LT PKG EXAM #19 Flashcards
Question 2:
A newly appointed probationary firefighter was discussing high pressure pumping with the senior ECC of a Manhattan engine company. Which point made during the discussion was incorrect?
A: “High-Pressure Pumping” is defined as operating at discharge pressures over 250 psi; essentially when the fire floor is the 31st floor or above; or the fire floor elevation in feet is 375 feet or higher.
B: The IC shall be notified when High-Pressure pumping is necessary and ECCs intending to pump using High Pressure Pumping must notify and get approval from the IC.
C: Only an IC at the rank of Battalion Chief (including Acting Battalion Chiefs) or higher may order the use of the High-Pressure Pumping.
D: Whenever possible, an engine supplying High-Pressure should be positioned within 1 hose length of the Fire Department Connection (FDC) being supplied. No more than 2 connected lengths of High-Pressure supply hose should be stretched to the Fire Department Connection.
Answer: A
A) “High-Pressure Pumping” is defined as operating at discharge pressures OVER 300 PSI; essentially when the fire floor is the 41st FLOOR or above; or the fire floor elevation in feet is 475 FEET or higher.
A Note: All engine apparatus in the FDNY are capable of providing pressures over 300 psi. However, unless they are ordered to do so by the IC, conventional engines not equipped with high pressure equipment should not operate in pressures exceeding 300 psi.
Eng Ch 8 Add 1 1.4, 1.5, 2.1.2
Question 5:
Engine 278 is on scene of an EMS run where the victim suffered severe burns from a steam leak. Which action taken by the officer at the conclusion of the response is CORRECT?
A: Unsure of which signal to transmit, the officer requested the Battalion to respond to the box location.
B: The officer transmitted a 1045 code 2 for life threatening burns and requested the Deputy to respond to the box location.
C: The officer transmitted a 1037 code 2 for life threatening burns and requested the Battalion to respond to the box location.
D: The Officer requested the Battalion and Deputy to respond prior to transmitting a 1037 code 2.
Answer: A
A IS CORRECT – 1037 SIGNAL – NOT – Where doubt exists as to which signal to transmit, a Battalion chief shall be requested to respond to the scene. pg 8-12
B – 1045 is transmitted for thermal burn injuries. The members were operating at burns from a steam leak.
C – Once a 37-2 is transmitted, it is not necessary to request a Battalion Chief. See Choice A.
D – The deputy is not requested to respond by the Company Officer and not for a 37 code.
Question 8:
While conducting Building Inspection, you and your firefighters discover numerous violations warranting a Violation Order (VO) to be written. Several of the violations need to be corrected forthwith, and several violations can be corrected at a later date (compliance date). The most correct way to to issue the above violations can be found in which choice?
A: Forthwith orders and with one other compliance date may be written on the same VO
B: Under no circumstances will a forthwith order and an order with a compliance date be issued on the same VO
C: A separate VO shall always be issued for each violation found
D: In the case where multiple violations are found companies shall issue a FDNY summons instead of a VO
Answer: A
If the different compliance times are confusing to the person receiving the order, then the inspector should issue separate VO’s for each compliance date. The recommendation is to use separate orders. Write as many orders as required to enforce all of the items in violation
AUC 5 ch 3 add 2 sec 8
Question 9:
The companies in Battalion 99 are operating at a fire in a chemical warehouse and additional companies are assigned as part of a Haz-Mat response. A roll call becomes necessary during the operation. Which of the following regarding the roll call of units is CORRECT?
A: The Haz-Mat tech engine answers the roll call according to the Haz Mat tech position designations.
B: The Squad company operating as a Squad answers the roll call according to their squad positions.
C: An engine company that started the tour with 5 firefighters, but only responded with four, must account for all 5 firefighters.
D: Rescue company firefighters will answer the roll call according to ladder company positions.
Answer: D
A – Haz-Mat tech engine personnel will answer a roll call according to engine position assignments. 5.8
B – Squad companies will answer a roll call as per engine company positions. 5.6
C – In the event a Ladder, Rescue, or Squad company has been reduced to four or less firefighters and an emergency roll call is being conducted, the officer will respond to the roll call stating the number of members the company responded with and the riding position that has been eliminated. 5.4 All company officers will state the number of firefighters riding on the apparatus responding to this incident and account only for members within sight or hearing without using the HT. 5.2 Just note that reduced Engine companies are not listed.
Question 11:
When performing a dashboard displacement during a vehicle extrication, members shall make two cuts in the bottom portion of the A-post. How far above the first cut shall the second cut be made?
A: Approximately 2-4 inches
B: Approximately 4-6 inches
C: Approximately 6-8 inches
D: Approximately 8-10 inches
Answer: C
Disentanglement and Extrication 9.2.2
Question 12:
It’s not often that FDNY company officers issue criminal court summonses to other city agencies. If necessary to do so, which choice below correctly states when FDNY officers can issue a summons?
A: To a teacher of a public school for a locked exit
B: To a custodian of a public school for a locked exit
C: To a security guard of a public school for a locked exit
D: Never issue a criminal court summons to a public school
Answer: B
A summons may only be issued against a City Agency in the following instances:
- To a custodian or principal of a public school for a locked exit
To a NYCHA manager or superintendent for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior FD notification
When directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention
AUC 5 ch 3 add 3 sec 9.4.1
Question 15:
Upon discovery of a missing sign denoting speed humps on local roadways, company officers shall forward a report where?
A: Missing sign Unit
B: FDNY City Planning
C: Department of Buildings
D: Department of Transportation
Answer: B
When traveling over speed humps the advised speed will be 15 mph for a 4” reducer and 20 mph for a 3” reducer. Advisory speeds shall be adhered to at all times
Question 17:
Firefighters in Ladder Company 599 are having a discussion at the change of tours about an elevator rescue via a top hatch removal from earlier in the day. They make the following points but were incorrect in which one?
A: When lowering a portable ladder to the elevator roof never use an extension ladder.
B: A maximum of two firefighters are to be permitted on the roof of the car at one time.
C: One member equipped with a handie-talkie enters the car, and the member in the car must determine the order of removal.
D: Members are to remain in physical contact with the trapped persons while they are being removed.
Answer: A
Additional Points:
All members working in the shaft are to be secured with a LSR
Secure each person with a LSR
TB Elevators 3.7.2 A
Question 19:
At a recent fire in a vacant rowframe, positioned in the middle of a row of occupied frames, two engine officers disputed their units’ line positioning. During the argument, which statement made was incorrect?
A: The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one hoseline to enter the fire building, and a hoseline to enter the most severe exposure.
B: The second hoseline, if not needed to back up the first hoseline, shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure.
C: The third hoseline is stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure, depending on where the second hoseline was stretched.
D: The fourth hoseline is stretched as ordered by the Incident Commander.
Answer: A
A) The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½” LINE TO SUPPLY A TL, and a hoseline to enter the most severe exposure.
Note: Occupied exposures should be given the first consideration and all operations should be in that direction.
Note: A heavy fire requires the use of one or more tower ladders. Hoselines should be laid by engine companies with this in mind.
BS/RF 6.7 A
Question 23:
Each of the following is indicative of a Class “E” High Rise Building built before 1945 except which choice?
A: These buildings were “heavy-weight”, usually weighing about 20 to 23 pounds per cubic foot.
B: Structural steel components were encased in concrete with exterior walls of masonry construction substantially tied to all floors.
C: Plenum type ceilings are generally found in these buildings.
D: All buildings erected between 1938 and 1968 were required to have a fire tower. Some built prior to 1938 have fire towers.
Answer: C
C) Plenum type ceilings are generally NOT found in these buildings.
Normally steam heated.
Usually not centrally air conditioned.
Exterior windows were openable.
Floors were constructed of reinforced concrete.
Core construction techniques were not used.
HROB 2.2
Question 24:
Company officers should be well versed in the NYC Firecode and/or Building code, especially when it comes to a rooftop place of assembly or place of public gathering. When it comes to a rooftop place of assembly or place of public gathering, occupants present in any such place shall not exceed one person per how many square feet?
A: 10
B: 15
C: 20
D: 50
Answer: A
With respect to a rooftop place of assembly or place of public gathering, the number of occupants present in any such place exceeds one person per 10 sq ft of the rooftop area to be used for such purpose; or the commissioner determines that a threat exists to the safety of the occupants
AUC 5 ch 2 add 8 sec 1
Question 25:
Portable ladders have many potential functions. Which function below is not correctly described?
A: To perform an emergency search, portable ladders may be used as a brace where there is partial collapse of a floor area. The ladders may be used singly or in groups depending upon the amount of stress to which the ladders will be subject.
B: Portable ladders may be used in an emergency to shore excavations, or reinforce weakened walls. The proper placement of ladders and planks can prevent refilling of areas that are being dug out.
C: During winter months, portable ladders may be used for the rescue of victims that have fallen through ice. Laid flat, the ladder distributes the weight of the rescuer and/or the victims over a larger area of ice, reducing the total weight concentrated at any one point. Members shall be secured with a utility rope as a safety precaution.
D: For elevator emergencies, the portable ladder may be used to remove occupants from a stalled elevator car stuck between the floors of a building by first relocating them to the roof of the car, and then to a landing or a breached wall. The 10’ Folding and 12’ Telescoping Ladders are particularly well suited for this application.
Answer: C
C) Members shall be secured with a LIFE SAFETY ROPE as a safety precaution.
Note: Victims sometimes fall through a shaft opening and into an elevator pit or onto the top of an elevator car. Portable ladders may be required to gain access to such victims.
Lad 1 11
Question 26:
Private dwelling cellar fires can pose many challenges to members of the Department. The quick application of water on the fire reduces the heat and smoke conditions throughout the building and provides the greatest protection for civilians and members. In some situations, however, various factors would preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs. Which of these factors is incorrectly described?
A: High heat conditions at the bottom of the stairs.
B: Initial size-up indicating a serious fire condition.
C: Questionable stability of the stairway.
D: The safety of members is the paramount concern in making the decision to advance down the interior cellar stairs.
Answer: A
A) High heat conditions at the TOP of the stairs.
Acronym: HISS
High heat top of stairs
Initial size up serious fire
Stability of stairs questionable
Safety of members is paramount
Note: Hoseline advancement via a secondary entrance or water applied through a cellar window will be available options in these cases.
PD Ch 3 2.7.2
Question 34:
Generally there are four procedures to identify a hazardous material using the orange Emergency response Guidebook. Choose the incorrect procedure.
A: By the black 5-digit identification (ID) number on placard or red panel
B: By the 4-digit number (preceded by UN or MA) on shipping papers or packages
C: By the name of the material found on shipping papers or packages
D: If no ID number or shipping name can be found, then as a last resort match the diamond shaped placard on tank, vehicle, or railroad car with a placard in the back of the Guidebook, and then turn to the guide number given
Answer: A
By the black 4-digit identification (ID) number on placard or orange panel
Haz-Mat 2 sec 5.2
Question 35:
At some fires in nonfireproof tenements, members of the 1st Ladder may face unique challenges. One situation that may arise is the obvious need to use the aerial for the roof firefighter but at the same time there is an apparent need to remove an occupant. Of the following factors to be considered in reaching this decision, which is incorrectly described?
A: Emotional state of the occupant - An agitated, frightened occupant or one threatening to jump should be removed first.
B: Fire/Smoke in the immediate vicinity of the occupant - The occupant must receive instant attention if he/she would be endangered or seriously disturbed by any delay in his/her removal.
C: Location and severity of the fire - A rear first floor fire will not normally require immediate removal of occupants from the 3rd, 4th, or higher floors in the front of the building. Conversely, a fire on the upper floors rarely requires removal operations on lower floors.
D: Time Element - When the aerial ladder is needed both for removal and roof access, roof access can be given priority if the person to be removed is in no immediate danger or if there is doubt as to whether or not the person would be in danger.
Answer: D
D) Time Element - When the aerial ladder is needed both for removal and roof access, roof access can be given priority if the person to be removed is in no immediate danger. If ANY DOUBT exists REMOVE THE OCCUPANT FIRST.
Note: After roof access has been attained, the aerial ladder may be used for the removal, keeping in mind that the ladder must be repositioned as quickly as possible to avoid endangering the roof firefighter should the roof position become untenable.
Lad 3 3.2.4
Question 40:
The use of the Tower Ladder large caliber stream (LCS) varies with the type of building and/or occupancy. Of the following choices, which is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: When the fire building is heavily involved or there are multiple floors of fire, LCS delivery should generally start at the highest level and work downward.
B: For an advanced fire in a Row Frame, begin stream application at the top floor and into the cockloft.
C: For common cockloft exposure protection, commence LCS attack at the leading edge of the structure and traverse towards the middle to facilitate extinguishment.
D: At H-Types with fire showing out windows in the front, courtyard and throat, the Tower Ladder stream should be directed at the windows in the throat first, then advanced toward the front of the building, and finally operated into the front windows.
Answer: A
A) When the fire building is heavily involved or there are multiple floors of fire, LCS delivery should generally START at the LOWEST level and WORK UPWARD.
B Note: This will allow water to cascade down (similar to a sprinkler head) which will halt, minimize and extinguish fire in the cockloft as water cascades down.
TL Ch 4 4.2