Hard FT Questions Clip 6 Flashcards
Lieutenant Early arrives at the quarters of Engine 99 for a 9 x 6 tour at 0845 hours. After calling the dispatcher he determined that Engine 99 was at a 3rd alarm about one-quarter of a mile from the firehouse and that relief was requested at the change of tours. Lieutenant Early then took the following actions at 0900 hours:
- Conducted a Roll Call
- Recorded the particulars of the Roll Call in the Journal before departing from quarters
- Recorded the departure of Engine 99’s incoming day tour members in the Journal
- Proceeded on foot to walk to the scene of the third alarm to relieve the 6 x 9 members
Which of Lieutenant Early’s actions were correct? (Regs 11.1.4, AUC 217—2.2, Journal— 2.10)
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: B xD?x
- You are a Lieutenant who is the IC at a small rubbish fire in an apartment where you transmit a 10-18 for a minor fire. After transmitting a 10-41 Code 1 to the dispatcher because the fire was suspicious in origin, you are notified by the tenant in the fire apartment that some of her jewelry was stolen by a firefighter. After searching the premises, you determine the jewelry cannot be located. In this situation, who must be notified regarding this allegation? (Regs 11.3.10)
A. The Inspector General’s Office and the NYPD
B. The Inspector General’s Office and the Fire Marshals
C. The NYPD and the Fire Marshals
D. Only the Inspector General’s Office
Answer: B cus of the 10-41
- You are the Officer working in Engine 99 assigned on a 3rd alarm ticket to a fire in a taxpayer. While responding the Dispatcher informs you to report to the Staging Area. In this situation, you would be incorrect to think?
(Regs 11.3.16 C, F)
A. All responding Engines and Ladders who are part of the 3rd alarm assignment, unless otherwise given specific assignments by the IC, shall report to the Staging Area.
B. A Ladder Company designated as either a FAST Unit or SOC Support Ladder as part of a 10-66, or an Engine designated as the CFR Engine as part of the 10-66 shall report to the ICP.
C. All units responding to the Staging Area shall switch to HT Channel 2 upon arrival
D. The Staging Area Manager’s vehicle is the Focal Point used to identify the Staging Area
Answer: C no HT changes right?
- An Engine Officer returning from a second alarm fire should place a member’s protective clothing or equipment out of service and notify the Safety Command of this situation immediately upon return to quarters in which situation indicated below? (Regs 11.3.23, SB 1)
A. The control firefighter has a sprained knee with swelling and discoloration from a fall down a stairway. He is placed on service-connected medical leave by the Medical Officer. In this situation, you should place his bunker pants out of service and notify the Safety Command.
B. The nozzle firefighter has first-degree burns to his wrists. She is placed on serviceconnected medical leave by the Medical Officer. In this situation, place her firefighting gloves out of service and notify the Safety Command.
C. The backup firefighter has first-degree burns to her neck. She is classified with a Minor Injury by the Medical Officer. In this situation, place her hood out of service and notify the Safety Command.
D. The chauffeur has a laceration, not requiring sutures, that he got to the palm of his hand when hooking up to the hydrant. He is classified with a Minor Injury by the Medical Officer. In this situation, place the firefighting gloves out of service and notify the Safety Command.
Answer: B no minor sutures right?
- A member who is Absent Without Leave (AWOL) is required to fill out and sign, in the presence of the Officer on duty and the Housewatch FF, an Absence Without Leave report. AWOL of up to one tour may be handled with Command Discipline. AWOL for more than one tour requires preference of charges.
(Regs 17.3.2)
A. Agree
D. Disagree
Answer: A but no idea for AWOL
- Children under _____ years of age shall not be permitted to enter quarters without a parent or guardian, unless granted permission by the Officer on-duty?
(Regs 20.3.10)
A. 14
B. 16
C. 18
D. 21
Answer: C pretty sure
- If a probationary firefighter assigned to a field unit shows a lack of interest, fails to cooperate, shows mental or physical inadequacy, or violates any regulation, a prompt report must be forwarded to the Bureau of Personnel and the appropriate Borough Commander?
