The Social and Economic condition of the Soviet Union by 1941 Flashcards
By 1941 what had Stalin’s Five Year Plans transformed Russia into?
into a highly industrialised and urbanised nation
What happened to all Russian farms by 1941?
they had been collectivised
What happened to the free market by 1941?
it was brought to an end
IN 1926, what % of the population lived in towns compared to 33% in 1939?
In 1926 17% of the population lived in towns compared to 33% in 1939, what did this mean for the USSR by 1940?
the USSR had overtaken Britain in iron and steel production and was not far behind Germany
Where in 1938 did Stalin deliver a speech for those working in higher education to highlight the way that the Stakhanovites had smashed up existing traditions?
at a reception in the Kremlin
What 2 industries were vastly stepped up in the 3rd Five Year Plan?
oil and coal
How many aircraft factories were constructed in 1939?
Between 1938-1941, how much did spending on rearmament rise by?
from 27 billion roubles to 70 billion roubles
On the eve of war, how many -tanks -military aircraft -rifles was Soviet industry producing every month?
- 230 tanks
- 700 military aircraft
- 10,000 rifles
What was the % proportion of budget devoted to defence?
After a brief rise of consumer production under the Second Five Year Plan, what happened by the Third Five Year Plan?
consumer production had been cut back and consumer goods were scarer than they had been under the NEP
Even though labour productivity had increased as bureaucrats were set on figures and targets at the expense of all else, what happened to the little consumer goods that there were?
they were of very low quality
What had bureaucracy hindered even though there were massive investments under the Five Year Plans?
hindered the implementation of economic success as the organisation at local level was vastly chaotic
While the focus on heavy rearmament increased, what was soon apparent when war broke out?
deficiencies in both the quality and quantity of equipment and problems of supply
in 1940, the USA produced 47 million tonnes of Steel, GB created 10 million tonnes while the USSR produced how much?
18 million tonnes
In 1940, the USA produced 360 million tonnes of Coal, GB produced 230 million tonnes while the USSR produced how much?
164 million tonnes
In 1928, there was 29 million cows, how many was there by 1940?
28 million
in 1928 there was 73 million tonnes of grain produced, how much by 1940?
95 million tonnes
in 1928, there was 5 billion kWh of electrical power produced, how much had this increased by 1940?
48 billion kWh
In 1928 there was 0.7 million trucks, how many was there y 1940?
14 million trucks
In 1928 there was 0 million washing machines, how many was there by 1940?
0 million
In 1928 there was 58 million pairs of shoes, how many was there by 1940:?
211 million pairs
By Soviet deffiniton, how had Stalin achieved true socialism?
as this meant social ownership of the means of production, collectively owned by the people, or rather by the state on the people’s behalf so that no profits were being made at other’s expense
The State claimed that State ownership was a form of social ownership to protest the individual against what?
against the exploitation of profit-seeking capitalists such as capitalist countries whose economies were based on private enterprise
What can be evaluated from the fact that Stalin achieved true socialism in that all industry was owned by the State, on the peoples behalf?
That in this sense, Stalin had carried through a highly successful economic programme and in doing so had furthered communist ideology
From what year were peasants supervised by pARty officials who were attached to each Kolkhoz?
In 1929 how were peasants supervised ? (2)
- supervised by party officials who were attached to each Kolkhoz
- secret police units stationed at each Motor Tractor Station to check up on the rural population
How were factory managers subject to controls of the Party?
they were demoted or even excecuted
How were workers kept in line? (5)
- through labour books
- internal passports
- threat of denial of ration cards
- eviction from lodgings
- penal sentences for misdemeanours
Rather than a classless society, what had Stalin helped to create?
a hierarchal society dominated by a privileged party elite
While the peasants were at the mercy of the collectives, the urban and rural working classes were no longer exploited by capitalist employers but now instead ruthlessly driven by their what?
Soviet masters
Instead of ‘withering away’, in accordance with the Marxist stage theory, what had the State become?
more formidable, extensive and brutal
Why have critics of the USSR asserted that it was not a socialist state?
this is because social ownership did not exist for the good of the people but rather as a form of dictatorial or totalitarian power in which all activity was determined by unelected leaders without taking into consideration the needs of the individual
As well last the destruction of the kulaks and the dislocation of Russia’s peasants, how were urban workers treated in the drive to industrialise?
with little regard
What month and year was a decree issues making poor quality production in a criminal offence?
July 1940
What did the decree in July 1940 mean for managers as making poor quality production now became a criminal offence?
this meant that managers had to now worry about quality as well as quantitative targets
The decree of July 1940 which made it a criminal offence to make poor quality production was an interference which breached what?
the Central Committee directive of 1929 which stated that enterprises such as factories should be managed by one person, free from interference by the party organisation
The low rations, poor housing and constant constant pressure was largely an offshoot from Stalin’s own determination to sacrifice the people for what?
in the interests of his economic vision
For Stalin and his followers, what was just as important as building national strength?
the ideological motive for industrialisation
What group did Stalin use to preach against ‘class enemies’ who were trying to hold up progress?
the Communist youth group, Komsomol
The principle of central authority and the development of the command economy were to prove vital in the organisation of what?
of the Soviet War Effort
What had made the Soviet labour force more ready to suffer for the greater good, enabling them to cope with the hardships of war?
the harshness of labour laws and the severity of working conditions in both town and country in the 1930’s
Economic and social development by 1941 gave the USSR a much stronger basis for which to mount a defence and fight back than they would have been able to in 1928. However what was the limitations of the state?
the Third Five Year Plan was left incomplete and by 1941, the nation was still producing less grain than under the NEP.
IN what year did Stalin give a radio broadcast of the war which highlighted his fear that the enemy would seize Russian territory and produce?