LT PKG EXAM #13 Flashcards
Question 1:
Your Engine Company is operating at an intense fire in a brownstone when you realize members have stretched short. Which of the following choices is most correct?
A: You give a Mayday for a short stretch.
B: Although there are six lead lengths of 1 3/4” hose already stretched, you order one extra length of 1 3/4” hose to be added to the front.
C: When adding an extra length in the stretch behind the nozzle, the water supply to the hoseline will not need to be shut.
D: If conditions prevent a new length from being added to the front of the stretch, it should be added as close to the rear of the stretch as possible.
Answer: B
If six lengths of 1 ¾” hose have already been stretched, it is permissible to add one extra length of 1 ¾” hose to the stretch in the emergency situation of a short stretch.
A) While such a situation may not require an URGENT transmission, it should be treated as an emergency and all available resources should be used to facilitate the advance of the hoseline to the fire area.
C) When adding an extra length in the stretch behind the nozzle, the water supply to the hoseline WILL NEED to be shut.
D) If conditions prevent the new length from being added to the front of the stretch, it should be added as close to the FRONT of the stretch as possible.
Eng 10 4.1, 4.3.5, 4.3.8, 4.3.9
Question 2:
Ladder 177 had an interesting tour with several out of the ordinary responses. During which response was the CORRECT radio signal given?
A: Following a response where the members removed a worker stuck on top of an elevator car, signal 10-29-1 was transmitted.
B: Following a response where the members used a rescue swimmer to remove a victim from the water, signal 10-31 was transmitted.
C: Following a response where the members operated at a man under in the subway, signal 10-28-3 was transmitted.
D: Following a response where the members operated at an off level occupied swinging scaffold, signal 10-43 was transmitted.
Answer: D
D IS CORRECT – NEW MATERIAL – 10-43 CODE – Any non-fire related rescue; any person(s) rescued/removed from a dangerous situation.
A – 10-29-1 is for an occupied elevator
B – 10-31 is not used for any operation involving a rescue or mitigation effort.
C – 10-28-3 is for non-medical emergency.
Note regarding the 10-46 CODE 2– It is transmitted for Marine personnel removing persons from the water.
Question 4:
During Low-pressure operations, one member of the Fast team must monitor the air supply and ensure the facepiece is providing air to the downed member. Which choice displays the correct ways this can be accomplished?
A: Checking the cylinder gauge and/or remote gauge only.
B: Checking the cylinder gauge and/or listening for the low-air whistle only.
C: Checking the remote gauge and/or listening for the low-air whistle only.
D: Checking the cylinder gauge and/or remote gauge and/or listening for the low-air whistle.
Answer: D
TB SCBA Addendum 1 8.3
Question 9:
The probationary firefighter of Ladder 200 had to drill more on aerial ladder operations after making which error when discussing climbing the aerial ladder with tools?
A: Hand rails are generally used when climbing the ladder with a tool.
B: At steep angles, greater safety is achieved by using the rungs when climbing the ladder with a tool.
C: The 6’ hook need not be carried on the ladder. The hook is extended arm’s length overhead and hooked on a rung.
D: When on a rung, the hook is not touched again until the member has climbed to a position where the top of the hook is about waist level.
Answer: D
D) The hook is not touched until the member has climbed to a position where the top of the hook is about KNEE level.
Lad 2 7.15
Question 10:
The members of Ladder 177’s elite study group were reviewing CIDS information and following statements were made. Which one is INCORRECT?
A: A structure where a pharmacy is converted to a restaurant without additional changes to the height and depth of the building is classified as a Rehabilitated building.
B: A structure where an additional floor in the form of a penthouse is added with no additional changes to the depth of the building is classified as a Major Alteration.
C: A structure where a setback is added to extend a first-floor restaurant with no additional changes to the building is classified as a Major Alteration.
D: A structure where extensive repairs were made to multiple floors without additional changes to the height or depth of the building is classified as a Rehabilitated building.
Answer: A
A IS INCORRECT – Major Alteration (MJALT) should be utilized for existing structures which have extensive alterations that involve horizontal extensions, vertical extensions, or extensive changes to the structure changes its occupancy or purpose. Choice has a pharmacy converted to a restaurant. 4.3.1A (NEW MATERIAL)
B – Vertical Extension = Major Alt
C – Horizontal Extension = Major Alt
D – extensive repairs that do not involve any horizontal extension, vertical extension, or extensive changes to the structure changing its occupancy or purpose = Rehab 4.3.1B
Question 11:
Holding area requirements for non-ambulatory students in public schools can be incorrectly described in which choice?
