Histology of Ear Flashcards
3 Layers of Ear
- Outer Ear
- Middle Ear
- Inner Ear
Outer Ear Components
- Pinna (Auricle) (lobe)
- Auditory canal and ceruminous glands (ear wax production)
- Tympanic Membrane (ear Drum)
Pinna is composed of…
Elastic Cartilage and Connective Tissues
External Auditory Meatus: Ear Canal is lined by
Epidermis Epithelium
Tympanic Membrane: Ear drum (Tympanum) 3 layers
- External Epidermis
- Middle fibrous connective tissue
- Inner simple cuboidal and/or squamous epithelieum
Middle Ear Components
Malleus, Incus, Stapes
-pass on vibrations of sound to amplify it
Middle Ear Bones Articulate sound- how?
Sound transmitted from ear drum across middle ear via malleus, then incus, then stapes which amplifies sound to cause vibration of the oval window of the inner ear which is connected to the cochlea
Bony (bone-like outside) and Membraneous (tissue-like inside) Labyrinth are in…
Inner ear
Inner Ear-Sensory Regions
- Vestibule: Composed of utricle and saccule contain the MACULAE
- Semicircular canals: at base contain the cristae ampullares
- Cochlear Ducts: contains the organ of Corti
Cochlea/ How sound it transmitted with it
Oval and round window Structures:
Stapes bone transmits movement to the oval window, displacing hair cells on the organ of corti and thus hearing. As the stapes footplate moves into the oval window, the round window membrane moves OUT.
What is the Cochlea
Structure that has fluid filled chambers transduce sound wave into a fluid pressure wave
Scala Media
Within Coclea:
Contains endolymph secreted by stria vascularis
property of being toxic to the ear- oxtoxic drugs include antibiotics and chemo
Stereocilia Bundles
- Are hair cells connected by side links in the macula and cristae ampullaris
- Under tectorial membrane
- Rub to transduce signal of sound
Inner Ear: Sensory Regions
Macula occurs in the utricle and saccule of the vestibule
What does the Macula Consist of
Sensory cells that consist of sterocillia and ONE long true cilia embedded in gelatenous layer
Utricle and Saccule- Macula- whats it covered with?
Perceive linear acceleration and movement- covered with Otoliths (octoconia) which weight on the gelatinous membrane which causes cilia to bend in response to motion, causing opening of ion channels in the hair ells leading to acitivation
Type I and Type II Sensory Hair Cells: Macula
Macula have sterocilia and one true cilia at the end
Type I and Type II Sensory Hair Cells: Cristae Ampullares
At base of semicircular canals perceive rotation
-Inertia is provied by rubbing against other side of canals instead of Otoliths