Urinary System Flashcards
Autogeny follows…
Name for mature kidney in humans
Metanephric Kidney
Name of where Renal Artery and Veins enter in kidney
Renal Pelvis which is divided into Renal Pyramids
Job of Renal Nephron
Filtration of the blood and Reapsorption of water and other small filtrates
Nephron Histology: Renal Corpuscle consists of
Glomerulus (filtration apparatus) and capsule filters food
Nephron Histology: Promixal Tube
Convulated tubule and a straight short duct
Nephron Histology: Loope of Henle
Thick descending, thin descending, thin ascending, and thick ascending duct
Nephron Histology: Distal Tubule
Thick Ascending duct and thick convoluted tubule
Renal Nephron Order of flow
Renal Corpsucle
Glomerulus and Capsule
Capsule is walnut-Like
-Parietal layer is outside
-Visceral layer consisting of highly branched arterioles and capillaries surrounded by cells that facilitate the filtration of the blood from those blood vessels into urinary space which is then collected by proximal convoluted tubule
Macula Densa
Highly compacted cells of distal convoluted tubule that occur immediately adjacent to the arteriole that enters the renal corpuscle
-These cells can secerete renin which increase blood flow of arterioles into renal corpuscles
Capillaries of Glomeriolus are covered by…
Podocyte processes. Podocyte Cell body gives off cytoplasm branches that further branch forming filtration slits where filtrate passes
What Blood vessel enters and exits the glomeruolus
Afferent Arteriole-Enters
Efferent Arteriole- Exits
Macula Densa is a component of…
Distal Convoluted Tubule
Macula Densa are sensitive to concentration of…
Sodium Chloride in the distal convoluted tubule- a DECREASE in sodium chloride causes a signal from the maculae densa to INCREASE blood flow in the AFFERENT arteriol which increases glomerular filtration rate and increases renin release from the juxtaglumerular cells of the affarent and efferent arterioles which increases systemic BP
Blood exits capillary and squeezes thru into urinary space by…
by foot proccesses (pedicles) of podocyte
Mesangial Cells
Remove excess materials that may be clogging up basement membrane due to all the filtration
How to distinguish proximal and distal convoluted tubules
A proximal Convoluted Tubule will have a prominant brush border (microvili)
Distal Tuble is barely seen
Filtration Membrane- how does it occur?
Fluid passes from the Capillary Lumen Through fenestrations across a thick basement membrane and through thin split Diaphragms between adjacent pedicles of podocytes and into Bowman’s Space
Do fenestrated capillaries of kidney have a diaphragm?
NO- which is rare
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
Descending thick
Descending Thin
Ascending Thin
Ascending Thick
Distal Convoluted Tubule
Connecting Tubule
Collecting Duct
Where is Renin released from
Juxtaglomerular Cells of the affarent and efferent arterioles
What part of the tubular sequence absorbs the most amount of water
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
What does thin ascending tubule absorb
Reabsorbs NaCl but is impermeable to water
Thick Ascending limb is always impermeable to…
Distal Convoluted Tubules ad collecting ducts are promoted to absorb ___ by ___
Na+ and water reabsoprtion promoted by Aldosterone
Water reabsorption occurs on which limb?
Vasa Recta
Vasculature associated with the Loop of Henle- important for reabsorbing most of the water and some of the ions being reabsorped by loop of henle
Peritubular Capillaries
Vasculature associated with convoluted Tubules
Kidney Cortex contains..
Kidney Medulla contains…
Tubules only
Unique characteristic of Cortex of kindey
Glomeriolous (renal corpuscles)
3 regions of medulla- IDENTIFY
Outer Strip: Descending THICK and ascending THICK, with collecting duct
Inner Strip: Ascending THICK, THIN segment, with collecting duct
Innerzone: All THIN tubules, with collecting duct
Descending thick tubule and proximal convoluted tubule both have this characteristic…
Brush Border- since the descending thick is continuation of proximal convoluted
Thick and thin refers to..
the lining epithelium of nephron in tubules
Unique Characteristic to collecting Ducts
Prominant innercellular borders and a poor amount of mitochondria
ALOT of Well developed mitochondria are found in…
Proximal convoluted tubule and ascending thick convoluted tubule
COllecting ducts reabsorb water in response to…
Vasopressin A.K.A. ADH
Ureter is lined by
Transitional Epithelium
Cell types within Ureter
Muscularis, Mucosa, and Adventitia, lamina propria
Unique characteristics of Ureter Cells
Bi- nucleated cells
Bladder Lined by..
continuation of ureter- Transitional Epithelium
if empty- folds
if full- plumps up
Bladder Cell components
Layers include mucosa with urothelium, lamina propria, 3 layers of muscle- inner, middle, outer, and adventitia
Bowman Space
collects primitive filtrate
Histology slides: Differentiate Descending and Ascending Thick
Descending Thick: Has ALot of “stuff in lumen”
Ascending Thick: Looks Empty
Where urine is secreted/ leaks