Hard FT Questions Clip 4 Flashcards
- Stretching and flaking out the line are important tasks that must be performed by the nozzle firefighter. A nozzle firefighter would be incorrect in which action listed below?
(2.4, 2.5)
A. The nozzle FF stretches the 1st length of hose with the nozzle attached to the location determined by the officer.
B. The nozzle FF takes the 1st length by grabbing the top 3 folds of the hosebed.
C. Once stretched to the proximity of the fire area, it is the nozzle FFs responsibility to ensure the Backup FF, prior to entering the fire area, flakes out the lead length.
D. Regardless of whether the hose is to be charged inside or outside the structure, the nozzle FF should carry the entire lead length intact to the entrance to the fire area.
Answer: C pretty sure
- While most apartments require one length of hose, it is possible for larger apartments or duplexes to require additional hose for the fire area. With this in mind, the nozzle FF should estimate the amount of line needed to cover the entire fire area and communicate this need to whom?
(2.5.6 G)
A. The Engine Officer
B. The Back-up firefighter
C. The Control firefighter
D. The Engine Chauffeur
Answer: B pretty sure
- Lt. Johnson would be correct to tell her junior members all of the following points regarding the nozzle position except for?
(2.7.3, 2.7.5, 2.7.6D, 2.7.7 B)
A. If there is a smoke condition with high heat, the nozzle should be opened on the smoke and operated as necessary to cool the area and advance toward the fire.
B. Never pass fire, extinguish it and continue to advance the line. This includes fire visible in the upper levels of a smoke condition.
C. As the nozzle firefighter turns, the back-up firefighter must quickly move in the opposite direction in to a position behind the nozzle firefighter.
D. The pistol grip should be used while operating the hoseline to prevent the line from pulling through the grasp of the nozzle firefighter.
Answer: D xBx pretty sure but D?
- Units operating in a high-rise building that is equipped with a Base Station Leaky Cable Simplex Radio System would be correct to think? (2.2)
A. This system can operate on FDNY HT channels 1 through 8, or it may utilize in-house radios.
B. The member operating from the base station in the lobby can transmit messages through this system through an FDNY HT or through the fixed handset attached to the base station.
C. When utilizing the fixed handset on the base station, the Incident Commander must select which radios the message should be transmitted to.
D. When a member above the lobby transmits a message through this system, the message will be transmitted to all members utilizing the system.
Answer: A*
- Which feature of the Purple K Dry Chemical extinguisher is listed correctly?
A. A discharge range of 30 feet
B. Coverage of approximately 20 square feet
C. Discharge time of 55 seconds
D. Capacity of 27 lbs
Answer: D xCx looks right
- Two members discussing the Purple K extinguisher were incorrect in which statement made?
(2.3, 2.4)
A. To operate remove the ring pin and hose
B. Direct the stream at the base of the flames using a clockwise motion.
C. Expended extinguishers can be exchanged by attaching an RT-2 and forwarding to Technical Services for replacement.
D. The extinguisher should be checked at the beginning of each tour and thoroughly examined once a month.
Answer: B xDx
- Ladder 136 is operating at the scene of a flammable liquid spill fire in which a Purple K extinguisher will be used to extinguish the fire. To begin this operation, the member operating the extinguisher would be correct to hold the nozzle at a _____ degree angle after stopping at a point approximately _____-_______ feet from the front edge of the fire area.
A. 45 / 10-12
B. 45 / 19-20
C. 30 / 10-12
D. 30 / 19-20
Answer: A xC?x Could be A
- During a tour change two Lieutenants are discussing the numerous private dwellings in their area that have been renovated using lightweight construction. The following statements were made. How many were correct?
(Chap. 6 - 1.7, 3.4.3, 4.1.7, 4.2.2,)
1) Collapse is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials.
2) Unless the fire is confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a fire in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack.
3) Any floor or roof support that has been heavily damaged due to fire should be hydraulically overhauled from a safe area using the reach of stream.
4) The IC shall special call an additional ladder company for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials.
5) When the fire is of such a magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with the 1st hoseline, an outside operation must be considered.
6) When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC should advise all members not to enter the fire area and area above.
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Answer: D xCx
- While conducting a drill on Engine Company operations at a fire in a non-fireproof MD, Lt. Grant made several statements. Which one was wrong?
(Ch. 1 Sec. 2.2.2, 2.2.9, 2.2.11)
(A) In most cases, the first line is stretched via the interior stairs to the location of the fire to protect the primary means of egress for occupants and to confine and extinguish the fire.
(B) An exception to stretching the first line up the interior stairs may be made when heavy smoke and high heat is endangering people on the fire escape. In this case, the first line may be operated from the street to protect people on the fire escape.
