Question 6:
Buildings are required to have all exposed standpipes and sprinkler piping painted red. The law outlines specific exceptions, such as branch piping. Dedicated valve handles of fire protection systems are colored. Which is correctly stated?
A: Standpipe - black
B: Combination standpipes - green
C: Sprinklers - green
D: Non-automatic sprinklers - aluminum
Answer: C
A. Red
B. Yellow
D Note: This color coding is not listed for piping/valve handles (but is required for FDCs)
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 2 p3
Question 10:
Members must appropriately conduct hydrant inspection to ensure hydrants work correctly when required. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: During inspection, hydrants should be opened to ensure the hydrant is serviceable and can be used as a viable water source. The hydrant should be flushed thoroughly to allow any debris to be flushed out of the barrel.
B: If a hydrant fails to drain, the barrel must be pumped out. This is especially important during the fall inspection period.
C: When there is no hydrant cap present, one should be placed on the hydrant, if available. Caps will be supplied to FDNY units by DEP, through the Division, for installation during hydrant inspection.
D: FDNY field units will use the Hansen Hydrant application (accessed via the FDNY Intranet) to record semi-annual hydrant inspections. Defective hydrants include unserviceable hydrants (e.g. broken spindle), hydrants that fail to drain or hydrants with any other defect. Hydrants that require a cap should not be reported as defective.
Answer: D
D) FDNY field units will use the Hansen Hydrant application (accessed via the FDNY Intranet) to record semi-annual hydrant inspections. Defective hydrants include unserviceable hydrants (e.g. broken spindle), hydrants that fail to drain, hydrants that REQUIRE A CAP, or hydrants with any other defect.
B Note: This is especially important during the fall inspection period as the coming winter months will cause the undrained hydrant to freeze.
Note: The Hansen Hydrant System is also used to record frozen hydrants for transmittal to the responsible FDNY Thawing Apparatus.
Eng Ch 3 Add 2 2.3 - 2.4.2
Question 12:
Members may encounter a variety of hydrants while working in the field. Which choice below is correct?
A: Red Air Cock Hydrants are on 12” diameter or greater mains in strategic locations (high and low points on the water main). These hydrants are painted red and are excellent sources of water for fire department use.
B: Red Satellite Water System Hydrants are a twin hydrant arrangement on large mains for a rapid and adequate source of water for Satellite Units. These hydrants are painted red and may have two 4 ½” outlets.
C: Hydrants on parkways and expressways maintained shut at the curb valve are painted yellow. They must be turned on fully at the curb valve, approximately 18 turns clockwise using a curb valve key, in order to be used.
D: Wall Hydrants are embedded in the wall of a building and closely resemble a Fire Department Connection (FDC), but should be labeled as a hydrant. They are operated by turning an operating nut (often located below the outlets).
Answer: B
A) Red Air Cock Hydrants are on 30” DIAMETER or greater mains in strategic locations (high and low points on the water main). These hydrants are painted red and are excellent sources of water for fire department use.
C) Hydrants on parkways and expressways maintained shut at the curb valve are painted yellow. They must be turned on fully at the curb valve, approximately 17 TURNS clockwise using a curb valve key, in order to be used.
D) Wall Hydrants are embedded in the wall of a building and closely resemble a Fire Department Connection (FDC), but should be labeled as a hydrant. They are operated by turning an operating nut (often located ABOVE the outlets).
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 2.3
Question 13:
There are several types of cutting blades that are currently in use for our power saws. Choose the most correct statement in regards to the cutting blades
A: When 12 or more tips are broken or missing for a 24”-tooth carbide blade, the blade shall be placed OOS
B: When an aluminum oxide or silicon carbide blade is worn down to 8” diameter or less, the blade shall be placed OOS, and a request for a new one shall be made to the tool room
C: When using a Diamond blade, the blade is to be backed out of the cut frequently so that the air can cool the blade
D: When installing the Diamond blade on the saw, the blade must be installed according to the directional arrows stamped onto the blade
Answer: C
A- OOS (Carbide Tip Blade)…..
- 8 or more for the 24 tooth blade
- 3 or more for the 12 tooth blade
- the blade is cracked
- the center hole wears out of round
B- Abrasive discs (Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) will no longer be replaced. Now receiving Diamond Blades
OOS for Abrasive discs (Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide)….
- Cracked or badly nicked
- Center hole wears round
- Disc is worn down to 8” diameter or less
D- The blade is bi-directional. It will cut effectively when used in either direction. The blade should be flipped after use to ensure even wear and maximum exposure of diamonds on the blades edge. (disregard any directional arrows on earlier versions of this blade)
Tools 9 appendix 1
Question 14:
The Petzl I’D Decent Control Device (DCD) is part of the new Kernmantle Life Saving Rope (KLSR) system. Which intended use of this device is described incorrectly?
A: The Petzl I’D (DCD) is a self-braking descent control device used to lower a firefighter for rescue pickup of a trapped victim.
B: The Petzl I’D (DCD) is not intended for use in the Civilian Vertical Escape System (CVES), to assist in the vertical ascent/descent of victims, e.g. stuck occupied elevators.
C: The Petzl I’D (DCD) is intended for use in emergencies where the KLSR might be attached to a firefighter, i.e. confined space entry, ice rescue, etc.
D: The Petzl I’D (DCD) is not to be used to haul a victim vertically by engine or ladder companies.
Answer: B
B. The Petzl I’D (DCD) IS INTENDED for use in the Civilian Vertical Escape System (CVES), to assist in the vertical ascent/descent of victims, e.g. stuck occupied elevators.
TB Rope 10 Data Sheet 4 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Question 15:
The flow of natural gas from providers to customers takes many routes and any one of these is a potential point of failure. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: From “Gate Stations”, natural gas is delivered via Transmission Mains to area “Regulator Stations” which can have above-ground and/or vaulted equipment. At Regulator Stations, pressure is reduced and the gas is routed to various customers via Distribution Mains.
B: Natural gas is piped to customers along Distribution Mains which may be high, medium or low pressure. High pressure Mains are made of steel or plastic while medium and low pressure Mains are made of steel, plastic, or, if older, cast iron.
C: High and medium pressure Distribution Mains have control valves that are exercised (partially) on a schedule to ensure working order. These valves will always be found in the center of the street.
D: Main valve covers are larger than curb valve/service valve covers to allow servicing, and may be round or square.
Answer: C
C) High and medium pressure Distribution Mains have control valves that are exercised (partially) on a schedule to ensure working order. These valves are GENERALLY found NEAR street corners, but may ALSO be located along the street or on the sidewalk.
