INCLASS-The War Flashcards
What had Lenin previously named the League of Nations?
the “robbers den”
Who from 1934-1939 had attempted to organise a European alliance to prevent German expansion?
When was Litinov, a defender of western culture, replaced by Molotov?
April 1939
Why was the Nazi-Soviet Pact a shock to the world?
as they were diametrically opposed both socially and poltiically
When was there growing evidence that Germany was intending to attack Russia with a huge offensive?
the spring of 1941
What date was operation Barbarossa initiated and Soviet forces were overrun and their air forces destroyed?
22nd June 1941
After Operation Barbarossa, Stalin dissapeared leaving who to make the necessary announcement of war to the Russian people?
What was the result of operation Barabarossa?
all territory gained from the Nazi-Soviet Pact was lost and the government had to evacuate documments, artistic treaures and even lenin’s body
Why were German troops outside Stalingrad unsuccessful in their invasion?
as they had no winter clothing and their tanks were unusable when diesel froze
For how long was Leningrad surrounded and cut off from the rest of the country?
2 years
Where did Hitler concerntrate his forces?
In the Caucasus
Hitler concerntrated his forces in the caucasus, why did this grind to a halt?
due to the successful defense of Stalingrad
In Feb 1943, who’s army were trapped and forced to surrender by a powerful Russian counter-attack?
general Von Paulus Army
Over how many miles were the German’s trying to hold a front over which meant that their soldiers were deprived of spare parts, food and ammunition?
over 2,000
What date did the army of General Von Paulus become trapped and forcedto surrender by a powerful Russian counter-attack?
Feb 1943
What year was the biggest tank battle of the war?
What did the Russians name 1944?
‘The Year of 10 Victories”
What was the single most important factor in Germany’s defeat?
the seemingly unlimited capacity of the Russian people to endure the worst possible disaster and carry on
Which 2 types of people went out to dig anti-tank ditches to hold back attacks in 1941?
Leningraders and Muscovites
What did Leningraders and Muscovites do in 1941?
they went out to dig anti-tank ditches to back attacks
What 2 relgious things were reinstated?
the Holy Synod and training colleges for priests
What did the new Patriarch in the Pravada in 1942 describe Stalin as?
“the God-chosen leader”
in what year did the new Patriarch describe Stalin as “the God-chosen leader” in the Pravada?
How did the USSR encourage food production?
through removing the limits that had been placed on the size of private plots of collective farms
What year was the Ukraine famine?
At first in many parts of Russia, the Russians welcomed the German armies leading some to capture Russian soldiers under which General who recruited them into the so-called Russian Liberation Army?
General Vlasov
many Russian’s were recruited under General Vlasov who recruited them into the what?
the so-called Russian Liberation Army
Approximately how many Russians died under German occupation?
11 million
Although at first in many parts of Russia, the Russians welcomed the German armies leading some to capture Russian soldiers under General Vlasov who recruited them into the so-called Russian Liberation Army, after 11 million Russian’s died from German occupation, what was the Russian general response?
many who were sympathetic to a ‘liberating army’ were repulsed by the activities of the Einsatzgruppen who arrested and shot hundreds of thousands in the occupied regions
what was the name of the German group who arrested and shot hundreds of thousands of Russian’s in occupied Regions which meant that many became unsympathetic to General Vlasov’s so-called Russian Liberation Army?
To Hitler, what were slavs?
untermenschen, sub-human
How did the Soviet propaganda machine help to inspire others?
by making heroes of those Russians tortured and killed by the enemy to inspire others to follow their example
Where did the USSR dismantle and then rebuild factories?
from western Russia to the urals and beyond
Over how many poeple were evacuated from western Russia in zones likely invaded by the German?
c10 million
In what year did the production of tanks and planes exceed figures in 1941?
New weapons poured off from the production line, such as which 3 weapons?
T-34 Tanks
Katyusha rockets
Yak fighter planes
How many hours were working hours extended to?
12 hours a day
By what year were the USSR producing more war matrials than germany?
Over how many lorries were supplied to the USSR from the US?
How many US boots were used by Russian soliders?
14 million
What were Soviet exports valued at in comparison to imports?
- 1433 million roubles in exports
- 14,805 million roubles in imports
Who did NKVD officials shoot in prisons before they abandoned them in retreat?
suspects who they believed would abandon them in retreat
What were penal battalions used for?
to be sent into battle before regular troops to detonate minefields and draw enemy fire
Who were sent into battle before regular troops to detonate minefields and draw enemy fire?
penal battallions
What were SMERSH NKVD units in the Red Army used for?
they were deployed behind Russian armies to encourage them not to retreat
What group were deployed behind Russian armies to encourage them not to retreat?
As in 1812, what acted as the best allies to Russia?
winter and Russian mud
The huge ressources of the USSR strengthened in the FYPs of the 1930s meant that by what yaer the German armies were outgunned and out numbered?
Which historian said that Stalin should be given credit for much of what was achieved?
Isaac Deutscher