(Regs 22.2.5)
A. Agree
D. Disagree
Answer: A xD?x
- Regarding the requirements for a Pre-Hospital Save Commendation, it would be correct to state that?
(Regs 23.4.1)
A. The patient must be found in cardiac arrest or enter cardiac arrest while in the CFR unit’s care. The cardiac arrest may occur prior to or after the arrival of EMS
B. Vital signs must be restored on scene. If vital signs are restored enroute to the hospital the act will not be considered.
C. The patient must be admitted to the hospital
D. The Officer in command of the CFR-D unit shall submit a CFR Prehospital Save Form with a copy of the PCR through the bag to the Office of Medical Affairs within 10 days of the event.
Answer: C xAx
- You are the Officer on duty in Engine 99 when the control firefighter, a detail from Engine 98, disobeys an order at a fire operation. You decide to prefer charges. When preferring charges against a member, you must promptly notify?
(Regs 26.1.4, 26.2.1)
A. The Battalion Chief on duty and you must prepare the charges
B. BITS and you must prepare the charges
C. The Battalion Chief on duty and the Officer on duty in Engine 98 must prepare the charges
D. BITS and the Officer on duty in Engine 98 must prepare the charges
Answer: A xBx
Shorts are an optional part of the Uniform year-round. Shorts may be worn by Company Officers and firefighters in which situations?
(Regs 29.6.4)
1. In quarters
2. Under bunker gear
3. When units are called to the Bureau of Training
4. Operation Sidewalk
5. BISP Inspections
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 2, 5
D. 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: A no education but yes training
You are a Ladder Officer who arrives at an auto extrication with no other units on scene. Your ladder company members then take the following actions to assist the trapped victim:
1. The Can FF (who is CFR-D certified) performs patient assessment
2. The Irons FF (who is CFR-D certified) pops the driver’s side door open using the Hurst tool
3. The OV FF (who is not CFR-D certified) stabilizes the patient’s spine / neck
4. The Roof FF (who is CFR-D certified) stabilizes the vehicle
Which members are eligible to receive payment for a CFR-D differential for the tour involved?
(PA/ID 4—Ch 1—2.2.1, 2.2.4)
A. Can FF only
B. Can and OV FF’s
C. Can and Roof FF’s
D. Can, Irons, OV and Roof FF’s
Answer: A xBx
You are a Ladder Officer who arrives at an auto extrication with no other units on scene. Your ladder company members then take the following actions to assist the trapped victim:
1. The Can FF (who is CFR-D certified) performs patient assessment
2. The Irons FF (who is CFR-D certified) pops the driver’s side door open using the Hurst tool
3. The OV FF (who is not CFR-D certified) stabilizes the patient’s spine / neck
4. The Roof FF (who is CFR-D certified) stabilizes the vehicle
In this situation, which action would be incorrect for the Ladder Officer to take? (PA/ID 4—Ch 1—2.2.3)
A. Complete an ePCR report
B. Document on the ePCR the CFR-D medical procedures performed by eligible members
C. Record the CFR-D Differential in Citytime
D. Enter in the Citytime comments section the Incident Number, Box Number and the Serial Number of the ePCR report.
Answer: D not sure
You are a Lieutenant on duty in Ladder 99 where four members request self-mutuals for upcoming tours as follows:
1. FF Jones would like to bank a 9 x 6 tour on Monday, September 5th, which is Labor Day, on a day his group is not scheduled in. He currently only has one 9 x 6 tour that he banked and owes no other self-mutuals.
2. FF Smith would like to be off on a 9 x 6 tour on Monday, September 5th, which is Labor Day on a day his group is scheduled in. He currently has one 9 x 6 tour that he had banked on a Friday day tour on August 26th and owes no other self-mutuals.
3. FF Hannan would like to repay a 6 x 9 tour on Wednesday, September 7th on a day his group is not scheduled to work. He currently only owes one 6 x 9 tour that he took off on Friday September 2nd.
4. FF Barbara would like to repay a 9 x 6 tour on Friday, September 9th on a day that his group is scheduled in, but he is off because someone is working a mutual for him. He currently only owes one 9 x 6 tour that he took a self-mutual off on Friday August 19th.
