situated at the tip of the head
external nares
large structure, situated at each side of the head. It is provided with upper and lower eyelids and a third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane
eyes (nictitating membrane)
Situated at the anterior corner of the eye
nictitating membrane
terminally situated anterior opening of the head, made up of hard, horny beak that lacks teeth
circular membrane found behind the angle of the jaws
non visible ear
tympanic membrane
long and flexible structure that joints the head to the trunk region
broad and flat, enclosed by a shell
the dorsal arched shell
ventral flat shell
both the carapace and plastron are connected by this situated ventrolaterally
lateral bridges
anterior part of the limbs consisting of the upper arm, forearm, and manus or hand
posterior part of the limbs consisting of thigh, shank, and pes or foot
Both forelimbs and hindlimbs are what types
Webbed digits terminate into claws
hindlimb turtle
most posterior, much-reduced part of the body, both in length and in diameter
turtle vs tortoise
turtle - flipper like
tortoise - elephant leg
label the parts of a snake
grade yourself accordingly
the body is elongated and divided into three regions: head, trunk, and tail
usually separated from the trunk by a neck-like constriction
the snake body is entirely covered with this
epidermal scales
most anterior part of the body, which is well developed, consisting of the following structures
located at each side of the head, provided with movable eyelids
situated at the rostral end which is dilatable because of the bones of the jaws and palate are united by elastic ligaments
a pair of closely placed openings situated at the tip of the head
posterior to the head, there is no clear distinction between the thorax and abdomen
part posterior to the event or anus
absent in snakes, but in some species, the hindlimbs are represented by mere spurs beside the vent
They kill their prey by constricting it, usingtheir strong muscles and coiled bodies to suffocate their prey before eating.
are capable of producing venom, which they use for killing prey
label the parts of a chicken
grade yourself accordingly
its body is divided into four regions: head, neck, trunk, and stump tail, almost entirely covered in feathers
most anterior part of the body, which is well-developed bearing the following structures:
situated at each side of the head, generally are and provided with upper and lower eyelids
third eyelid that can be drawn across the eye from the anterior corner
nictitating membrane
observed only in a plucked bird and is situated posterior and below the eyes
structure of the head and is made up of upper and lower jaws that are encased in horny sheaths
slit-like openings situated under the anterior margins of the cere
external nares
no teeth of their beak
cushion-like protuberance on the base of the upper beak, occurs only in some families of birds
long, flexible part, situated immediately posterior to the head
shorter, firmer, and non-flexible part of the body due to the fusion of bones of the back, has two pairs of limbs:
anterior part of limbs modified into wings or organs of flight
Consist of a short upper arm that is directed posteriorly, a longer forearm that is directed forward and the fused hand and wrist which are elongated and directed caudad
big flight feathers of the wings
feather of the hand
feathers of the forearm
feathers of the upperarm
tertiaries or humeral
posterior pair of limbs that are partially covered with feathers and partly with horny scales like those in reptiles
Only four digits that terminate into claws, the fifth being absent
Entire limb is directed ventrally so as to raise the animal above the ground
bird hindlimb
represented as stump, the uropygium, with a half-circle of large flight feathers (retrices(
transverse slit or opening with protruding lips situated under the base of the tail
anus/cloacal aperture
gland of which the opening is represented by a prominent papilla, situated dorsally but anterior to the base of the tail stump of a plucked chicken
uropygial gland
sebaceous gland that releases oil for the tail feather
uropygial gland
hairs of the cat
large, most anterior part of the body bearing the following structures
largest part of the head, housing the brain
cranial region
situating at the anterolateral part of
the cranium, consisting of:
external nares
two parts of external nares
external auditory meatus
long and flexible external fold of the ear
passageway that descends deeply into the skull
external auditory meatus
anterior part of the head containing the following structures:
facial region
situated at each side of the face, provided with upper and lower eyelids and a third eyelid (nictitating memberane)
can be grasped and drawn over the eyeball
third eyelid
especially long and stout hairs surrounding the nose and mouth
well developed and fleshy, notice the cleft at the cent of the upper lip
the region of the body that is immediately posterior to the head
region immediately posterior to the neck and is divided into:
the anterior part of the trunk that is supported by the ribs
chest or thorax
posterior part of the trunk, containing the following
four or five pairs in number on the ventral part of the trunk
anterior pair of the limbs that consists of the upper arm, forearm, and manus or hand
posterior pair of limbs that consist of the thigh, shank, and pes or foot
the cat’s hindlimb digits terminate into this, five in the front and four behind since the first hind tow is absent
Claws of cat and rest of its family is ___
walking on its toes and not touching the ground with its heels, as a dog, cat, or rodent.
walking on the soles of the feet, like a human or a bear.
walk only on distal-most tips of their digits