A: The holding area shall face on a street accessible to FDNY apparatus
B: The windows providing access should be free of any obstructions such as trees and wires
C: The windows providing access to the holding area should be openable using a 1620 key
D: Window sills on windows providing access to the holding area shall be painted red, inside and outside, with a sign attached outside on top window pane. This sign shall read “F.D. ACCESS” (Red lettering on a white background)
Answer: C
The windows providing access to the holding area should be openable WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY
AUC 277 sec 4
Question 13:
Initial vertical ventilation has traditionally been a routine procedure at fires in nonfireproof tenements. Advances in technology and science, however, have altered traditional standard operating procedures. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A: The Roof Firefighter shall perform initial vertical ventilation unless ordered to delay or withhold this action by the Ladder Company Officer operating inside the fire area.
B: If the Ladder Officer does not want initial vertical ventilation performed; the Roof Firefighter will not perform vertical ventilation and make no attempt to open the bulkhead door, as this is considered vertical ventilation.
C: After forcing open the bulkhead door, if conditions are tenable, the Roof Firefighter should reach in and probe the immediate area of the bulkhead for potential victims.
D: If the bulkhead door cannot be closed and controlled for any reason (e.g. victim removal, damaged door), the Roof Firefighter should immediately notify the Ladder Officer.
Answer: B
B) In an attempt to reach potential victims who may be trapped inside the bulkhead as soon as possible, the Roof Firefighter will force open the bulkhead door and, if conditions are tenable, reach in and probe the immediate area for potential victims; this is NOT considered vertical ventilation.
Note: If the Ladder Officer does want initial vertical ventilation performed, after probing the immediate area of the bulkhead for potential victims, continue to ventilate the bulkhead and take additional vertical ventilation tactics, as needed.
Note: If the Ladder Officer does NOT want initial vertical ventilation performed, after probing the immediate area of the bulkhead for potential victims, immediately close and control the door until the Ladder Officer orders vertical ventilation.
Lad 3 3.2.6
Question 17:
At a LRFPMD where the 1st arriving Roof Firefighter determines a LSR operation is not practical from the roof level, the following options are available with the exception of which incorrect choice?
A: If the 2nd Roof Firefighter has not already reached the roof, the 1st Roof Firefighter should immediately direct that member to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
B: In buildings with two enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof Firefighter may descend the attack stairway to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
C: In buildings with an open interior stairway, the IC may direct members or another unit to bring an available LSR (Squad, Rescue, or Engine Company), to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
D: The IC must be aware of the need to provide support for all LSR rescue operations. Communication from the 1st Roof Firefighter is critical in these situations.
Answer: B
B) In buildings with two enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof Firefighter may descend the EVACUATION stairway to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
A Note: The 2nd Roof Firefighter shall bring their assigned tools, including the LSR, to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
MD Ch 3 7.1.2
Question 19:
When a 5 firefighter Engine company is reduced to 4 firefighters after the start of the tour, the company officer shall tell the dispatcher enroute to an alarm, which correct statement?
A: We are responding with 4 firefighters
B: We are responding understaffed
C: We are responding 10-14
D: In this situation respond without telling the dispatcher anything
Answer: D
- Ladder, Rescue, or Squad Companies responding with 4 firefighters will tell the dispatcher enroute “We are responding with 4 firefighters”
- Any unit responding with less than 4 firefighters will tell the dispatcher enroute “We are responding understaffed”
5 firefighter engines reduced to 4 firefighters after the start of the tour will respond as normal
AUC 287 sec 8.2
Question 21:
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information on the cutting of a peaked roof with a power saw from the Tower Ladder bucket?
A: Position the bucket on the roof as close to the ridge pole as possible and check the stability of the roof with a tool.
B: The saw operator shall wear the installed safety belt, or a Life Saving Rope (LSR) tied to a substantial part of the bucket (one of the bucket posts or the waterway) using a bowline with a loop large enough to reach the edge of the bucket platform.
C: Start the saw outside the bucket. The saw shall be kept outside the bucket until the cut is complete, at which point it is brought inside the bucket and shut off.
D: A utility cord, lashed to the bucket or held by the Guide Firefighter, shall be attached to the handle of the saw to prevent it from falling.
