Urinary Tract, Posterior Abdominal Wall and Pelvis (Uro) Flashcards
What two terms are used to refer to the adrenal glands?
Adrenal and Suprarenal
Where to the Adrenal glands lie?
Close to the upper pole of each kidney
Where does the Left adrenal gland lie near(2)?
Posterior to stomach and pancreas
Which arteries supply each gland? Where does each branch from?
Superior adrenal artery- Inferior phrenic artery
Middle adrenal artery- Abdominal aorta
Inferior adrenal artery- renal artery
Where does blood from each adrenal gland flow into?
Left adrenal gland- Left adrenal vein- left renal vein then IVC
Right adrenal gland- Right adrenal vein then IVC
What are the outer and inner parts of the adrenal gland respectively? What does each one secrete? outer-3 inner-1
Cortex and Medulla
Cortex- steroid hormones (Cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone)
Medulla- adrenaline
Name the structures
a- Kindey
b-Adrenal gland
c-Right adrenal gland
f-Inferior phrenic artery
g-Superior adrenal artery
h-Middle adrenal artery
i-Inferior adrenal artery
j-Left adrenal vein
k-Renal artery
L-Renal vein
N-Left gonadal vein
o-Right gonadal vein
What shape are the Kidneys? How long, wide and thick are they?
Bean shaped
11cm long
7cm wide
3cm thick
Are the kidneys within the peritoneum? What does this mean the Kidneys are?
Outside peritoneum
Where are the kidneys on either side of? What three layers cover it (inner to outer)?
Either side of upper lumbar vertebrae
Perinephric fat (fatty layer)
Renal fascia
Paranephric fat
Where is the Renal hilum what 4 structures pass through it?
Medial border of kidney
Renal vessels, nerves, lymphatics and ureter
What are the two arteries that supply the kidney? What are they branches of?
Left and right renal arteries
Branches of aorta
What two veins drain the kidneys? What do they join directly to? What level?
Left and right renal veins
Inferior vena cava
What are the three parts of the internal kidney?
Cortex, medulla and calyces
What is the outer part of the kidney called? What 5 structures of the nephron are found in this part?
-Bowman’s capsule
-Proximal tubules
-Distal tubules
-Part of collecting duct
What is the inner part of the kidney called? What is it arranged into? What two structures are present in this part?
-Loop of henle
-Collecting ducts
Where does urine travel into from the collecting ducts? Via what structure?
Minor Calyx
Via the renal papilla (Apex of medullary pyramid)
What do the Minor calyx merge to form? What do these structures merge to form? What is the final structure continuous with?
Merge to form major calyx
Merge to form Renal pelvis
Continuous with Ureter
Name the structures
a- Ureter
b- Renal pelvis
c- Major calyx
d- Minor calyx
e- Renal cortex
f-Renal pyramids
g- Renal papilla
h- Renal sinus
i- Renal columns
j- Renal capsule
Where do the ureters carry urine from and to? Describe the structure. How do they transport urine?
Kidney to Bladder
Narrow tubes with muscular walls
Via peristalsis
Describe the structure of the urinary bladder. Where is it located? Below what? What does this make it?
Hollow muscular organ
Pelvis, below peritoneum
What structure is the bladder located posterior to? What two structures is it located anteriorly to?
Posterior- Pubic symphysis
Anterior- Vagina and rectum
What is the name of the process of squeezing out urine? What is the smooth muscle in the bladder known as?
Where do the ureters join the bladder? Where do they enter? What is this?
Posterior aspect of bladder near the base
The trigone
Smooth internal wall of the triangular area of the bladder
What is the formed when the ureter enters the trigon at an angle? What does this prevent? What characteristic of the Bladder mucosa prevents it tearing?
Rudimentary valve
Backflow of urine
Rugae (folds)
What arteries supply the bladder? What are they a branch of? What vein drains the bladder? What does this join?
Vesical arteries supply bladder and branch of internal iliac artery
Vesical veins drain bladder and drain into internal iliac vein
What two structures is the release of urine controlled by?
Internal and external urethral sphincters
Where is the internal urethral sphincter located?
What is it composed of and what type of control is it under?
Base of bladder (where it opens into the urethra)
Smooth muscle and under involuntary control
What is the shape of the bladder when it is empty? Where does it extend above when its full? How much urine can it accomodate?
Superior aspect extends above pubic symphysis
Where is the external urethral sphincter located in men and woman respectively? What is it composed of? What type of control is it under?
Inferior to prostate in males and in the deep perineal pouch in females
Skeletal muscle
Voluntary control
What is the somatic innervation of the Urinary bladder and urethral sphincters and spinal level? What does this allow?
Branches of the pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
Conscious control of external urethral sphincter
What is the sympathetic innervation of urinary bladder and urethral sphincters? What spinal level does this come from? What does it allow?
Branches of hypogastric nerve (Sympathetic chain T12-L2)
Relaxation of detrusor and contraction of the internal urethral sphincter, allowing storage of urine
Where does the Posterior Abdominal Wall extend to and from? What does it consist of (3 structures)?
Attachments of diaphragm to the pelvic brim
Lumbar spine with the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles
What is the Parasympathetic Innervation of the Urinary bladder and Urethral sphincters? What spinal level? What does this allow?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4)
Contraction of the detrusor and relaxation of the urethral sphincter, allowing initiation of micturition
What two blood vessels ascend/descend with the posterior abdominal wall? What are found on each side of the lumbar spine involved in nervous transmission?
Aorta (with associated autonomic plexuses and lymph nodes)
Inferior vena cava
Sympathetic trunks
Name these structures
a- External Iliac artery
d-Testicular artery
e-Psoas major
What descends on the surface of the psoas muscle lateral to aorta and IVC? What descends over this structure?
Gonadal vessels (supply testes or ovaries)
Name structures a-h
A- femoral nerve
B- Genitofemoral nerve
C-Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
D-Ilioinguinal nerve
F-Subcostal nerve
G-Inferior vena cava
Name structures i-o
J- Left renal vein
K= Left gonadal vein
L- Gonadal artery
M-Quadratus lumborum muscle
N-Psoas muscle
O-Pelvic brim
What makes up the Lumbar plexus? With a contribution of? What 4 aspects do they innervate?
L1-L4 (t12 contirbution)
abdominal wall
What two nerves supplies the anterior abdominal wall muscles and skin of external genitalia?
Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal