Respiratory System Rabbit Flashcards
functions as a gas exchange mechanism between the external medium (air or water) and blood
respiratory system
process that is increased when water or air moves actively across respiratory surfaces
pair of slit-like openings that lead into the oral cavity, exits through the external nares
internal nares
other term for internal nares
narrow longitudinal slit at the center of laryngeal prominence, the opening of the larynx
surrounds the glottis and forms the dorsal roof of the pharynx
arytenoid cartilage
ring-like cartilage that surrounds the arytenoids
cricoid cartilage
tube that contains the vocal cords, thin folds attached to the arytenoids
pair of spongy sacs situated at the anterior region, lined by a membrane called pleura
lines the lungs
thin walled spongy sacs where the exchange of gases take place
long tube made up of cartilaginous tracheal rings, ranging from 108 to 126
terminal part of trachea in birds as it forks into two lateral branches called bronchi
Consist of four cartilaginous components in birds
flattened nearly rectangular structure lying in the roof of the cranial end of the coelom
connected with the passages of the lung located among the viscera and are named according to their positions in the body
air sacs
single air sac; not paired air sac in birds
interclavicular air sac
Air sac located dorsal to the crop in the angle formed by the two halves of the furcula. Its ventral wall is in contact with the dorsal wall of the crop.
interclavicular air sac
dorsal to the interclavicular air sac and located on each side
cervical air sac
located between the pectoralis minor and major muscles
axillary air sac
in front of the oblique septum and lying against the heart.
anterior thoracic air sac
inside the oblique septum between the anterior and posterior walls.
posterior thoracic air sac
against the body wall at each side and dorsal to the viscera.
abdominal air sac
opens outside by means of external nares
nasal cavity
made up of perpendicular plate of ethmoid continued in front by cartilage lined with a mucus membrane, separates nasal cavities
nasal septum
internal ends of nasal passages that lead to a common chamber, the nasopharynx
cavity dorsal to the soft palate that opens the pharynx
longitudinal slit on the floor of the pharynx, marking the opening leading to the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
chamber with cartilaginous walls, leading from the glottis to the lungs
triangular, leaf-like cartilaginous flap that projects into the pharynx above the glottis
unpaired, large, shield-shaped cartilage on the ventral and lateral walls of the larynx
thyroid cartilage
unpaired, cartilaginous structure forming a ring around the larynx, partly covered by the sides of thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
a pair of small, triangular cartilages located between the dorsal rim of the
glottis and the esophagus
arytenoid cartilage
a pair of folds extending from the arytenoids to the dorsal surface of the thyroid cartilage, there are two pairs of vocal cords
vocal cords
two pair of vocal cords (2)
false or cranial pair
true or caudal pair
long, median tube connecting the larynx to the lungs, lying ventral to the esophagus
Supported by cartilaginous rings which are incomplete on the dorsal side
the opening, at the caudal end of the trachea, into the lungs
formed as the trachea bifurcates at the level of the heart just after it enters the thoracic cavity, one bronchus going to each lobe of the lungs
primary bronchi
supported by U-shaped cartilages and line by ciliated cells
bronchial tubes
formed by the primary bronchi within the lungs
secondary and tertiary bronchi
smallest division of the bronchi, some of these have alveoli in their walls which are called respiratory bronchioles
terminal bronchi
composed of right and left, but is subdivided into three lobes: anterior, middle, and posterior lobe
lung that is larger than its other part, and is divided into medial lobule and lateral lobule
right lung
the medial lobule of the posterior lobe of the right lung projects into a special mesenterial fold of the mediastinal septum known as the
caval fold
hold the lungs in place
pulmonary ligament
attached region of the lung/ root of the lung, contains the blood vessels and bronchus
done-shaped sheet completely separating the posterior wall of the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
done-shaped sheet completely separating the posterior wall of the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
central tendon
obligate nasal breathers, and it cannot breath through its mouth due to the position of glottis and epiglottis
serve as opening of the respiratory system from the pharynx
glottis and epiglottis
area just posterior to the mouth and common to both respiratory and digestive system
cartilaginous structure, protects the entrance to the trachea and is important in vocalization
long tube ringed with bands of cartilage that provide support and prevent collapse
lead to the left and right lungs, branch further into small bronchioles
where most gas exchange occurs
Three portions of rabbit lungs
lobe of the lungs that is much smaller than its counterpart on the right
left lobe
see the labeled rabbit
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