urinary clinical skills prac Flashcards
struvite with RBCs
calcium oxalate monohydrate
cellular casts
ammonium biurate
transitional epithelial cells
ammonium biurate
calcium oxalate dihydrate
calcium carbonate (equine)
cystine crystals (canine)
cast - red cell
red and white blood cells
dark urine means
brown/green urine indicates
bile pigments
brown urine indicates
organge or blue urine indicates
drug treatmens
turbidity in the urine indicates
crystals (although normal in horses and rabbits as excrete calcium)
cells (UTI/neoplasia)
fishy smelling urine inidcates
bacterial infection
sweet smelling urine inidcates
ketones (DM or ketosis)
glucose in the urine means
- urine collected in a contaminated container (jam jar)
- renal threshold for glucose is exceeded (DM, stressed cat, renal damage) allowing glucose across the filtrate
bilirubin in the urine means
liver disease or haemolysis
ketones in the urine means
condition altering carbohydrate metabolism
- ketosis in cattle
- pregnancy toxaemia in sheep
- starvation
- DM
blood in the urine means
- whole blood = trauma of collection (cysto, inflammation of urogenital tract, contamination in female in oestrus/proestrus
- haemoglobin: red cell breakdown (immune mediated hemolytic anemia
- myoglogbin: myoglobin will casue a positive haemoglobin result
protein in the urine means
- false positives: contamination with alkaline cleaning products, alkaline urine
- positiveL urinary tract infections and inflammation, renal disease such as glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome, multiple myeloma
urobilinogen in the urine means
not useful or reliable in animals
positives can mean haemolytic disease or liver disease