Post war reconstruction Flashcards
Between 1941-1945 how many people did the war kill?
every 1 in 8
IN 1945 by when did Stalin promise that the USSR would be the leading industrial power?
by 1960
When was GOSPLAN instructed to prepare a new Five Year Plan for economic recovery?
What was 1/3rd of the 4th Five Year Plans expenditure to be spent on?
on the Ukraine
Why was the Ukraine to have 1/3rd of the 4th FYPs expenditure spent on?
as it was an important region both for induct and for agriculture
by 1946 how was the mining industry?
it was running at less than the 1940s levels
How was the workforce after the war?
it was exhausted after the colossal effects and sacrifices for the war
How were many problems of the war intensified in 1946?
as foreign aid no longer supplemented the intensity of the situation
By what year was there a considerable industrial recovery under the 4th five year plan?
What are 3 reasons for the considerable industrial recovery under the 4th Five Yer Plan by 1950?
1) War reparations
2) Central planning
3) Committed efforts of the Soviet people
What happened to elecritcity production from 1940-1950?
it almost doubled
Unlike the 1930’s what was there progress in the Soviet economic recovery?
consumer goods and living standards
By what year had Soviet incomes climbed back up to the 1938 levels?
by 1948
By how much did the armed forces increase form 1948-1953?
from 2.8 million to 4.9 million
How big was the armed forces in 1948?
2.8 million
How big was the armed forces in 1953?
4.9 million
What % of total expenditure in 1950 was spent on the military?
In 1950 military was on 18% of the expenditure, what was it by 1952?
it was at 25%
Among other problems there continued to be a shortage of what?
By what year was there growing pressures to reform the economy?
During the war how many collective farms had been ruined?
how many cattle were destroyed at war?
17 million
What % was food production at from the 1940 level?
What made agricultural issues worse in 1946?
the fact it was the driest year since 1891 which led to a bad harvest
how successful was the Fourth FYP in terms of fulfilling its aims?
there was some inreases but failed to reach most of its targets
When was Stalins death?
What was the effects of the Stalin’s book Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR published in 1952?
as this discouraged any tendencies towards innovation and change in the economy
What was the grain production in 1940 and 1952?
95 million tonnes-1940
92 million tonnes 1952
What was the amount of cattle in 1940 and 1952?
28 million tonnes in 1940
25 million tonnes in 1952