Which of these firefighter self-mutuals would you approve and forward to the Battalion? (PAID 5—Ch 2—2.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9)
A. Jones, Hannan
B. Smith, Hannan
C. Hannan, Barbara
D. Jones, Barbara
Answer: D but Jones can bank?
At 0845 hours, Lieutenant Staffer, working in Engine 100 is looking in the daybook at the 9 x 6 tour on Wednesday September 14, 2022, and notes that Engine 100 is scheduled for Annual Education Day. He sees the following 4 firefighters are working:
1. FF Barbara—4th grade, who last went to education day on January 20th, 2022
2. FF Smith—5th grade, who last went to education day on May 18th, 2022
3. FF Jones—6th grade, who last went to education day on May 18th, 2022
4. FF Hannan—1st grade, who last went to education day on April 13th, 2022
In this situation, which members should report for Education Day? (PAID 6—Ch 1—3.4, 3.5)
A. Smith, Jones, Hannan
B. Barbara, Smith, Jones
C. Barbara, Jones
D. Barbara, Smith, Jones, Hannan
Answer: C xDx
- If an on-duty firefighter requests to meet privately with an EEO Officer during their office hours, a Lieutenant should know that this is allowed at the earliest practicable time consistent with the operational needs of the unit. If the Officer has concerns about allowing an on-duty member to leave in this situation, the Officer should immediately address these concerns with? (PAID 8—Ch 2—7.2)
A. The Administrative Battalion
C. The On-Duty Command Chief
D. The EEO Office
Answer: D
- When forwarding a Workplace Violence Report (WPV-1) to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator, it would be incorrect to state that?
(PAID 8—Ch 5—10.4, 10.5.2, 11.1.1)
A. A Lieutenant receiving a WPV-1 or a verbal report from an employee should ensure that it is forwarded it through the chain of command to the Chief of Department.
B. Employees may submit the WPV-1 report directly to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator if they believe that submitting it to the Supervisor will not result in corrective action.
C. Employees may submit the WPV-1 report directly to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator if the incident being reported presents privacy concerns.
D. A Supervisor receiving a WPV-1 or a verbal report from an employee shall ensure it is forwarded via the chain of command on an expedited basis
Answer: A submit to WPV Coordinator
An employee who has been hazed or bullied may file a report? (PAID 8—Ch 6—4.3)
1.Through the chain of command by notifying their immediate supervisor
2. Through the chain of command by notifying their immediate supervisor and / or report it to BITS or EEO
3. Anonymously to BITS or EEO
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 3
D. 1, 2, 3
Answer: D xAx
- You are an Officer operating at a fire where a Lithium-Ion battery or mobility device is unable to be fully submerged in water. Regarding the removal of the battery or device from the building via an elevator or stairway, it would be correct to state it may?
(HM 20—5.8)
A. Never be moved in an elevator or stairway
B. Be moved in an elevator or stairway if overpacked (mitigated) by Haz Mat Technicians and approved by a Haz Mat Officer
C. Be moved in an elevator or stairway if overpacked (mitigated) by Haz Mat Technicians and approved by the IC
D. Be moved in an elevator or stairway if completely extinguished by first alarm engines and approved by the Sector Supervisor
Answer: C xAx
- A Lieutenant working in Ladder 99 returns from a 10-75 at 0400 hours and is told by her Roof FF that his portable HT is missing. In this situation, she would be most correct to immediately?
(Comm 11—Ch 8—2.1, 3.2)
A. Place Ladder 99 out of service, make required notifications, and forward a Lost Property Report.
B. Place Ladder 99 out of service, make required notifications, and forward an Unusual Occurrence Report
C. Place Ladder 99 out of service, make required notifications and take a mark in the Company Journal.
D. Remain in service while making required notifications and take a mark in the Company Journal.
Answer: C xDx
When a radio is discovered missing or unaccounted for, the Officer on duty would be most correct to make which notifications?
(Comm 11—Ch 8—2.1)
1. The Battalion and Division must be notified by telephone
2. The Supervising Borough Dispatcher must be notified by telephone
3. The Radio Shops must be notified by telephone
4. The Radio Shops and FDOC must be notified by email
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 2, 3, 4
Answer: B xCx
4) Two members of Ladder 100, located in the Bronx, were discussing how to properly conduct a “reverse stairway stretch.” Which comment made was incorrect?