B Note: Cast iron pipe is currently being replaced because they are prone to leak at joints and because cast iron is brittle with low tensile strength which can result in failures.
EP Gas 4.2, 4.3
Question 17:
Many different standpipe systems can be found throughout NYC. Which one is described incorrectly?
A: An Air Pressurized System is a specific type of manual dry system that maintains pressure via a dedicated air compressor. These systems are required in buildings under construction that are taller than 75 feet.
B: A Combination System that supplies both the standpipe system and an automatic sprinkler system will have the FDC or caps painted yellow.
C: A Multi-Zone System is a standpipe system that is vertically subdivided into zones to limit the maximum operating pressure in the system. Each zone may have its own FDC, or the entire system may be supplied from a single FDC.
D: An Express Piping System may be found in some taller high-rise buildings and may have separate “Low Zone” and “High Zone” standpipe systems. These separate risers are interconnected and will have a single FDC.
Answer: D
D) An Express Piping System may be found in some taller high-rise buildings and may have separate “Low Zone” and “High Zone” standpipe systems. These separate risers are NOT interconnected and MAY HAVE SEPARATE FDCs.
D Note: The FDC shall be identified with signage stating either “Low Zone “or “High Zone” and indicate the floors they serve. The High Zone riser is also known as “Express Piping”.
A Note: When there is a change in air pressure that exceeds a pre-determined threshold, an alarm will sound “on site.”
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 4.4.3-4.4.6
Question 18:
Which general engine company operation at a multiple dwelling is incorrect?
A: In most cases, the first line is stretched via the interior stairs to the location of the fire.
B: The purpose of the first line is to protect the primary means of egress for occupants evacuating the building and to confine and extinguish the fire.
C: An exception to stretching the first line up the interior stairs may be made when fire is actively endangering civilians that are evacuating the building via windows or fire escapes and the immediate application of water from the exterior is needed to protect them.
D: In the case of this exception, the first line may be operated from the street to fully extinguish the fire.
Answer: D
D. In the case of this exception, the first line may be operated from the street to PARTIALLY EXTINGUISH the fire.
Multiple Dwellings Ch 1 2.2.2
Question 19:
Lt. Oliver was conducting a drill with his unit on Engine operations. In which choice was he incorrect?
A: At a fire operation, only 2 hoselines should be stretched on a stairway. If a 3rd line is to be stretched, it will need to be stretched by an alternative means.
B: If there is an advanced fire condition or high heat at a cellar fire that prevents the interior hoseline from advancing into the cellar, an additional hoseline may be operated in a window from the exterior.
C: If there is a trapped occupant or member at a window (or other exposed location) in immediate danger from active fire, a hoseline may be charged and operated from the exterior to protect the occupant or member. This should be done in coordination with an interior attack.
D: If fire is showing on the exterior between two buildings and it is unclear which of the two is the original fire building, the first hoseline may need to be charged and operated from the exterior of the building, hitting the base of the fire first and moving the stream up to chase extending fire.
Answer: D
D) If fire is showing on the exterior between two buildings and it is unclear which of the two is the original fire building, the first hoseline may need to be charged and operated from the exterior of the building, hitting the HIGHEST POINT of fire FIRST and moving the stream DOWN to the fire’s base to determine from which building (if any) the fire is extending.
D Note: If this first hoseline is repositioned, a subsequent hoseline should be placed to ensure the exterior fire does not reignite.
Eng Ch 4 5.6.1, 7.7.6-7.7.8
Question 21:
The use of snow chains on fire apparatus should be governed by each of the following choices below except?
A: Only full chains should be used (no strap style chains). When out of quarters for any reason, except while responding to fires or emergencies, and cross links of chains break or become loose, the officer shall cause the apparatus to stop immediately and have the condition corrected by removing loose or broken links with bolt cutters.
B: When chains are applied, the apparatus must not exceed 15 MPH. Start, turn and stop as gently as possible and avoid making sudden moves when chains are installed.
C: Stop and check the condition of chains periodically when out of quarters. When weather and road conditions improve, chains must be removed as the use of chains on dry pavement can cause severe damage to the apparatus.
D: Each firehouse has been issued one (1) high-density, plastic composite Turtle brand ramp to assist with the installation of snow chains. This ramp may be used as an alternative to the “drive over” method.
Answer: B
B) When chains are applied, the apparatus must not exceed 30 MPH. Start, turn and stop as gently as possible and avoid making sudden moves when chains are installed.
Note: In general, any single axle apparatus shall have chains mounted on BOTH OUTER REAR drive wheels; whereas, all dual rear axle apparatus shall have chains mounted on ALL OUTER REAR drive wheels.
Note: The use of outriggers or tormentors to lift the apparatus shall NEVER be attempted inside of the firehouse. TB App C-2 Add 1 2,3
Question 22:
Members at LCC school are discussing proper tower ladder positioning. They make the following remarks but were incorrect in which one?
A: Generally the apparatus should be parallel to the building.
B: Various apparatus designs have high compartments in the rear and in some cases, remaining parallel with the building line, or angling away from the building line, may be beneficial when tower ladder stream application is anticipated from the street level.
C: The ideal horizontal distance from the center line of the turntable to an objective is 32 feet.
D: Generally, the boom has enough clearance to reach most 3rd floor windows and above when operating over the crew cab.
Answer: B
B. Various apparatus designs have high compartments in the rear and in some cases, remaining parallel with the building line, or ANGLING IN TOWARDS the building line, may be beneficial when tower ladder stream application is anticipated from the street level.
Tower Ladder Ch 2 pg 2 & 3
Question 23:
At a fire operation, as soon as the Engine Officer has determined a hoseline is needed, he/she should contact the nozzle firefighter and order a hoseline to be stretched. Which of the following choices is most incorrect?
A: With this transmission, the Engine Officer should include the location to which the line is to be stretched, the size of the line to be stretched and the route and method by which the line should be stretched (if not obvious).
B: Information to the nozzle firefighter regarding the stretch shall always be communicated verbally with the nozzle firefighter if within voice contact. If not within voice contact, then communicate this information via handie talkie.
C: If the need for a hoseline is evident before the exact location of the fire is confirmed, the Engine Officer may elect to call for a line to be initially stretched to the front of the fire building.
D: If the apparatus will be performing a back stretch and will proceed to a position at a hydrant more distant from the fire building, the Engine Officer can consider calling for a 2nd hoseline to be placed in the street as the first line is being stretched.
Answer: B
B) IF POSSIBLE, information to the nozzle firefighter regarding the stretch should be communicated by handie talkie, EVEN IF the nozzle firefighter is within voice contact. This ensures all units on the fireground are aware a line is being stretched and where it will be located.
C Note: This can save time, as the line will be readily available to be advanced to the fire area as soon as it is located.
Eng Ch 4 2.1-2.3, 2.6
Question 28:
The Beluga Glass Cutting Knife is designed to cut laminated safety glass found in automobile windshields, hurricane windows and both commercial and residential construction glass. Choose the correct choice in regards to the Beluga Glass Cutting Knife.
A: The Beluga Glass Cutting Knife can be used to cut side and rear windows on 2018 and older automobiles
B: The Beluga head can swivel 360 degrees
C: The Beluga blade has the possibility of wearing out while cutting glass
D: The Beluga Glass Cutting Knife must be used at a slow and steady pace
Answer: B
Tools 39 (July, 2019)
A- The Beluga Glass Cutting Knife is used to cut safety glass. Safety glass was not installed on side windows prior to 2018. “All 2018 and NEWER automobiles and trucks are required to have laminated safety glass installed throughout the vehicle, not just the windshield”….sec 2.2 and 2.3
B- sec 3.2
C- The Beluga blade will not wear out while cutting glass…….sec 3.3
D- Depending on the drill speed you select, the Beluga can cut about as fast as you can push it,,,sec 3.9
Question 30:
The condition of a unit’s lengths of hose can determine the outcome of a fire operation. Of the following choices, which is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: Hose should be removed and repacked in the spring and fall of each year, in accordance with schedules issued by Division Commanders.
B: Any hose 10 years old or older should be placed out-of-service. The first two digits of the serial number stamped on the male coupling will indicate the year of manufacture.
C: Any hose of doubtful strength should be placed out-of-service. This may be due to cuts, abrasions, wear or burns to the hose jacket.
D: Couplings should not be cracked or out-of-round and there should be no burred threads. All female couplings should have a rubber washer and washers that are dried out or cracked shall be replaced.
Answer: B
B) Any hose 10 years old or older should be placed out-of-service. The first two digits of the serial number stamped on the FEMALE coupling will indicate the year of manufacture.
Note: Spare hose shall be used to replace hose on the apparatus, when available and hose should be inspected before being placed on the apparatus.
Eng Ch 3 Add 3 4
Question 35:
In order to be successful in your next rank, all Company Officers need to know certain areas of the Fire Code while conducting Building Inspection, and on runs. Choose the correct Fire Code.
A: Group R-2 occupancies (apartments) can store up to four 16.4 ounce containers of LPG
B: Group R-3 occupancies (1 or 2 family dwellings) can use up to three 20 lb containers of LPG outside on their balcony to fuel a portable outdoor barbecue
C: Portable outdoor barbeques shall not be stored or used within 5 feet of any combustible waste, combustible material, or any surface, including combustible roofs, and decks.
D: Only one gallon of gasoline may be stored below grade in a building built on or after July 1, 2008 if fully sprinklered
Answer: A
B- Group R-3 occupancies (1 or 2 family dwellings) are allowed up to TWO 20 lb containers of LPG to fuel a portable outdoor barbecue. 20 LB LPG CYLINDERS SHALL NOT BE STORED OR USED INDOORS OR ON ANY ROOFTOP OR BALCONY. Indoor storage is limited to four 16.4 ounce containers per dwelling unit
C- Portable outdoor barbeques shall not be stored or used within 10 feet of any combustible waste, combustible material, or any surface, including combustible roofs, and decks.
D- On or after July 1, 2008 flammable liquids in any amount shall not be allowed in basements, cellars, or other areas below grade
AUC 5 ch 2 add 3….p-3 and page 7
Question 37:
The annual hose test must be conducted in accordance with Department policy to ensure it is done safely. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: The Officer ensures all members are positioned a safe distance from the hose before charging the system to the test pressure. Once safety of members is assured, the ECC will gradually increase pressure.
B: The test pressure of 300 psi is maintained for 5 minutes.
C: The ECC should be mindful that there is no movement of water during the test and the pump may build up heat. If heat is noted, a valve on an unused gate may be partially opened to allow water movement.
D: After the hose is tested, it is inspected for damage to the hose jacket or couplings. A black marker circle around each male coupling (the “creep line”) is provided by the manufacturer and a movement of this line 1/16” away from the coupling indicates the coupling is separating from the hose.
Answer: D
D) After the hose is tested, it is inspected for damage to the hose jacket or couplings. A black marker circle around each male coupling (the “creep line”) is provided by the manufacturer and a movement of this line 1/8” AWAY from the coupling indicates the coupling is separating from the hose.
Eng Ch 3 Add 3 5.4.8, 5.4.9, 5.4.11, 5.5.1, 5.5.2
Question 38:
High-rise fire resistive buildings where open interior stairs provide the only access to the roof are of particular concern. In these instances, the following guidelines apply. Which one is incorrect?
A: The incident commander must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted.
B: Whether or not the stairway is an IDLH, two members must be assigned to vent the roof (1st roof and a member of FE team or 2nd roof).
C: The fire apartment door must be controlled until members verify their arrival on the roof and the bulkhead door is closed or they have attained an area of refuge.
D: If door control cannot be maintained, or any other condition exists that will impact the members assigned to roof ventilation, the officer shall immediately communicate this information to them.
Answer: A
A. THE FIRST LADDER OFFICER must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted.
Multiple Dwellings Ch 4 10.1.2
Question 39:
Two members of a busy Brooklyn Engine Company were discussing hose line stretching and operation. Which point made during the conversation was incorrect?
A: All hoselines stretched at an operation do not need to be the same size; if the initial hoseline stretched is a 2 ½” line, subsequent hoselines are not required to also be 2 ½” hose. If the engine officer determines the use of a smaller hoseline would be appropriate, subsequent hoselines may be 1 ¾” hose.
B: While the officer should use their discretion in assessing the size of the fire area, a general guideline is that a fire area over 25 feet wide can be considered “large”.
C: When a hoseline is hand stretched from the apparatus into a building with a standpipe system, the use of 2 ½” hose is not mandated; the use of 1 ¾” hose may be appropriate.
D: Hand stretching 1 ¾” hose from the apparatus into the building may be appropriate for high rise and low rise fireproof multiple dwellings alike.
Answer: B
B) While the officer should use their discretion in assessing the size of the fire area, a general guideline is that a fire area over 50 FEET WIDE can be considered “large”.
Eng Ch 4 4.2.1, 4.8.4, 4.9.2 A, 4.9.3 A, 5.4
Question 40:
According to the FDNY’s collision reporting system protocol, which of the following events would be the only one considered an apparatus collision?
A: An apparatus struck by a pedestrian.
B: A properly parked apparatus that was struck by another apparatus (for both apparatus).
C: Damage to an apparatus caused by an unusual occurrence (e.g. a tree limb falls on an apparatus).
D: Damage to a civilian vehicle caused by a properly parked apparatus operating at alarms (e.g., a tower ladder outrigger damaging a parked car) inspection activities, and MUD.
Answer: A
Safety Bulletin 3 4.2, 4.4
Question 41:
“Interconnected Building Systems” are standpipe systems in which the standpipes of multiple buildings are interconnected to each other via underground piping. This is common in residential housing complexes, especially those owned by the NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA). Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Generally, the water supply to the entire interconnected system is by way of a multiple gravity tanks; one located on each of the buildings in the complex.
B: Each building will have a Post Indicator Valve (PIV) that can be used to isolate that building from the rest of the system. When the PIV is closed, the building will be disconnected from all other buildings, including the gravity tank, and will not be connected to any additional water supply.
C: When the PIV is open, the building will be connected to the rest of the complex. When all PIV’s are open, all standpipes in the system can be supplied by way of any building.
D: The PIV will generally be located outside, in close proximity to the building, and is often found in the direction of the building that contains the gravity tank for the system.
Answer: A
A) Generally, the water supply to the entire interconnected system is by way of a SINGLE gravity tank located on ONE of the buildings.
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 4.4.7
Question 42:
From the choices listed below, select the correct scenario when a Company Officer can issue a Criminal Court Summons to a City Agency.
A: To a teacher of a public school for a locked exit
B: To a NYCHA manager for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior fire department notification
C: When directed by the Fire Marshals
D: When directed by NYPD
Answer: B
A summons may only be issued against a City Agency in the following instances:
- To a custodian or principal of a public school for a locked exit
- To a NYCHA manager or superintendent for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior fire department notification
- When directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention
AUC 5 ch 3 add 3 sec 9.1.3 (December, 2019)
Question 44:
The commencement of the engine company’s fire attack should be conducted in strict adherence to Department guidance. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: Prior to opening the door to the fire area for advancement of the hoseline, the engine officer must ensure that no firefighters will be exposed in the hallway or on the stairs above as the fire attack is initiated. This shall only be done in person, face-to-face.
B: Immediately before moving into the fire area with the hoseline, the engine officer should ensure the nozzle team is crouched low, on the same side of the door, and relay to the nozzle team information gathered while the line was being stretched.
C: After relaying information to the nozzle team, the officer should ensure the nozzle team is ready both physically and mentally. If needed, this is the time for the nozzle team to take a deep breath to reset themselves for the fire attack.
D: The nozzle team must begin every interior fire attack through the door to the fire area crouched low, near the floor, regardless of conditions. The decision to open the nozzle is made by the engine officer, and based on the conditions encountered, the officer may decide to open on smoke.
Answer: A
A) Prior to opening the door to the fire area for advancement of the hoseline, the engine officer must ensure that no firefighters will be exposed in the hallway or on the stairs above as the fire attack is initiated. This can be done via handie-talkie OR in person.
B Note: Relay to the nozzle team information gathered while the line was being stretched. This may include directions to the location of the fire, or any hazards found in the fire area.
D Note: After entry is made into the fire area, the engine officer can evaluate conditions and adjust or modify the method of advance used.
Eng Ch 4 8.3 - 8.6
Question 45:
Several safety concerns at buildings under construction are mentioned below. Which one is incorrect?
A: The cast in place construction presents serious fire and collapse hazards that members may encounter due to the potential for lightening fire spread that can occur in the formwork system.
B: Modern construction practices now often allow for reshoring to occur on the same day as pouring, sometimes only a few hours after the concrete floor was poured.
C: Concrete has strong compressive strength, but very weak or no tensile strength, and has poor shear resistance.
D: Unless there is a responsible person on the job site, such as site safety manager, site safety coordinator, construction superintendent or shoring foreperson and they state exactly the time that the concrete was poured, arriving units should assume it was poured within 48 hours.
Answer: D
Unless there is a responsible person on the job site, such as a Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator, Construction Superintendent or Shoring Foreperson and they state exactly the time that the concrete was poured, arriving units should assume it was poured within the prior 24 hours.
Safety Bulletin 7 Ch 5 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.6
Question 46:
In a high rise building of older, traditional construction, an ECC would be “most correct” to generally supply the standpipe system with a pressure of?
A: 105 psi plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation, measured to the floor on which the standpipe is located.
B: 105 psi plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation, measured to the floor on which the hoseline will be operating.
C: 100 psi plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation, measured to the floor on which the hoseline will be operating.
D: 100 psi plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation, measured to the floor on which the standpipe is located.
Answer: B
Example—If fire is on the 26th floor of a HRFPMD, the ECC should supply 230 psi to the standpipe system (105 psi-baseline + 125 psi for 25 floors of elevation).
Note: If not utilizing supply charts, ECC’s MAY, for ease of computation, use the formula 100 plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation when performing street hydraulics.
The guideline of supplying standpipe systems with 105 psi, plus an additional 5 psi per floor of elevation should be used as the PRIMARY GUIDE at most operations in buildings that are known to be older, traditional construction.
Eng Ch 5 4.3.7, 4.3.8
Question 47:
The inability of the first due engine company to secure a positive water source is a serious situation that affects everyone on the fire ground. When the first due engine arrives on scene and encounters an inoperative hydrant, which of the following procedures is correct?
A: The 1st due ECC should immediately contact the 2nd due engine company if on-scene.
B: If the 2nd due engine is on-scene and has a working hydrant, the 1st ECC must determine if they can be supplied via a relay operation. If this option is available, a 10-70 is not required.
C: If the 10-70 is required, this should be transmitted as a “mayday” HT transmission.
D: If the 2nd due engine does not have a working hydrant, both ECC’s must continue searching for a working hydrant until a water source is obtained.
Answer: D
B. If the 2nd due engine is on-scene and has a working hydrant, the 1st ECC must determine if they CAN HOOK UP TO THAT HYDRANT DIRECTLY, EITHER BY REPOSITIONING THEIR RIG, OR BY STRETCHING 3 ½” HOSE. If EITHER option is available, a 10-70 is not required.
C. If the 10-70 is required, this should be transmitted as a “URGENT” HT transmission.
Engine Ops Ch 10 2.2, 2.3
Question 48:
Proper application of water is essential to the success of the engine company’s attack on the fire. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: If there is a smoke condition with high heat, the nozzle should be opened on the smoke and operated as necessary to cool the area, and then advance toward the fire.
B: If turbulent smoke is encountered at the entry point, the nozzle should be opened and operated at this location until it is able to advance.
C: When opening the nozzle on smoke, the officer shall ensure the nozzle is opened for constant flow during the advance. Operating intermittently in smoke will have negative consequences, including obscuring the area.
D: Once the hoseline arrives at the fire area, the line should be operated into the overhead area initially to wet the ceiling and adjacent walls then lowered to hit burning objects in the room. Sweep the floor and enter for final extinguishment.
Answer: C
C) When opening the nozzle on smoke, the officer MAY either order the nozzle opened intermittently OR have the nozzle opened for constant flow during the advance.
Note: The officer needs to decide if opening the nozzle can wait until they see visible fire, or the team is just outside the fire room. In the absence of high heat and turbulence in the smoke, conditions may be such that advancing the charged line in the smoke condition without opening the nozzle would be more effective. In this case, the line can be advanced with the nozzle closed until the fire can be hit directly with the stream.
Note: When an area is heavily involved in fire, the area adjacent to the fire room may also be at extreme temperatures. In this case, the officer should order the nozzle opened as the team approaches the area to cool the area and allow the nozzle team to make entry for extinguishment.
Eng Ch 4 8.6.1-8.6.5
Question 49:
The correct statement made in regards to the FDNY Summons (formally the Notice of Violation NOV) can be found in which choice?
A: The FDNY Summons can be used to enforce the NYS Multiple dwelling Law
B: Not more than 7 Violation Categories are to be cited on each FDNY Summons
C: Affixing an FDNY Summons to a counter top or desk is an acceptable form of service
D: In multiple dwellings, the posting of the FDNY Summons to a tenants door is an acceptable form of service for rubbish outside their apartment door (in hallway)
Answer: B
A- DO NOT use the FDNY Summons to enforce New York State Laws (NYS Labor Law, NYS MD Law) Page-2
B- p-2
C- Affixing a FDNY Summons to a counter top or desk top is not permitted, as it may raise questions regarding service. p- 5
D- DO NOT issue an FDNY Summons to a tenant of a multiple dwelling. This would constitute improper service resulting in dismissal of FDNY Summons. P-2
Additional- When affixing copies of the FDNY Summons, its the Green and Gold copies p-4
AUC 5 ch 3 add 1 (December, 2019)
Question 50:
Top floor fires at multiple dwellings always present the possibility of fire extending into the cockloft. When this occurs which of the following SOP’s is incorrect?
A: The IC shall designate a company officer as the roof sector supervisor until a chief officer can be assigned.
B: Once a sector supervisor is assigned, all communications between the roof and the IC shall go through the roof sector supervisor.
C: When fire has extended to the cockloft, the IC shall evaluate conditions and consider the use of the cockloft nozzle from the top floor only.
D: An additional hoseline may be needed to protect the cockloft nozzle operation.
Answer: C
C. When fire has extended to the cockloft, the IC shall evaluate conditions and consider the use of the cockloft nozzle from the top floor OR THE ROOF.
Multiple Dwellings Ch 1 4.9.1
Question 52:
When the EAB is depressed on the HT audible alerts are emitted. Which choice contains incorrect information regarding these audible alerts?
A: An impolite call is when the radio sends a transmission even when the channel is busy with other radio traffic, however it will not preempt any ongoing transmissions.
B: Approximately 2 seconds after the impolite transmission, the polite alert is sent.
C: The HT transmits one impolite and two polite alerts.
D: A polite call is when the radio sends a transmission when the channel is not busy with other radio traffic.
Answer: B
B. Approximately 8 SECONDS after the impolite transmission, the polite alert is sent.
Communications Ch 11
Question 55:
After an increase in lithium-ion mobility device fires in their response area, the Lieutenant working in Ladder 99 decides to gather members in the kitchen to discuss some important topics about these events. She was incorrect in which point addressed?
A: The thermal imaging camera should be relied upon to determine if a lithium-ion battery pack or cell is compromised.
B: Once thermal runaway begins it will propagate to the adjacent battery cells. It may only take seconds for this dangerous event to take place.
C: Usually there is a “pop” or rupture sound heard proceeding thermal runaway with pressurized white smoke venting moments prior to ignition.
D: If able to penetrate the battery case, water may provide a cooling effect on the adjacent battery cells. This cooling may reduce propagation to other cells.
Answer: A
A. The thermal imaging camera SHOULD NOT BE relied upon to determine if a lithium-ion battery pack or cell is compromised.
Haz Mat Ch 20 4.2, 4.3
Question 56:
Your unit arrives at a 2-story commercial building at 0300 hours for a water flow alarm activation. You would be correct in all actions below except?
A: Conduct an exterior inspection.
B: Ask the dispatcher if the alarm has reset; if it has, consider forcible entry for confirmation.
C: If the alarm has not reset, consider forcible entry.
D: If the alarm has not reset, have the dispatcher direct the alarm company to notify the responsible party.
Answer: B
B) Ask the dispatcher if the alarm has reset; if it has, TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION.
D) Note: If the sprinkler had a defect and/or was required to be shut, and is NOT monitored by an alarm, have the Fire Marshals notify the responsible party.
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 4 4.6
Question 58:
Engine 399 is drilling on the reverse stairway stretch. The officer makes the following comments, but was only correct in which one?
A: The execution of the reverse stairway stretch must be approved by the fire sector supevisor and communicated to all units.
B: Members should ensure the male end of the hose is being stretched downwards toward the street.
C: Beginning on the floor below the fire members will connect their lengths of 2 1/2” hose (roll-ups) and begin stretching down the designated stairway.
D: Once the stretch is complete, the incident commander must be notified. Only the incident commander can call for the hoseline to be charged.
Answer: C
A. The execution of the reverse stairway stretch must be approved by the INCIDENT COMMANDER and communicated to all units.
B. Members should ensure the FEMALE END of the hose is being stretched downwards toward the street.
D. Once the stretch is complete, the ENGINE OFFICER IN COMMAND OF THE NOZZLE TEAM must be notified. Only the OFFICER IN COMMAND OF THE NOZZLE TEAM can call for the hoseline to be charged.
Engine Ops Ch 10 2.5
Question 60:
The senior firefighter of Engine 200 made a number of comments about Engine operations to the newly assigned probationary firefighter in his unit. In which choice was the comment incorrect?
A: While the flowrate provided by sprinkler heads will vary, a standard sprinkler head can be expected to provide a flowrate of 13 – 18 GPM.
