Epithelium & Glands Flashcards
Basic Tissue Types
- Connective
- Epithelial
- Muscle
- Nervous
Origins of Epithelia
Ectoderm: skin, sweat glands, oral cavity, vagina, anus
Mesoderm: Endothelium, mesothelium (lining of body cavities; genital/Urinary systems
Endoderm: Esophogus, GI tract, liver, pancreas
Functions of Epithelia
- provide boundary layer through which movement of substances can be regulated
- line passages
- Protection, lining, absorption, secretion sensation, cantractability
Epithelia Junctions
- Zonula Occludens (barrier)
- Zonula Adherans (adhesion)
- Desmosomes (adhesions)
- Gap Junctions (communication)
Basal Lamina
-Can only be seen by EM
-Extracellular structure that underlies epithelia
-composed of
Lamina Densa: Electron Dense
Lamina Lucida:
Surrounds Lamina Densa
Basement Membrane
Visible in LM
-PAS layer that underlies epithelia
Basal Lamina
Visible only at TEM
-made of Type IV collagen, glycoproteins laminin & entactin, and heparin sulfate
Basolateral Surface Functions
- Receive signals from chemical messangers (hormones)
- ATP-dependent Na+ export
- ATP dependent nutrient uptake
- Actin Filaments cause protrusion of plasma membrane- increasing surface area
- Anchored in terminal web
- found in small intestines, proximal renal tubule
- microvilli + glycocalyx= brush border
- Misnomer: NOT cillia, not motile
- Elongated microvilli
- Incease surface are to facilitate absorption
Found in trachea, bronchi, oviduct
- consist of microtubules in 9+2 pattern that form membrane protrusions
- contain dynein arms with ATPase activity
- Esentially a long cillium
- 1 per cell
- only on sperm
- small ridge like elevations
- help hold layer of protective mucus
- found on wet epithehelia (oral cavity/esophagus)
reversible changes epithelia can undergo that change from one type to another in response to environmental stimuli
Secretory granules extruded by exocytosis with no loss of cellular material (paratid, salivary gland, pancreas)
Secretory extruded along with entire cell content (sebaceous gland)
Secretion discharged with small amount of apical cytoplasm (mammary gland)
Secretory Unit Structure
- Tubular (simple, Compound)
- Coiled Tubular (simple)
- Branched Tubular (simple)
- Acinar(simple, compound)
- Tubuloacinar(compound)
Types of Secretion
- Serous: secretion has low level of hydrophillic carbohydrates (pancreatic acinar cells)
- Mucous: Viscous secretion with high level of hydrophillic carbohydrates (Goblet Cells)
- Mixed: Both serous and mucus cells (sublingual and submandibular glands)