LT PKG EXAM #17 Flashcards
Question 2:
Which feature of the Beluga auto glass knife is described incorrectly?
A: There is no need to constantly remove and restart your cut to reposition the cutting head or drill battery.
B: The blade reciprocates over the glass, crushing it while pushing the bulk of the debris towards the vehicle compartment.
C: The knife is designed to cut laminated safety glass found in automobile windshields, hurricane windows and both commercial and residential construction glass.
D: Depending on the drill speed you select, the Beluga can cut about as fast as you can push it.
Answer: B
B. The blade reciprocates UNDER the glass, crushing it while pushing the bulk of the debris AWAY FROM the vehicle compartment.
TB Tools 39 2.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.9
Question 3:
During a fire operation, there are certain cases where the position of engine company members may be fluid. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: In the event the advance of the hoseline is stalled due to insufficient available hose, the back-up firefighter may need to momentarily leave the nozzle firefighter to retrieve the hose necessary to continue the fire attack. This must be coordinated with the officer and nozzle firefighter.
B: In larger apartments or private homes, the door firefighter may be forced to move into the fire area to keep line of sight with the nozzle team. Maintaining visual contact with the nozzle team is necessary as they advance.
C: To effectively control the hose stretch of the first line, the control firefighter must remain last in the stretch. This is true unless they are being assisted by another unit.
D: If the 2nd engine arrives after the 1st engine has begun stretching, the 2nd arriving members should begin assisting with the stretch only after they have confirmed the position of the 1st arriving engine and the progress of the stretch. This may require the 2nd arriving members to enter the building and follow the line to determine progress.
Answer: C
C) To effectively control the hose stretch, the control firefighter must remain last in the stretch. This is true EVEN WHEN they are assisted by another unit.
Eng Ch 6 3.10, 4.5.5, 5.5.1, 6.3
Question 4:
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding rowframe buildings?
A: They are built in rows containing as many as twenty or more buildings.
B: They vary in height from three to seven stories.
C: They are twenty to thirty feet in width.
D: They have depths ranging from forty to sixty feet.
Answer: B
B) They vary in height from TWO to FIVE stories.
When constructed, each builder may have used varying designs, i.e., with stoop similar to brownstones but all wood; with or without cornices. They were constructed over a period of many years in the 1800’s and early 1900’s.
BS/RF 5.1.1
Question 6:
In which of the following circumstances is a “potential blast zone” established at a major gas emergency:
1) Subsurface leak;
2) 80% of LEL or higher (leak found);
3) gas leaking for considerable time and trapped in a voids space;
4) 10% LEL or greater (leak cannot be found);
5) 10% LEL or greater and there are indications the leak is coming from an outside, subsurface source
A: 1, 2, 4, 5
B: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
C: 1, 2, 4
D: 2, 3 ,4, 5
Answer: B
Natural Gas 8.0 Pg 30 & 31
Question 7:
All firefighters should have a basic understanding of the various types of combustion. Which of the following choices contains incorrect information?
A: Flash fires involve a flame moving though a flammable mixture with considerable speed, without developing a significant over-pressure.
B: Flash fires will always self-extinguish, with no potential for ignition of secondary fires.
C: Flash fires which occur in a confined space can cause an over pressure condition and result in an explosion.
D: A BLEVE occurs when liquid in a pressurized vessel is at or heated to a temperature that exceeds it boiling point and the container ruptures due to excessive buildup in pressure to tank failure caused by mechanical or thermal damage.
Answer: B
B) Flash fires USUALLY self-extinguish, although SOMETIMES may ignite secondary fires.
C Note: This condition would be referred to as an explosion. (e.g. dust explosion)
TB FD Ch 3 8.1, 8.3, 8.4 Note, 9.3
Question 8:
At a recent top floor fire in an Old Law Tenement, which member/team of the 2nd arriving Ladder Company operated improperly?
A: The Inside Team proceed to the top floor to assist the 1st arriving Ladder Company in entry and search of all top floor apartments.
B: The Roof FF proceeded to the roof with the power saw.
C: The OV FF vented the fire apartment from the fire escape.
D: The Chauffeur was positioned in front of the fire building initially. Since not needed there, this member proceeded to the rear fire escape to vent.
Answer: D
D) Chauffeur Position - Front of fire building. If not needed here, proceeds to the ROOF.
Lad 3 3.5.2
Question 10:
Members operating at a steam high energy line break in the street would be incorrect to perform which tactic?
A: Approach an outdoor HELB from upwind and stay clear of the vapor plume.
B: Consider activating HVAC systems of nearby buildings.
C: Consider evacuating buildings from the rear or side entrances to avoid the exclusion zone.
D: Prepare for decontamination of civilians, firefighters, bunker gear, tools, equipment and vehicles.
Answer: B
B. Consider SHUTTING HVAC systems of nearby buildings.
Steam 4.2
Question 11:
Occupancies equipped with Lexan panels instead of conventional glass windows can present significant challenges to operating members. These windows may be forced with a portable ladder if at ground level. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: Remove the exterior screen, if present.
B: Place the tip of the ladder on the Lexan window in the corner adjacent to the window frame.
C: Three or four members apply a gradual leaning pressure against the window until it is forced inward.
D: If a section of window snaps off, continue forcing around the window perimeter until a sufficient opening has been made.
Answer: B
B) Place the BUTT of the ladder on the Lexan window in the corner adjacent to the window frame.
Lad 1 10.3.1
Question 14:
A newly promoted lieutenant has just conducted her first roll call and is in the office preparing for the tour. A firefighter approaches the officer and informs her that the voicemitter on a facepiece was discovered damaged during inspection. The officer was correct to take which of the following actions?
A: The officer forwarded a letterhead report to the Chief of Department via the chain of command stating full particulars.
B: The facepiece was placed out of service and forwarded to Tech Services for repair.
C: The officer interviewed all members involved in order to ascertain how the voicemitter became damaged.
D: The report did not include the name of the member discovering the damaged facepiece.
Answer: C
A. The officer forwarded a letterhead report to the CHIEF OF OPERATIONS via the chain of command stating full particulars.
B. The facepiece was placed out of service and forwarded to THE MASK SERVICE UNIT for repair.
D. The report INCLUDED the name of the member discovering the damaged facepiece AND THE NAME OF THE MEMBER WHO LAST USED AND/OR INSPECTED THE FACEPIECE.
TB SCBA 4.2.3 Note
Question 15:
When an aerial ladder has been committed to a roof position and is the only safe egress from that roof, each of the following choices are indicative of proper Department procedures except which choice?
A: The aerial ladder should not be moved unless absolutely necessary.
B: If the aerial ladder must be moved, direct radio communication must be made with members on the roof.
C: If the aerial ladder must be moved, it must be evident that there is no immediate need for roof egress at the time and that this new critical task will not delay the prompt replacement of the aerial ladder at the original location.
D: If the aerial ladder must be moved, units shall be informed of this temporary removal and the ladder must be returned to the bedded position as quickly as possible.
Answer: D
D) If the aerial ladder must be moved, units shall be informed of this temporary removal and the ladder must be returned TO THE SAME location as quickly as possible.
Lad 2 7.6
Question 17:
You are trying to remember what to bring to the Incident Command Post upon arrival as a Ventilation Support Group Company. You were incorrect in which choice?
A: 27” Tempest Fan
B: CO meters
C: Search rope
D: Elevator keys
E: Halligan and Heavy Axe
Answer: C
- 27” Tempest PPF and exhaust hoses
- Eye and ear protection
- Dave Clark headset
- CO monitors
- Elevator keys
- Halligan and Heavy Axe
- Door chocks
- Handlights
- SCBA and full PPE
AUC 349 sec 4.1
Question 19:
Of the following choices, which is not indicative of a new law tenement (built on or after 4/12/1901 and before 1916)?
A: Generally six or seven stories high, 35’ to 50’ wide and 85’ in depth.
B: The first floor (cellar ceiling) is of fireproof construction and unpierced. The entrance to the cellar is by way of exterior stairs.
C: The interior stairs are fireproof and enclosed in partitions of fireproof construction. Apartment doors are constructed of fire-resistant materials.
D: The second means of egress is either another stairway or an exterior fire escape. The secondary stairway is more generally found in these buildings.
Answer: D
D) The second means of egress is either another stairway or an exterior fire escape. The FIRE ESCAPE is more generally found in these buildings.
Notes: In addition:
Five to six apartments per floor.
All interior walls and furred partitions are required to be fire stopped at each story.
Steel “I” beams were introduced to carry floor joists which couldn’t span the enlarged floor areas. These steel beams generally were supported by masonry walls.
MD Ch 1 1.2
Question 20:
You are the officer on duty on Memorial Day Weekend and firefighter Walker calls to advise you that he has been selected for Jury Duty Service following his call-in period. You run down a bunch of things he should be aware of. Which one is INCORRECT according to the PA/ID?
A: You are responsible for working 6x9 tours on Fridays and Saturdays and before holidays, and 9x6 tours on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
B: If jury duty service starts prior to the beginning of your vacation, the vacation leave will be postponed.
C: You are not permitted to work any mutual exchange of tours from 1800 on the date immediately prior to the first day of service until released from Jury Duty Service.
D: Members scheduled to work on Memorial or Veteran’s Days that are excused for Jury Duty are not entitled to Comp Time reimbursement.
Answer: A
A IS INCORRECT – Saturday 6x9 tours and before holidays. (Not Friday 6x’s) 7.1
B – 8.3
C – 6.2.1
D – 7.2
Question 24:
All members should be familiar with fire protection features of high rise office buildings. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: The fire command station will be located in the lobby of the building, near the elevator control panel.
B: A floor warden station shall be located on each floor between the required exits.
C: At least one manual fire alarm sending station shall be located in each path of escape in each story of a building. Additional stations shall be installed so that no point on any floor shall be more than 500 feet from the nearest station.
D: An approved combustion ionization detection device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic device shall be installed at each elevator landing and within the HVAC system.
Answer: C
C) At least one manual fire alarm sending station shall be located in each path of escape in each story of a building. Additional stations shall be installed so that no point on any floor shall be more than 200 FEET from the nearest station.
D Note: The activation of a sprinkler water flow alarm or smoke detector at an elevator landing will recall the elevators. Within the HVAC system, the activation of a smoke detector will NOT recall the elevators.
HROB 7.2.1 A, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6
Question 26:
Members just returned from a reported fire in a factory which turned out to be unfounded. However, when checking the rear, the OV in the truck encountered a double bar fox lock on the rear door. The on-duty lieutenant takes this opportunity to drill on these types of locks but was incorrect in which statement?
A: These locks are easily recognizable by the location of the cylinder in the center if the door.
B: Cylinders are usually covered with a metal plate with four bolts.
C: Using a halligan, shear off the top two bolts and one bottom bolt, then turn the plate down exposing the lock cylinder.
D: After removing the cylinder with the K tool, use the square key tool and turn the tool towards the upper bar thus unlocking the door.
Answer: D
D. After removing the cylinder with the K tool, use the square key tool and turn the tool towards the BOTTOM bar thus unlocking the door.
TB Forcible Entry 1 4.2 B #6
Question 27:
An Officer in charge of a Tower Ladder unit should know that, at the conclusion of operations, certain steps must be followed to ensure the unit takes up safely. Which step below is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: When bedding the bucket, make certain the light on the back of the pedestal controls is illuminated and the arrows lining up the turntable and body of the Tower Ladder are aligned prior to bedding.
B: Prior to raising the jacks and outriggers, chauffeurs shall personally verify that all manual pins have been removed.
C: After raising the outriggers, verify that turntable platform arrow markings meet, ensuring that the Tower Ladder boom is parallel with the apparatus.
D: All members should remain alert and stay clear of the immediate area surrounding the Tower Ladder apparatus as the chauffeur proceeds to retract the outriggers and jacks.
Answer: C
C) Outriggers should NOT be raised before verifying that the turntable platform arrow markings meet, ensuring that the Tower Ladder boom is parallel with the apparatus.
D Note: Failure to do so could result in significant injuries as the apparatus moves downwards, as a result of the stabilizers releasing.
Note: When raising the outriggers, make certain tools are not leaning against the apparatus, and maintain an arms-length distance to ensure knees and legs are clear as the apparatus is set down onto the wheels. In addition, position a safety member on the OFFICER’S side of the apparatus.
TL Ch 2 2.9
Question 28:
Attic areas of private dwellings offer particular challenges to members. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Finished attic areas have low ceilings and hidden voids and channels for fire travel. Particular attention must be paid to the eaves, gables and cornices; these construction features tend to trap fire and heat.
B: Of special concern would be the presence of louvers for ventilation, which are often built into the underside of the eaves (soffit). Fire exposing this area readily communicates to the attic and roof.
C: Members opening knee walls in attic spaces should avoid opening walls near the stairs. Fire venting from these openings could block member egress.
D: Due to the limited means of access to most attics, the ladder company must be prepared to assist the engine company in alternate means of getting water on the fire. This can be achieved by opening up a 2’ section of the ceiling on the floor below.
Answer: D
D) Due to the limited means of access to most attics, the ladder company must be prepared to assist the engine company in alternate means of getting water on the fire. This can be achieved by opening up a 3’ SECTION of the ceiling on the floor below.