B: Members may encounter different types of standpipe systems: Class I - 2 ½” outlets; Class II - 1 ½” outlets; Class III - 2 ½” and 1 ½” outlets. In NYC, nearly all standpipe systems are Class I systems, several older occupancies (such as theaters) may have Class III systems and Class II systems should not exist in NYC.
C: A Pressure Reducing Device (PRD) is a device installed at the standpipe outlet for the purpose of reducing the water pressure flowing from the outlet. PRD’s are removable and are adjustable.
D: A Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) is a valve permanently attached to a standpipe outlet for the purpose of reducing the water pressure flowing from the outlet. PRV’s are removable and are adjustable.
Answer: D
D) A Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) is a valve permanently attached to a standpipe outlet for the purpose of reducing the water pressure flowing from the outlet. PRV’s are NOT removable and CANNOT be adjusted.
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 3.4, 4.3, 4.5.7, 4.5.8
Question 62:
Standpipes and Standpipe Pressurized Alarm Systems should be established as per all choices below except?
A: Vacant buildings being demolished- existing standpipes are not required to have an air-pressurized alarm.
B: New buildings higher than 75ft - temporary and permanent dry standpipes must have an air-pressurized alarm.
C: Prior notification for scheduled work - contractors must notify the Fire Department before any planned alarm deactivation.
D: Out of service standpipes- contractors must notify the Fire Department.
Answer: A
A) Vacant buildings being demolished- existing standpipes MUST be dry standpipes AND HAVE an air-pressurized alarm.
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 2 p2
Question 65:
Which of the following collisions results in a supervisory conference between the involved officer, chauffeur and the unit’s battalion commander:
1. Any collision involving double parked cars while unit is in non-response mode.
2. Any collision occurring while the apparatus is operating in reverse gear when guide personnel are or should be available.
3. A fall from a moving apparatus.
4. Operating a tractor trailer without an operator in the tiller.
A: 1, 2, 3, 4
B: 1, 2, 3
C: 1, 2
D: 1 only
Answer: C
Safety Bulletin 3 Addendum 3 3.6
Question 69:
The carrying bag of the FAST Pak provides many different options for packaging and removal of the downed member. There are two affixed carabiners on the bottom of both ends of the case, which may be attached to the downed member. This will streamline the operation and allow for how many less member’s participation in removal?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
Answer: A
TB SCBA Addendum 1 7.3
Question 72:
Which of the following choices contains correct information regarding the markings, features and operation of the NYC hydrant system?
A: Some hydrants may be marked with a white number on the barrel; this indicates the size of the main supplying the hydrant (in feet).
B: Some hydrants have a “breakaway” feature which consists of a “collar” fitted on the lower portion of the barrel which, when broken, will cause the water supply to the hydrant to be shut down. It is sometimes possible to find this collar buried beneath concrete surrounding a hydrant.
C: A white line over the number on the barrel of a hydrant indicates the hydrant is on a dead end main and is only supplied from one direction, which may limit water flow.
D: Hydrants are equipped with a curb valve, generally located in the street near the hydrant, which requires a special curb valve key to shut down. The key is turned clockwise 17 full turns to shut the valve and there will not be a noticeable decrease in water flow until about 12 full turns are made.
Answer: B
A) Some hydrants may be marked with a white number on the barrel; this indicates the size of the main supplying the hydrant (in INCHES).
B) A white line UNDER the number on the barrel of a hydrant indicates the hydrant is on a dead end main and is only supplied from one direction, which may limit water flow.
D. Hydrants are equipped with a curb valve, generally located in the street near the hydrant, which requires a special curb valve key to shut down. The key is turned COUNTERCLOCKWISE 17 full turns to shut the valve and there will not be a noticeable decrease in water flow until about 12 full turns are made.
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 2.4.1-2.4.3
Question 73:
Buildings under construction must comply to painting the fire suppression systems piping and handles in accordance to the code. Choose the most correct color in correspondence to the fire suppression system.
A: All exposed standpipes and sprinkler piping must be painted red, except branch piping
B: Dedicated standpipe valve handles must be painted red with white contrasting bands
C: Combination standpipe valve handles must be painted red with green contrasting bands
D: Dedicated sprinkler valve handles must be painted green with red contrasting red bands
Answer: A
B- Dedicated standpipe valve handles must be painted red
C- Combination standpipe valve handles must be painted yellow
D- Dedicated sprinkler valve handles must be painted green
AUC 5 ch 2 add 2 p-3 (December, 2019)
Question 74:
Backing the tower ladder apparatus into the block may permit greater flexibility in bucket placement by preventing the crew cab from obstructing the boom’s reach. When backing the apparatus into the block, which provision is correct?
A: Use of hand signals (and flashlight at night) by the guide firefighter will greatly facilitate backing in the apparatus.
B: Once the decision has been made to back in, the chauffeur and guide firefighter (typically the roof firefighter) will work together to obtain proper placement.
C: When necessary to assess clearance on the opposite side of the apparatus, the guide firefighter must maintain voice contact with the chauffeur.
D: Tower ladders assigned as a FAST/additional unit should anticipate the most likely direction first alarm ladder companies will enter the block and formulate a plan of entering from the same direction.
Answer: A
B. Once the decision has been made to back in, the chauffeur and guide firefighter (typically the OUTSIDE VENT FIREFIGHTER will work together to obtain proper placement.
C. When necessary to assess clearance on the opposite side of the apparatus, the guide firefighter MAY MAINTAIN VISUAL contact with the chauffeur USING THE OFFICER’S SIDE MIRROR.
D. Tower ladders assigned as a FAST/additional unit should anticipate the most likely direction first alarm ladder companies will enter the block and formulate a plan of entering from the OPPOSITE direction.
Tower Ladder Ch 2 2.3
Question 75:
Engine companies can use a standing body of water as a positive water source when there are no hydrants available, or in situations where more water is required than can be supplied by the hydrant system. When drafting water, each of the following choices should be followed except?
A: The apparatus should be operated in Volume Operation and the PPG should be switched to “Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) Mode”. The PPG throttle should be increased to 1,000 RPM.
B: To draft water, the apparatus priming pump is used to remove air from the drafting hose, which creates a vacuum in the pump chamber and pulls water into the system. The prime should last for at least 45 seconds and once a successful draft is achieved, the PPG is returned to PSI (pounds per square inch) Mode for pumping operations.
C: The 10-foot smooth connection is hooked up to the 6” ungated inlet on the Engine and the rigid connection equipped with a strainer is lowered into the water (with the 2nd rigid connection connected in between them.) The connection with the strainer is secured with a rope using a clove hitch and binder tied just above the strainer, and lowered until the strainer is at least 5 feet under the water’s surface. The other end of the rope is secured to a substantial object, using the substantial object knot.
D: A limiting factor on the ability to draft water is the vertical distance water needs to travel from the water’s surface to the apparatus. In practice, a pumper can draft water a maximum distance of roughly 22 feet, though lifting water vertically beyond 10 feet reduces the Gallons Per Minute (GPM) capability of the pumper.
Answer: C
C) The 10-foot smooth connection is hooked up to the 6” ungated inlet on the Engine and the rigid connection equipped with a strainer is lowered into the water (with the 2nd rigid connection connected in between them.) The connection with the strainer is secured with a rope using a clove hitch and binder tied just above the strainer, and lowered until the strainer is AT LEAST 2 FEET under the water’s surface. The other end of the rope is secured to a substantial object, using the substantial object knot.
B Note: All inlets and outlets not used must be capped and spanner tightened. All gates and drains must be closed. A positive and steady Master Pressure Gauge reading will indicate a successful draft. A negative reading on the Master Inlet Pressure Gauge is normal.
C Note: FDNY apparatus carry 3 connections intended exclusively for use in the drafting evolution. Each of the connections is 10 feet long and one is a smooth connection, while the other 2 are rigid connections.
Eng Ch 5 3.8
Question 77:
The annual hose test is essential to ensuring a unit’s hose will operate properly when required. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: The company will be placed out-of-service for the duration of the hose test, which should be conducted in a safe area that allows for the stretching of a large amount of hose.
B: Before the hose is tested, it should be visibly inspected for obvious defects, including damaged couplings, abrasions, burns, or rot to the hose jacket. If defects are noted, the hose should not be tested and should be placed out of service.
C: The hose manifold is capable of testing 6 lines of 6 lengths each, for a total of 36 lengths stretched from the manifold. In addition, the 1 or 2 lengths of 1 3/4” or 2 1/2” hose from the single gate on the pumper to the inline gauge on the hose manifold is also being tested.
D: The apparatus is hooked up to a hydrant using the inlet opposite the pump panel, with a single gate attached to the pumper outlet, also on the side opposite the pump panel.
Answer: C
The hose manifold is capable of testing 6 lines of 6 lengths each, for a total of 36 lengths stretched from the manifold. In addition, the 1 or 2 lengths OF 2 ½” HOSE from the single gate on the pumper to the inline gauge on the hose manifold is also being tested.
ONLY 2 ½” hose may be used to supply manifold.
Note: If two lengths are used to supply the manifold, this means that 38 total lengths of hose can be tested in one shot. This was a test question over 20 years ago.
Note: All hose couplings must be tightened with a spanner wrench.
Eng Ch 3 Add 3 5.3.1-5.3.8
Question 78:
Which responsibility of the 2nd arriving ladder roof firefighter at a high-rise fire resistive building fire is incorrect?
A: The tool assignment is: halligan hook, halligan, LSR and life belt.
B: Prior to proceeding to the roof bring the LSR to the floor above the fire.
C: When the fire floor is one of the top three floors of the building, proceed to the roof with the LSR.
D: If LSR rescue is not required, proceed to the roof to assist the 1st roof firefighter with ventilation of the attack stairway bulkhead, and search of the bulkheads and the perimeter of the building.
Answer: C
C. When the fire floor is one of the top TWO FLOORS of the building, proceed to the roof with the LSR.
Multiple Dwellings Ch 4 10.2.4
Question 79:
Where doubt exists as to the legality of an alteration utilizing steel plating on a building, which action should be taken?
A: Post a Violation Order in the lobby of the premises.
B: Post an FDNY Summons in the lobby of the premises.
C: Forward a DOB Referral Report marked as High Priority.
D: Forward an A-8 to Fire Prevention.
Answer: C
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 10
Question 81:
Tying proper knots is critical to the use of the Kernmantle LSR. The KLSR requires the use of a figure eight knot on the bight of approximately how many inches?
A: 8-10
B: 10-12
C: 12-14
D: 14-16
Answer: B
TB Rope 5 Addendum 1 1.1
Question 82:
Which of the following choices is incorrect regarding investigation of complaints involving possible violations of the Fire Code at a premises in your unit’s administrative district?
A: Complaints shall be investigated promptly, but must be investigated within 24 hours after receipt.
B: The officer shall fax an unendorsed A-17 to the BISP Unit immediately after conducting an investigation.
C: If access is not obtained within 24 hours, at least one additional attempt shall be made to complete the investigation within 72 hours. If completed, a final report is sent.
D: If the investigation cannot be completed after 72 hours, a telephone notification shall be made to the BISP unit.
Answer: C
C) At least one attempt PER DAY shall be made to complete the investigation within 72 hours. If completed, a final report is sent.
B Note: Only final reports shall be emailed through the chain of command.
AUC 5 Ch 3 Add 6 2.2-2.5
Question 84:
Which choice reflects incorrect information regarding the exterior hose drop?
A: On the ground, the ECC will stretch a 2 1/2” line to the point at which the lowered line will reach the ground.
B: As a safety precaution, a rope must be tied to the lead coupling being lowered, so as to allow the members waiting on the ground below to guide the hose as it’s being lowered.
C: After the hose has been lowered, members of the first due engine company must properly secure the hose.
D: After the knot is lowered into place, the rope must be secured inside the window using a substantial object knot. Any available rope may be used for this purpose.
Answer: B
B. IF THERE IS A ROPE AVAILABLE, IT CAN BE TIED AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION TO THE lead coupling being lowered, so as to allow the members waiting on the ground below to guide the hose as it’s being lowered.
Engine Ops Ch 10 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.6.7
Question 85:
When a units FAST Pak goes out of service the officer should request a spare FAST Pak from whom?
A: Mask Service Unit
B: R & D
C: Division
D: Battalion
Answer: D
TB SCBA Addendum 1 5.13
Question 87:
While conducting a drill on roof operations, Lt Chase described the rooftop conduits/piping and colors to his members. Lt Chase was correct in which choice?
A: A red colored conduit/pipe is low voltage wiring
B: An orange colored conduit/pipe is high voltage wiring
C: A yellow colored conduit/pipe can be several different type of compressed gases
D: A conduit/pipe that is yellow with black stripes is Fuel oil
Answer: D
Red- High Voltage wiring
Orange- Low Voltage wiring
Yellow- Natural Gas
Yellow labeled at regular intervals- Other compressed gases
Yellow with black stripes- Fuel oil
AUC 5 ch 2 add 3 (2019) p-5
Also see Training Bulletins Fires 8 p-15
Hybrid vehicles- Never cut high voltage cables
Most Hybrid vehicles the high voltage cable is ORANGE, with some high voltage cables being BLUE
Question 89:
Complaints from the public regarding the installation and/or maintenance of CO detectors in “residential” premises shall be?