Answer: C
C) Start the saw IN the bucket and then hold it outside of the bucket. The saw shall be kept OUTSIDE the bucket UNTIL it is shut off.
B Note: The saw operator then hooks his/her personal harness to the loop in the LSR, and places one foot on the roof and the other in the bucket. The Guide Firefighter, also properly secured in the bucket, takes a firm hold on the operator’s personal harness or life belt.
Note: Make the first cut parallel to the ridge pole. The size of the cut will depend on the reach of the operator. Never overextend; reposition the bucket if a larger opening is necessary. Proceed to remove the cut roofing with 6’ hooks, and push down any ceiling below.
TL Ch 3 3.5
Question 23:
When removing victims during a chemical attack in a subway, which unit is responsible for providing the estimated number of victims to the IC?
A: 1st arriving Ladder Company
B: 2nd arriving Ladder Company
C: 1st arriving Engine Company
D: 2nd arriving Engine Company
Answer: C
1st arriving Engine Company
- establish a water source
-remain outside unless ordered by the IC
- provide emergency gross decon for ambulatory victims
- direct persons who have been decon to Casualty Collection Point
- provide the estimated number of victims to the IC
- inform the 2nd arriving ladder and the IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decon area
ERP add 2 sec 7.1
Question 24:
Listed are several items that may be presented to a CFR in the prehospital setting: 1) Out-of-hospital DNR form 2) DNR bracelet 3) Expired or non-expired Hospital/Nursing home DNR Form 4) MOLST form without a DNR order. Which ones may be accepted as a valid DNR?
A: 1 & 2 only
B: 1,2, 3 only
C: 1 & 3 only
D: 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: A
CFR Ch 2 Addendum 1 4.1
Question 25:
For the 1st arriving Ladder Company operating at a LRFPMD fire, which tool assignment would be considered incorrect?
A: The Officer and Forcible Entry Team take the extinguisher, hook, axe or maul, Halligan, Hydra-Ram, SCBAs, carbon monoxide meter and TIC.
B: The OV takes the Halligan and Halligan hook.
C: The Chauffeur takes any tools deemed necessary.
D: The Roof FF takes the Halligan hook, Halligan, LSR and Life Belt.
Answer: C
C) The Chauffeur takes Halligan and axe.
MD Ch 3 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4
Question 27:
E-100 is first to arrive to an explosion. After the officer’s initial assessment of no threat of any fire, and no ladder companies are on scene, the officer began to follow the procedures for this type of incident. Choose the incorrect procedure.
A: Enter the Point of Impact (POI) and began patient assessment including tagging victims (red and black tags)
B: Enter the POI and determine number of victims, initial location of command post, initial location of the Triage Transfer Point (TTP), preferred routes for evacuation and removal of victims (Rescue Corridor)
C: Remove skeds and CFR equipment and enter the POI and start removing critical victims from the POI to the TTP
D: Have a 2 1/2” precautionary line stretched in case of fire
Answer: A
Only deceased victims should be tagged in the POI (black tag)
ERP add 3 sec 5.3.1
Question 28:
Which of the following items is a feature of mosque architecture that, due to its height, must be considered a collapse hazard?
A: Transept
B: Nave
C: Minaret
D: Choir loft
Answer: C
A. A transverse section of any building, which lies across the main body of the building. In churches, a transept is an area set crosswise to the nave in a cruciform (cross-shaped).
B. The main body of the church.
D. A narrow-recessed balcony or loft area on an interior upper floor of a place of worship. Usually located above the main entrance and accessed by a narrow stair.
Places of Worship Glossary
Question 29:
As an Engine Company assigned on the 3rd alarm for a fire in a high rise office building, you are expected to bring certain tools to the lobby area. Your unit should bring each of the following except?
B: Spare SCBA cylinders
C: Forcible Entry tools
D: Rolled up lengths
Answer: C
If not required for their specific use, such equipment will be added to Forward Staging Area supply for future use by units engaged in actual firefighting operations.
HROB 9.6.2
Question 30:
Ladder Company members should be aware that, at vacant building fires, safety is of the utmost importance. Which of the following choices is not in accordance with Department guidelines for fire operations in a vacant building?
A: Primary searches should generally be conducted after all visible fire has been knocked down and the IC has completed a size-up and risk assessment. Members may vary from this guideline when confronted with a known life hazard.
B: Members shall not conduct searches on the floors above the fire until all visible fire has been knocked down and the IC has conducted a size-up and risk assessment. Members may vary from this guideline when confronted with a known life hazard.