(C) Hose lines should not be operated into ventilation holes from the roof.
(D) The second line may be stretched to the original fire floor, the floor above, or to an exposure.
Answer: B
- Which tactic taken by an Engine Company at a fire in a HRFPMD is stated correctly? (Ch. 2 Sec. 8.1.1, 8.1.5, 8.2.3, 8.3.3, 8.7.1, 8.7.2)
(A) The first and second arriving engine companies will always operate together to ensure the prompt placement of the first hoseline stretched from a standpipe, unless the second engine officer decides that the extent of the fire requires a second hoseline immediately.
(B) If a hoseline is hand stretched from the apparatus into a fireproof multiple dwelling, the use of 2 ½” hose is required.
(C) The 2nd engine company to arrive shall ensure that the Fire Department Connection (FDC) is supplied upon their arrival.
(D) When the second hoseline requires additional lengths of hose, it should be added at the front of the hoseline.
(E) The 1st arriving engine officer shall select the attack stairway after consulting with the IC and ensuring it has a standpipe outlet.
Answer: C xDx
- Ladder 100, a rear mount aerial ladder, arrived first to a reported fire on the 15th floor of a 30 story High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling. In which choice did the OV of L-100 operate incorrectly?
(Ch. 2 Sec. 9.1.3)
(A) After conducting an outside survey with the LCC, and determining that outside operations were impractical, the OV proceeded into the lobby and operated an elevator using fire service until relieved by the IC.
(B) In a building without fire service elevators, after conducting an outside survey with the LCC, and determining that outside operations were impractical, the OV proceeded into the lobby and operated an elevator in “Manual Mode” until relieved by the IC.
(C) The OV carried a Halligan and hook.
(D) While conducting an outside survey and noticing apartment letters stenciled on the exterior of the building, the OV stated: “I see smoke seeping from the 15th floor window. That should be the “B” apartment according to the exterior markings.”
Answer: B for sure but do they send it down unstaffed?
- Ladder 100, a rear mount aerial ladder, arrived first to a reported fire on the 15th floor of a 30 story High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling. The Roof FF of L-100 operated correctly in which choice? (Ch. 2 Sec. 9.1.4)
(A) He carried a Halligan, axe and LSR.
(B) He proceeded to the apartment directly above the fire via the evacuation stairway.
(C) After gaining access to the apartment directly above the fire, the Roof FF notified their Officer of the apartment layout, the fire location on the fire floor, and wind conditions.
(D) He proceeded to the roof via the attack stairway.
(E) After noticing fire pulsating from a window in the fire apartment, the Roof FF immediately deployed the KO Curtain, and then notified the IC and their Officer.
Answer: C
- While drilling on general engine and ladder operations at a Class 2 building, Lt. Evans discussed several points. Which one was incorrect?
(Ch. 4 Sec. 5.6.2, 6.2.3, 6.3.1, 9.5, 9.6)
(A) Where members encounter occupants overcome or in a panic who have evacuated from upper floors and removal is necessary, they must communicate with the 1st Ladder and IC.
(B) In the event that it is determined that another entrance to the apartment may provide better access than the one originally used for operations, this must be communicated to the IC and the Fire Sector Supervisor (if it has been established) as well as all members operating on the fire floor and floor above.
(C) Some of these buildings contain elevators without fire service. In these instances, unused elevators should be called to the lobby and chocked open.
(D) Elevators may not be used in manual mode.
(E) Elevators that open directly into apartments or serve isolated vestibules with no access to stairways should be avoided if possible.
Answer: D*
- Ladder 200 arrived as the second Ladder company to a fire in a 10-story, Class 2 Fire Resistive MD. Which action taken by the Officer and Forcible Entry team was incorrect? (Ch. 4 Sec. 10.2.2)
(A) They included the KO Curtain and search rope in their tool assignment.
(B) They communicated with the 1st Ladder Company upon arrival to determine if their assistance was required on the fire floor.
(C) After confirming that they were not needed on the fire floor, they searched the attack stairway for 5 floors above the fire floor.
(D) If the 10th floor was the fire floor, the Officer ensured the KO Curtain is brought to the roof.
Answer: C
In the FDNY, the primary method of fire extinguishment is by way of a hoseline handstretched from the engine apparatus. Which choice concerning hoseline stretches is incorrect? (Ch. 7 Sec. 1.4, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6)
(A) The first hoseline is always stretched by way of the primary means of egress.
(B) Generally, the first hoseline is charged outside the fire building for fires in buildings that do not contain public hallways or stairs which are separated from the occupancy areas.
(C) For fires in buildings that contain public hallways or stairs which are separated from the occupancy areas, primary hoselines will be stretched dry inside the fire building and will be flaked out and charged in a safe area.