A: Referred do DOB using a A-8.
B: Referred to DOB using a High Priority Referral.
C: Referred to “311” for follow-up by HPD and DOB.
D: Referred to HPD using an A-8.
Answer: C
Note: Complaints with respect to the installation and/or maintenance of CO detectors in occupancy groups G, E, H, and I shall be referred to the Field Public Operations Support Unit (FPOSU).
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 6
Question 93:
During company drill at a local high rise building under construction, your members made a number of comments regarding standpipe use and maintenance at these buildings. Which comment was incorrect?
A: Standpipes are never permitted to be used for a purpose other than to supply water for firefighting operations.
B: Where a standpipe is used to supply water and freezing conditions occur, the standpipe shall be completely drained after use to prevent freezing.
C: Fire Department hose connections shall be kept free from obstruction and shall be marked by a metal sign reading, “Standpipe Connection.”
D: Fire Department hose connections shall be marked by a red light at night.
Answer: A
A) Standpipes MAY be used for a purpose other than to supply water for firefighting operations, including but not limited to supplying water or compressed air for construction or demolition operations, PROVIDED at least one standpipe riser is maintained at all times for firefighting operations.
B Note: Where a standpipe is used to supply water for construction or demolition operations and freezing conditions may occur, the standpipe shall be completely drained after use to prevent freezing.
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 2
Question 94:
Members are listening to a web ex drill in the kitchen when they hear the following two statements:
1. All newly constructed high-rise fireproof multiple dwellings built under the 2008 building code are fully sprinklered throughout the structure.
2. In 2014 a new fire code was enacted that requires ARC systems in all newly constructed high-rise buildings.
Which of these statements are true?
A: 1 only
B: 2 only
C: 1 and 2
D: Neither 1 or 2
Answer: C
Multiple Dwellings Ch 2 1.2, 7.1.7
Question 95:
Members studying for the upcoming Lieutenant’s exam are discussing some of the relatively new provisions of the ventilation bulletin. They were incorrect in which point below?
A: Initial vertical ventilation shall be performed unless the roof firefighter is ordered to delay or withhold vertical ventilation.
B: If the ladder company officer determines the fire has not communicated to the floor above, limited ventilation is justifiable if it facilitates search operations, with the understanding of potentially pulling fire to that location.
C: The incident commander shall communicate with the roof firefighter when vertical ventilation is not to be taken, or delayed (i.e. unable to gain control of the fire apartment door and/or uncontrolled fire in the public hall or stairwell.
D: Any change in fire conditions caused by vertical ventilation tactics must be communicated to and by the ladder company officer and the IC.
Answer: C
C. The LADDER COMPANY OFFICER INSIDE THE FIRE AREA shall communicate with the roof firefighter when vertical ventilation is not to be taken, or delayed (i.e. unable to gain control of the fire apartment door and/or uncontrolled fire in the public hall or stairwell.
Ventilation 8.3, 10.1.1, 10.2.1
Question 96:
On arrival at a loft building for a report of fire in the rear of the 1st floor, you notice an 8”X10”metal sign approximately 7ft above the sidewalk next to the main entrance. The information on the sign is correctly indicated in which choice?
4 F
A: A.I.R. - Artist In Rear
B: 4 F - Apt 4F
C: R - Roof
D: R - Rear
Answer: D
A.I.R. - Artist in Residence
4 F - 4th floor
R - Rear
AUC 5 Ch 2 Add 1
Question 98:
The new FAST Pak offers several advantages but also certain limitations. Which one of these features outlined below correct?
A: The air cylinder is smaller, lighter and has a 90-degree angle valve for ease of operation and to allow use in a SCBA bracket.
B: The FAST Pak cannot be augmented from another air source.
C: When a Fast Pak is in use, the FAST Unit (safety team) shall acquire a spare SCBA from another unit on scene.
D: It is essential that one member of the FAST Unit who has audible communication with the extrication team, is assigned to monitor the actual volume of air remaining in the portable cylinder.
Answer: D
A. The air cylinder is smaller, lighter and has a 90-degree angle valve for ease of operation and to PREVENT USE IN A SCBA bracket.
B. The FAST Pak CAN BE augmented from another air source.
C. When a Fast Pak is in use, the FAST Unit (safety team) shall acquire AN ADDITIONAL FAST PAK from another unit on scene.
TB SCBA Addendum 1 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.5
Question 99:
In the event the first arriving ECC cannot hook up to a positive water source at a fire operation, each of the following choices should be followed, except in which incorrect choice?
A: The ECC should transmit a signal 10-70 via handie talkie. The EAB should not be used in this case.
B: Transmit signal 10-70 on the department radio.
C: The second arriving engine will be the water resource unit when a 10-70 is transmitted by the first arriving engine.
D: Once the 10-70 is transmitted, the ECC should coordinate with assisting units, including the water resource unit, and make clear what assistance is needed.
Answer: A
A) The ECC should transmit a signal 10-70 via handie talkie. The EAB SHOULD be used.
A Note: This will alert all on-scene units that the 1st due engine does not have a positive water supply and they require assistance in obtaining one.
B Note: This informs incoming units of the situation and allows dispatch to assign a water resource unit.
Eng Ch 5 3.6
Question 100:
All members should be familiar with the components, and operation, of standpipe systems. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Section valves are OS&Y type valves (Outside Stem & Yoke) and can often be located in a cabinet below the standpipe outlet. If the valve is open, the stem will be visible outside the attached wheel; and if closed, the stem is not visible.
B: Post Indicator Valves are painted red and used to isolate a building from the rest of an Interconnected Building Standpipe System. Generally located outside, in close proximity to the building, the word “OPEN” visible on the face of the valve indicates the valve is open while “CLOSED” indicates the valve is closed.
C: A Gravity Tank is a large container that uses the force of gravity to supply water pressure to a standpipe system. To work properly, the gravity tank needs to be located a distance above the highest outlet, so they are commonly located above roof level.
D: For standpipe systems in an interconnected building complex, a single gravity tank may supply the system for the entire complex. In no case will a gravity tank ever be located inside of a building.
Answer: D
D) For standpipe systems in an interconnected building complex, a single gravity tank may supply the system for the entire complex. In larger high-rise buildings with low-zone and high-zone systems (such as mega high-rises), it is POSSIBLE for ADDITIONAL gravity tanks to be found INSIDE the building.
A Note: These valves may also be called a Riser Control Valve or an Isolation Valve.
Eng Ch 3 Add 4 4.5.3, 4.5.4, 4.5.5