(Eng Ch 10, 2.5.6)
A) The execution of a reverse stairway stretch must be approved by the Incident Commander and communicated to all units.
B) The engine officer will communicate with the Incident Commander and the ECC to identify the stairway to be used for the stretch.
C) On the ground, the ECC (assisted by additional engine companies) will begin stretching 2 ½” hose up the designated stairway. Members should ensure the male end of the hose is being stretched downwards towards the street.
D) Once the stretch is complete, the engine officer in command of the nozzle team must be notified. Only the officer in command of the nozzle team can call for the hoseline to be charged.
Answer: C* I know it but I need the wording
16) Proper corrective action for a “short stretch” is indicated in each choice below except? (Eng Ch 10 4.3.7-4.3.10)
A) If conditions prevent the new length from being added to the front of the stretch, it should be added as close to the front of the stretch as possible
B) When a new lead length is attached to the front of the stretch, the shut off to this length must be maintained in an open position, which can be achieved by securing it with a hose strap.
C) Members are reminded that only a maximum of six lengths of 1 ¾” hose may be stretched. If an additional length is required in this instance, an increaser and 2 ½” hose shall be connected to the front of the line.
D) If the hoseline is stretched from a standpipe, it may have a lead length of 2” hose. The 1” MST can be removed to allow the connection of an additional 2” hose or 2 ½” hose, and an increaser will be needed to make the connection.
Answer: C but I like the points
17) Additional problems faced by engine company members at structural fires can be found below. Which choice contains incorrect information?
(Eng Ch 10 4.4.4, 4.5.2 - 4.5.4)
A) In the case of a hose strap failure, the problem can be solved through a coordinated effort of members lifting the hose back to the fire area and properly securing it with another hose strap.
B) A common obstruction causing blocked access to a fire area can be the door to the fire area itself. If the door opens inward into the fire area, it can often block access for the hoseline when the door is chocked in the open position
C) To resolve the problem of a door blocking access to the fire area, the engine needs to advance a sufficient amount of the charged lead length into the apartment and stage it in an area opposite the door. Once in position, the door needs to be closed (at least partially) to allow the engine to advance the hoseline and access the fire.
D) In the case of a more significant obstruction that cannot be removed and hoseline access will be impossible or severely delayed, the engine officer must notify the IC and consideration should be given to finding alternative access with a 2nd hoseline. The 1st hoseline should be withdrawn outside of the building while the 2nd hoseline positions at an alternative point.
Answer: D*
2) There are many types of decontamination. Which type below is incorrectly described? (ERP HM 4.3.9 B, C, D)
A) Emergency Decontamination may be necessary in potentially life-threatening situations to remove contaminants from victims as expeditiously as possible and may or may not involve the formal establishment of a decontamination system.
B) Gross Decontamination can be either emergency decontamination or nonemergency decontamination. Its purpose is to remove large amounts of contaminants in a short period of time.
C) The only way to conduct Gross Decontamination is through the use of handlines, fixed site emergency showers or the Mass Decontamination procedure. Dry Decontamination is considered a Technical Decontamination procedure.
D) Technical Decontamination is a more thorough decontamination process and follows Gross Decontamination. It may involve the use of special solutions or equipment and is conducted to prevent secondary contamination by people or equipment leaving the incident scene.
Answer: C*
3) Strict adherence to Department guidelines is necessary to safely conclude a haz-mat operation. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
(ERP HM 4.3.9 E, F, 5.5, 5.7)
A) For the safety of all fire and medical personnel, as well as hospital staff, victims should be decontaminated prior to medical treatment and transport whenever possible.
B) Separate decontamination areas should be established for emergency personnel; members may be operating on a limited supply of air and must be decontaminated as expeditiously as possible.
C) The level of special protection required in each zone at an incident will be determined by the IC based on incident size-up and monitoring data.
D) Structural firefighter protective clothing (i.e. bunker gear) is classified as Class C chemical protective clothing.
Answer: D*