C: Form a habit of climbing stairs by placing the foot above the middle of the step riser. Placing downward pressure on this step is the safest way to climb stairs.
D: When the stability of a stairway is in doubt, members should place an extension ladder over the stairway, ensuring that it is properly supported at both the top and bottom.
Answer: C
C) Form a habit of climbing stairs by placing the MIDDLE of the foot above the step riser and stepping as close to a SUPPORTING WALL as possible. Placing downward pressure on risers and climbing close to supporting stringers is the safest way to climb stairs. These areas are the most structurally stable areas of the staircase.
Vacant 5.3, 5.4, 6.2
Question 31:
During a Haz-Mat incident, which two units are responsible for controlling access to the site?
A: 1st and 2nd arriving Ladder Companies
B: 1st arriving Ladder and Engine Companies
C: 2nd arriving Ladder and Engine Companies
D: IC will determine which units will control access to the site upon his/her arrival
Answer: C
ERP sec 11.2 and 12.2
Question 33:
At the scene of a structural collapse, first arriving units have certain responsibilities. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Notify the dispatcher of the address, nature of the incident and need for additional FDNY units or other agency resources.
B: Transmit signal 10-60 (Major Emergency Response) with appropriate code when necessary, and if conditions warrant, an additional alarm.
C: Notify the dispatcher of the location of the ICP for the response of Fire, EMS and PD supervisors.
D: Know that at least one Collapse POD shall be special called to every major collapse if none was assigned on the initial alarm.
Answer: D
D) Know that at least one TOWER LADDER shall be special called to every major collapse if none was assigned on the initial alarm.
Only a Command Chief can request the response of the PODS.
Collapse 3, 10.1.12
Question 35:
As a company officer, you should know while awaiting details, the minimum number of firefighters you need to respond to all alarms can be found in which choice?
A: 1 firefighter ( the chauffeur)
B: 2 firefighters not including the chauffeur
C: 2 firefighters (at least one of which is a chauffeur)
D: 3 firefighters (including the chauffeur)
Answer: C
AUC 287 sec 8.3.4
Question 36:
Two members of Engine 300 were discussing the common features of private dwellings. Of the following comments made, which was incorrect?
A: Two entrances are most common; the main entrance is usually located in the front, but sometimes is located on the side as seen from the street.
B: Secondary entrances can be located on the front, side and/or rear.
C: In structures more than one story, the interior stairs to the cellar will usually be located in the rear, as a separate stairway.
D: With semi-attached structures, or those with minimal space on one side, the inside cellar stair will usually be found near the side or rear entrance.
Answer: C
C) In structures more than one story, the interior stairs to the cellar will usually be located UNDER THE MAIN STAIR.
Note: Throughout the city there have been many renovations to private dwellings. As part of these renovations, the interior stairway may have been moved or sealed off. It is common to find a closet in the area where the stairs were once located.
PD Ch 1 2.4
Question 37:
Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding Engine operations at LRFPMD fires?
A: Fires in LRFPMD’s will only be extinguished using 1 ¾” hose handstretched from the pumper.
B: When multiple stairways are available, the Engine Officer should select the stairway that will provide the most efficient stretch and attack possible based on the type of occupancy, existing conditions and communications with the ladder officer.
C: In most situations, the stairway the Engine Officer selects will be the stairway that provides the shortest path to the fire area.
D: Once the attack stairs is selected, the Engine Officer shall notify the IC of the identity of the attack stairway.
Answer: A
A) Fires in LRFPMD’s may be extinguished using 1 ¾” hose OR 2 ½” hose handstretched from a pumper.
MD Ch 3 3
Question 39:
Which statement in regards to Satellite Units is incorrect?
A: Satellite Units carry Hi-Ex Foam generators
B: Satellite Units carry an ample supply of five-gallon cans of Hi-Ex Foam concentrate
C: Satellite Units carry a Modified Angus Foam Cannon that may be mounted on a Satellite deluge gun or a Tower Ladder
D: Only when a Satellite Unit leaves quarters, one member shall be assigned and positioned to make sure that the deluge gun is placed so that it clears the doorframe
Answer: D
Whenever a unit of the Satellite system ENTERS or LEAVES quarters one member shall be assigned and positioned to make sure that the deluge gun is placed so that it clears the doorframe
AUC 274 sec 5.6, 5.7, and 7.1