Hard FT Questions Clip 8 Flashcards
- As a company officer you would know the location of window bars will vary. It is not uncommon to find these installations on all floors and all sides of the building. From the choices below pick the incorrect statement made by the officer. (SB 7 Chapter 1 4.1, 4.2, 4.7)
A. An additional engine and ladder shall be special called. The special called ladder shall be a tower ladder if one is not assigned on the first alarm assignment.
B. Since a civilian on scene gave the exact location of a person trapped on the 2nd floor, the officer ensured the response of a rescue company.
C. The special called ladder company can be directed to operate as a unit and remove window bars.
D. Upon arrival the officer gives a 10-75 for a fire on the 1st floor peaked roof private dwelling with window bars. She should include a brief description of the type of building involved and must state the exact location of window bars.
Answer: D - presence of window bars
- Engine Company 276 arrives at the scene of a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story old law tenement. You hear transmissions from the OV telling his officer there are window bars on exposure 3 and 4 side, on the fire floor and the two floors above. At this time, the Roof Firefighter gives an “Urgent” for fire that is severely extending to exposure 4 via an enclosed shaft. What is the incorrect procedure in this situation? (SB 7 Chapter 1 4.4, 4.5)
A. The first line must employ an aggressive interior attack to control the fire and protect the interior stairs.
B. The second line stretched should back up the first line. If not needed, it shall then go to exposure 2.
C. An engine on the scene or a special called engine could provide an exterior hoseline to protect civilians or members trapped inside a building behind window bars or members removing window bars
D. A tower ladder basket placed to the side windows presents the best platform to work from when removing window bars.
Answer: B - to the floor above
- It is important for members to communicate the presence of a clutter condition when it may impact operations. When discovered, members should communicate all, but which point to the IC? (SB 7 Chapter 4 2.2)
A. Depth of clutter (light, medium or heavy).
B. Any additional resources that will be needed.
C. The impact it is having on operations.
D. The steps being taken to overcome the clutter condition.
Answer: A xB?x
- Upon discovery of a clandestine lab in the cellar of a bodega, members immediately stopped, didn’t touch anything, retraced their steps and backed out of the area. Once back on the apparatus the officer should notify which of the following resources? (ERP 8.7.5 & Haz Mat chapter 2 reference)
1) Battalion
2) Deputy Chief
3) Haz Mat To Respond
4) NYPD (Including the bomb squad when necessary)
5) BFI
6) Department of Health
A. 1, 3, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
D. 1, 4, 5, 7
Answer: C?
- Which type of radiation particles can penetrate skin up to ¼ inch? (ERP 4 Table)
A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gamma
D. Neutron
Answer: B xA*x
- While operating at an overturned Amazon Prime truck you notice the below label on a small package. You would know the maximum normal reading one meter from the package should be?
(ERP 4 appendix 2 2.4.3)
A. 1 mR/hr
B. 2 mR/hr
C. 5 mR/hr
D. 10 mR/hr
Answer: A
- While out on BISP Ladder 1 had an elevated background reading in the cellar of a nursing home. In this scenario what is the proper notification?
(ERP 4 Page 41)
A. Forward an “Unusual Occurrence Report” to the Chief Of Operations.
B. Request a Haz Mat Battalion Chief to respond.
C. Forward a copy of the Rad-2 report to Haz-Mat Operations.
D. Request Haz-Mat Company One to respond to the site immediately.
Answer: C but no idea
- Ladder 11 is first to arrive for a fire on the 25th floor of this High Rise Office Building. Use the CIDS information provided above to choose the Most Correct elevator bank and floor to access the fire area.
(TB Elevator Operations 6.1)
A. Take the B bank to the 22nd floor
B. Take the B bank to the 21st floor
C. Take the A bank to 20th floor
D. Utilize a safe stairway, other than a fire tower
Answer: C pretty sure
- On a cold Saturday night Ladder 107 responds for water coming from an indoor recycling plant. On arrival you noticed the building was secured and closed for the night. Members forced entry into the building and discovered a frozen leaking pipe and then shut the OS&Y for the building sprinkler system. As there was no building representative on scene, but they were able to secure the door. What is the most correct action for the officer to take in this situation? (Comm 8, AUC 5)
A. Transmit a 10-31 and request the NYPD notify the responsible party the sprinkler system was shut down.
B. Transmit a 10-42 and request the Fire Marshals notify the responsible party the sprinkler system was shut down.
C. Transmit a 10-40 Code 3 and request the NYPD notify the responsible party the sprinkler system was shut down.
D. Transmit a 10-40 Code 3 and request the Fire Marshals notify the responsible party the sprinkler system was shut down.
Answer: D pretty sure
- At a chemical suicide incident what is the proper signal to transmit? (HM11, 4)
A. 10-80 Code 1 and ensure the response of the NYPD.
B. 10-80 No Code and ensure the response of BFI.
C. 10-80 No Code and ensure the response of the NYPD.
D. 10-80 Code 1 and ensure the response of BFI.
Answer: A
- Ladder 629 is taking up from a water leak, when the occupant of the apartment where members operated approaches the officer on duty and states that his gold wedding ring is missing from his dining room table. As the IC, the officer proceeds as follows. Which one action is correct?
(Regulations 11.3.10)
A. The officer must immediately request a Battalion Chief to respond before taking any other actions.
B. After a search of the premises is performed and the ring is not found, if the complainant alleges that the property was at the scene prior to the arrival of the FD, the IC must interview witnesses and obtain the information required by form BF-26.
C. After a search of the premises is performed and the ring is not found, if it is alleged that the property was taken by an FD employee, notify the Inspector General’s office.