D Note: The engine company could then operate from a small extension ladder to sweep the attic space with the hoseline. If wood is encountered when making the initial opening, you may have encountered an attic catwalk. Shifting about THREE FEET to one side and making another opening may avoid this type of obstruction. The bent tip and/or cockloft nozzle may also be used effectively in this situation.
PD Ch 4 11
Question 31:
Which general safety consideration at the scene of a structural collapse is not entirely accurate?
A: Stretch hoselines to protect entire collapse area. Ensure a 2 1/2” hoseline is stretched for tower ladder use.
B: Control utilities by shutting down the main building service entrance controls, and ensure the dispatcher has requested the response of the utility company’s emergency crews.
C: Remove lightly buried victims and deliver them to the Medical Group.
D: Explosions shall be viewed as possible “dirty-bomb” sites until monitoring shows the area to be clear of contamination.
Answer: A
A) Stretch hoselines to protect entire collapse area. Ensure a 3½” HOSELINE is stretched for tower ladder use.
Collapse 4.4, 4.6
Question 32:
Members of an intense study group were debating the rules surrounding emergency leave and the following statements were made. Which one was CORRECT?
A: Birth of a child is covered under Emergency Leave.
B: Serious injury to the brother of a spouse is covered under emergency leave.
C: The first 24 hours of emergency leave is not deducted from a member’s vacation.
D: When a member pays back an emergency leave extension, a report must be forwarded by the officer on duty to the Chief of Uniformed Personnel.
Answer: A
A IS CORRECT – 1.1 – Birth of a child is covered under the emergency leave policy. 4/28/22
B – In laws and siblings of Spouse/domestic partner are not covered by Emergency Leave policy. 1.1
C – The first scheduled tour of emergency leave shall not be deducted from annual leave allowances. 1.3
D – When a member pays back an emergency leave extension, it is a MEMBER REPORT to the Chief of Personnel. 1.5.
Question 33:
During a Haz-Mat incident, which first arriving Unit/Team is responsible for “Information Resources.”
A: First arriving Ladder/Team 1
B: First arriving Ladder/Team 2 only
C: First arriving Ladder/Team 2 and Second arriving Ladder/Team 1
D: Second arriving Ladder/Team 2 only
Answer: C
Haz-Mat Incident
First arriving Ladder Team 1- Hazard ID
First arriving Ladder Team 2- Information Resources
Second arriving Ladder Team 1- Information Resources
Second arriving Ladder Team 2- Initial Exclusion Zone
Overall Responsibilities of the 1st and 2nd Ladder Companies: First Arriving Ladder- Hazard Assessment
Second Arriving Ladder- Site Access Control
ERP sec 11
Question 35:
Sidewalk Vaults may be found in Older Cast-Iron Lofts. Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding these vaults?
A: They are three-wall enclosures located under the front sidewalk.
B: The vault can extend downward to all sub-levels of the building and may extend the full width of the sidewalk. An indicator of a “full” vault is a large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line.
C: The ceiling of the vault was originally constructed of a brick arch design with cubed glass for natural light to enter.
D: The frame can span the entire width of the building and extend from the building wall to the street.
Answer: C
C) The ceiling of the vault was originally constructed of a wrought-iron or cast-iron frame with small segmented fixed glass orbs (deadlights) to allow natural light to enter.
C Note: Today, the glass may have been totally or partially replaced with diamond plate, cubed-glass, granite, stone, or concrete.
B Note: Vaulted sidewalks are generally supported by wrought-iron I-beams or cast-iron structural members.
Lofts 5.1.1
Question 40:
The control firefighter position is a very important position and demands a knowledgeable, determined member. Of the control firefighter‘s duties listed below, which is incorrect?
A: After sufficient hose has been stretched and the ECC does not require their assistance, the control firefighter should assist in flaking out hose between the apparatus and the building entrance door, in addition to feeding slack toward firefighters ahead on the line.
B: The control firefighter should minimize the number of turns made by the hoseline outside the building.
C: Hose should ideally be stretched and flaked out in the middle of the street.
D: If the hoseline needs to cross the street, cross over as close to the fire building as possible, while remaining mindful of ladder company positioning.
Answer: C
C) Hose should NOT be stretched or flaked out in the middle of the street. If apparatus positioning or the presence of cars makes stretching in the street difficult, bring the hoseline onto the sidewalk close to the apparatus and stretch by way of the sidewalk.
Note: Leave room for the hoseline to move around any obstructions or pinch points, such as parked cars, trees, fences, or doorways. Be especially mindful of car tires, which can easily snag the hoseline.
Eng Ch 6 5.6.1