(D) When stretching hoselines inside the fire building, the most critical factor in determining the manner in which the first and second hoselines are stretched is the type of interior stairs to be used.
Answer: A*
- A proper understanding of the equipment used with the Maxi-Force Air Bags leads to a safer operation. Choose the incorrect statement concerning this equipment. (TB Tools 20 Sec. 2.4, 2.5.1, 3.1.4, 3.2.2)
(A) There are two 16’ Red Air Supply Hoses and one 16’ Yellow Air Supply Hose. Any of the hoses can be connected to the pressure regulator and to the control valve and safety relief inlet.
(B) Only steel SCBA cylinders may be used to operate the air bags.
(C) The low pressure gauge on the Pressure Regulator should be set to 135 psi.
(D) When the high pressure gauge on the Pressure Regulator falls below 200 psi, the cylinder should be changed.
Answer: A but why
- Which one of Lt. Edwards’s statements concerning chain saw use was correct? Tools 24 Sec. 2.1, 3.1.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.6, 7.7)
(A) The chain saw is not to be used for the ventilation or overhauling of any structural fires.
(B) Keep your body to the right of the chain when starting it, unless you need to straddle it.
(C) Cutting above head height should be done only when absolutely necessary.
(D) When operating on slopes, the operator must always stand on the uphill side of the tree/log when cutting.
Answer: D sounds right
- FF Orange took several actions while using a chain saw. The Officer should correct all but which one?
(TB Tools 24 Sec. 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 6.9.3, 7.2)
(A) The tip of the blade was used to make a plunge cut to on a tree leaning against a house.
(B) When cutting wood on the ground that was under tension, it was first cut from the compression side.
(C) While bucking a log on a slope, FF Orange stood on the log to prevent it from rolling downhill.
(D) The saw was operated from a portable ladder to reach a high branch.
Answer: B xAx
- Which choice is correct concerning Thermal Imaging Cameras (TIC) in service in the FDNY?
(TB Tools 27 Sec. 1.3, 1.5, 3.1, 5.4.3)
(A) The company officer must carry and operate the TIC at all structural fire operations.
(B) The TIC may be used as a replacement for opening up to check for concealed fire and extension.
(C) A BLACK image may not be really cold or a WHITE image does not mean there is fire; it only means that that something being viewed is colder or hotter than the rest of the area being viewed.
(D) The TIC is waterproof and may be submerged to search for victims underwater.
Answer: C xBx
- All of the following may be considered Minor Injuries with the exception of which one? (SB 1 Sec. 3.1.2)
(A) Smoke inhalation without symptoms.
(B) Small abrasions.
(C) First degree burns.
(D) Minor sprains and strains with no swelling or discoloration.
Answer: A xBx
- Choose the incorrect statement concerning the preparation of Injury/Exposure Reports. (SB 1 Sec. 5.1, 5.4)
(A) When a member, who is not an officer or supervisor, sustains an injury/exposure, their Officer/Supervisor shall enter all available information into CIRS. Officers/Supervisors shall complete their own report.
(B) Officers/Supervisors may create Group Reporting when members working in the same unit that tour had the same biological exposure.
(C) The Fire Dept. ID (FDID) number must be included in the injury/exposure report. This number may be either 16 or 18 digits, or all 9’s shall be entered for a non-response.
(D) When a member sustains an injury during a collision, the injury must be reflected into the Collision Reporting System and the Collision Number, if available, shall be noted in the narrative section of the injury report.
Answer: B xC*x
- An Officer would be incorrect to include which choice in the preliminary report to the Dispatcher following a Collision/Incident?
(SB 3 Sec. 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 7.1.2, 8.1)
(A) The assigned unit number.
(B) The location of the collision/incident.
(C) Whether the collision is a major collision.
(D) Indicate whether the unit was responding to or returning from an alarm/assignment or was on other administrative duties.
(E) Advise the number and type of injuries to members or civilians, if any; and request additional assistance, if necessary.
Answer: C*
- Which choice is incorrect concerning the submission of a Collision Report in the Collision Reporting System (CRS) on the IPad or desktop application?
(SB 3 Sec. 11.1, 11.2, 11.2.1)
(A) The Collision Report shall be submitted by the Officer/Vehicle Operator within 48 hours of the apparatus collision/incident.
(B) The Officer/Vehicle Operator is required to obtain a police report, unless the Dispatcher states “no ETA available” when PD is requested.
(C) Once the Officer/Vehicle Operator completes the Collision Report via the CRS it is submitted to Safety for review.
(D) If Safety returns the Collision Report, the unit will be notified via email and the application will have a red notification bar.
Answer: B*