D. After a search of the premises is performed and the ring is not found, if it is alleged that the property was taken by someone other than a FD member, the IC must notify NYPD.
Answer: C xD*x
- At a cellar fire in a Taxpayer, which one of the following members shall bring the saw to the roof if not required elsewhere and the roof requires further opening? (Taxpayer 8.2.2 B #3b)
A. 1st Due OV
B. 1st Due LCC
C. 2nd Due Roof
D. 2nd Due LCC
Answer: C*
All first alarm units are on-scene and operating at an advanced fire in apartment 3D on the 3rd floor of a high-rise multiple dwelling. After ordering her members to hand stretch a line to the 3rd floor, the first arriving engine company officer notifies the second due engine officer and the IC that the “B” stair will be designated as the attack stair. The first due ladder officer proceeds to the fire floor via the “B” stair. After opening the stairwell door on the fire floor, he encounters a heavy smoke condition indicating that the fire apartment door has been left open.
CIDS information for the building is as follows:
Which one of the following ladder company tactics performed at this fire is correct? (MD Ch 2 9.1.2B 4b, 9.1.5 5a, 9.2.2B 8, 9.2.4)
A. Prior to entering the fire apartment, the first due ladder officer should get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the roof firefighter operating on the floor above.
B. The second arriving roof firefighter proceeded to the apartment directly above the fire via the “B” stair with the halligan, maul and KO curtain.
C. After searching the “B” stair for five floors above the fire floor, the second due ladder inside team initiated the search of the public hall on the 3rd floor.
D. If no outside operations were indicated, the first LCC teamed with the second LCC and proceeded to the roof via the “A” stair.
Answer: D xAx
- Which one of the following call types is a modified response? (Communication Ch 6 Add 1 2.1, 2.2)
A. Tree down on a vehicle
B. Lock-out (no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency)
C. Class J alarm at 0945 hours
D. ERS no contact at 0845 hours
Answer: C xA*x
- When operating at an occupied hanging or off-level scaffold with one worker hanging onto the scaffold, the Officer of Ladder 99 would be correct to think?
(Scaffolds 6.2, 7.1)
A. From an open window, go out onto the scaffold and attempt to attach life-saving rope snap hook onto victim’s harness.
B. When attaching a LSR to a victim’s harness, the other end of the life-saving rope must be anchored to a substantial object on the roof.
C. If possible, haul the worker in through window or attach high angle rope system to raise victims in complete safety.
D. If the window cannot be opened, consider having the ladder members cut the glass.
Answer: C xB*x
- Lieutenant Seaver is the first arriving ladder company at a reported chemical attack in the subway. As the apparatus approaches the station, she smells a distinct odor of geraniums. Which one of the following chemicals has this distinguishing characteristic?
(ERP Addendum 2 Chart Pg 18)
A. Lewisite
B. Hydrogen Cyanide
C. Cyanogen Chloride
D. Phosgene
E. Nitrogen Mustard
F. Sulfur Mustard
Answer: A xD*x
Lewisite - geraniums
Hydrogen Cyanide - burnt almonds
Cyanogen chloride - burnt almonds
Phosgene - musky hay
Nitrogen mustard - fishy, musty
Sulfur mustard - garlic, mustard
- Engine 399 is the 5th assigned engine company responding to a 10-77 in a high-rise multiple dwelling. The Lieutenant working quickly realizes his unit is responsible for the HighRise Nozzle (HRN) and has the following thoughts. Which one is correct? (Eng Ops Ch 8 Add 3 4.3, 5.1, 5.9)
A. The HRN may be supplied with 2 ½-inch hose only.
B. The HRN requires a pressure of 50 psi at the tip with water flowing to produce a flow rate of 225 GPM.
C. The HRN will only be placed into operation at the direction of the IC or a Sector Supervisor, who must be a Chief Officer.
D. The supply line must be attached to the HRN after the nozzle is slid out on the window sill for use.
Answer: B* Tight!
- Emergency command procedures have been developed to address operations during periods of civil unrest. When responding as part of a task force, which one procedure explained below is correct?
(ERP Addendum 3B 4.4.5, 4.4.7, 4.4.9, 4.4.10)
A. The task force travels in convoy fashion, with an Engine company always in front.
B. Audible warning devices, such as sirens or air horns, must be used during a task force response.
C. In the event of an apparatus breakdown, the task force convoy will split up and leave one unit with the disabled apparatus.
D. All lights, including warning lights, on all vehicles, are to be on when moving as a task force. The lights shall be on during daylight hours, as well as nighttime hours.
Answer: D but who goes first in A
PD first
EMS Haz Boss
- Which one of the following points concerning exterior insulation finish systems (EIFS) is correct?
(AUC 362 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 2.8)
A. A second alarm must be transmitted for any fire in an EIFS building.
B. A 2 1/2 inch hoseline must be stretched for a fire in an EIFS building.
C. The component of primary concern during firefighting operations is the outermost sheathing layer of Foam Plastic Insulation.
D. Initial handlines should be positioned for both an interior and exterior attack on the fire.
Answer: D*
Innermost sheathing layer of Foam Plastic Insulation (FPI)
- Following a challenging fire operation, members of Engine 399 report the following occurrences to the on-duty Lieutenant. Which is the only one that the Lieutenant does not have to report to the on-duty medical officer?
(Safety Bulletin 1 3.1.2)
A. Smoke inhalation without symptoms.
B. A small abrasion.
C. Minor sprain with no swelling or discoloration.
D. A laceration not requiring sutures.
Answer: A? Weird