Urban&Rural Differences +similarities and differences between Lenin and Stalin Flashcards
From 1929 where was there the most change?
with the rural population
Areas which had been relatively untouched before collectivisation found themselves under what?
under strong central control as the regime policed the countryside more closely
post 1929 was a time of dislocation as the basic certainties of rural life (religion, friendship and traditions) had become changed. What happened to this way of life?
it became lost in the time of movement into new regions and towns.
During the 1930’s collectivisation became grudging accepted. However some peasants benefitted from having access to what for the first time?
tractors, schools and clinics
What years was the Great Famine?
What did the Great Famine of 1932-33 cause?
this caused millions of deaths in the countryside
During the Great Famine of 1932-33, this caused millions of deaths in the countryside. How did this impact the towns?
towns became swamped by refugees and the rationing system which continued until 1935 often broke down
Although the Great Famine was between 1932-33, when did the rationing system continue on until?
What was the kommunalka?
a communal dwelling/housing bloc
During the 1930’s where was there a shortage of?
housing which meant there was no privacy in the kommunalka
Due to the lack of housing in the 1930’s which meant no privacy in the kommunalka (housing bloc), how did this coincide with the terror?
as this meant that people had to whisper in case their neighbours overhead conversation which could result in denunciations to the authorities and a visit from the security police
Who were apartment blocs supervised by whose task it was to partly spy on individuals?
a concierge
What was the task of the concierge who would supervise apartment blocs?
to partly spy on individuals
Who were the only people who had the right to more substantial and private accommodation?
only favoured Party members
Despite show projects such as the Moscow Metro of 1935 What were many cities without? (3)
sewage, street lighting and public transport
What type of considerable crime was there in urban areas?
hooliganism and urban violence
What year was the worst year for living standards such as a lower overall food consumption?
in 1933 overall food production was lower than what year?
Meat consumption was only 1/3rd of what year?
What did many people rely on for survival?
the black market
From what year did conditions improve with 1937 being the best year for living standards?
It became legal for some small trades to operate privately in the mid 1930’s such as ? (3)
shoe repair
plumbing activities
What year was there a bad harvest?
After 1937 what put further strains on public services?
a heavy increase in the urban population
Overall why did urban workers probably cope better in the 1930’s compared to the rural peasants?
as changes were fewer
What did urban workers have which the rural workers did not? (3)
regulated working hours and wages, workplace canteens and even shops
What year did war come?
Who were better off during the war years?
rural peasants as they had their private plots while urban workers only had rations to rely on
What have many historians and commentators claimed about Stain’s policies?
that they undermined Lenin’s work rather than continued it
For Stalin’s enemies like Trotsky, what had Stalin turned the USSR into?
into a perversion of what was intended to be the first workers’ state
In terms of death warrants how are lenin and Stalin comparable?
they both signed them with little thought
Stalin had used methods established by Lenin such as what?
the setting up of internal security services and the emphasis on class warfare
Both Stalin and Lenin adapted their policies to what they perceived were the needs of the regime at any particular time, and both were prepared to come up with what for any policy changes?
an ideological justification
After what year did Stalin make relatively few contributions to Marxist theory?
Stalin continues and extended Leninism with a particular house on carrying out what changes?
economic and social
Why was Stalin able to fuse Russian nationalism with Soviet socialism in conditions which Lenin had not experienced?
because of the international situation of Russia in the 1930’s