LT PKG EXAM #18 Flashcards
Question 1:
During a Positive Pressure Fan operation the ventilation group supervisor shall instruct ventilation group members to survey the attack stairs below the fire to verify that doors in the stair enclosure are maintained closed, unless operating hoselines are stretched through the door. Which companies shall verify that stair doors are maintained closed above the fire?
A: 2nd and 3rd Ladder companies
B: 3rd and 4th Ladder companies
C: 3rd Ladder company only
D: Rescue and Squad companies
Answer: B
AUC 349 sec 7.3
Question 2:
A fire in a bulk-oil storage facility has a potential unequaled by many other incidents. Which operating procedure for these facilities outlined below is incorrect?
A: Do not use water indiscriminately at these fires. Use water only when a tank is steaming; when the tank stops steaming, shut down the line.
B: Be patient and do no start foam operations until enough foam and foam related equipment are on site and ready to go.
C: The identifying clue to recognizing a pressurized container is the flat ends. These tanks must be cooled.
D: A tank that is full will act as a heat sink and will not be as dangerous as a tank that is partially full.
Answer: C
C. The identifying clue to recognizing a pressurized container is the ROUNDED ENDS. These tanks must be cooled.
TB Foam 8.10
Question 12:
During your first tour as a new Lt., one of your firefighters walks into the officer to tell you about a hazing incident that just occurred in quarters. Which of the following actions is CORRECT for the new Lt to take?
A: Any reported hazing/bullying incident that would also be a crime will be reported directly to NYPD for investigation.
B: Alleged violations of this policy will be handled confidentially, however members cannot submit a hazing/bullying report anonymously to BITS or EEO.
C: Hazing or bullying that may also implicate or violate the department’s EEO policy need not be reported to EEO and are covered under the Anti Hazing/Anti Bullying policy.
D: Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel in writing up the chain of command to the Chief of Department.
Answer: D
A – Directly reported to DOI for investigation. 4.6
B – Members can submit anonymously. Members are encouraged to provide one’s name and contact information. 4.2
C – Hazing/Bullying that violates EEO Policy shall be reported directly to EEO office in accordance with the EEO Policy. 4.5
Question 13:
You just transmitted a 10-37-1 from an EMS run when one of your FFs informed you that there are two small dogs in the back bedroom of the private dwelling. There is no one else in the home, and the neighbors are all away for summer vacation. From the list below, the only correct action for you to take can be found in which choice
A: Contact the administrative Battalion
B: Contact the administrative Division
C: Contact NYCEM (OEM)
D: Contact the Animal Care Center though the dispatcher
Answer: D
When encountering displaced pets/pet at the scene of a fire or emergency, the FDNY shall protect/secure the pet with a responsible party (owner, neighbor, building rep, NYPD, etc) if possible, and/or cover the pet remains and keep them out of view of the public and media. if reunification with the owner is not possible, the FDNY IC shall contact the Animal Care Center (ACC) through the respective borough dispatcher
AUC 361
Question 14:
Tidal conditions, wind conditions, and currents are some additional size-up concerns that must be considered during a surf rescue. Which point below describing a long-shore current (sweep tide) is incorrect?
A: A long shore current is an ocean current that moves perpendicular to the shore.
B: Long-shore currents are more pronounced at out-going tides.
C: The longer and straighter the beach is, the more powerful and swift the long-shore current will be.
D: Rescuers should enter the water upstream of the long shore current (sweep tide and swim with the current to reach the victim.
Answer: A
A. A long shore current is an ocean current that moves PARALLEL to the shore.
Water Rescue 4 2.4, 2.4.2
Question 16:
Following an incident in quarters that nearly ended in a fist fight between firefighters A & B and was witnessed by firefighters C & D, a Workplace Violence Report was necessary. Which of the following below is INCORRECT regarding the completion and filing of this report?
A: Firefighter C who witnessed the incident completed a Workplace Violence Report and gave it to the officer on duty for submission through the chain of command to the Workplace Violence Coordinator.
B: Firefighter A who was involved in the incident requested that the officer complete a Workplace violence report for submission through the chain of command to the Workplace Violence Coordinator.
C: Firefighter B who was involved in the incident, completed the Workplace Violence Report and had the officer submit it through the chain of command to the Workplace Violence Coordinator.
D: Firefighter D who witnessed the incident but didn’t believe the officer would take corrective action submitted a Workplace Violence Report directly to the Workplace Violence Coordinator.
Answer: B
B IS INCORRECT - THE EMPLOYEE shall submit a Workplace Violence Report (WPV-1), which is available on the Department Intranet, in hard copy format, to his/her immediate supervisor.
A - 10.2.1 Fire Department employees (or their duly designated employee representative) who have been the victim of, OR WHO HAVE WITNESSED a workplace violence incident such as a physical assault shall prepare a Workplace Violence Report and submit it to the reporting employee’s supervisor.
C - 11.1.1 Every supervisor who has received a Workplace Violence Report (or a verbal report) shall ensure that it is forwarded via the chain of command to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator. All supervisors within the chain of command shall ensure that the report is forwarded on an expedited basis.
D - 10.4.1 If an employee reasonably believes in good faith that submitting a Workplace Violence Prevention Report to a supervisor would not result in corrective action, the employee may submit the Workplace Violence Report directly to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator.
Question 17:
You arrive first due (Engine) to a building that has the exterior insulation finish system (EFIS) involved in fire. At this fire, the incorrect tactic/procedure can be found in which choice?
A: Upon transmission of the 10-75 you requested an additional engine and ladder. The special called ladder shall be a TL if one was not assigned on the initial alarm
B: You first considered using the deck gun for a rapid attack and knockdown
C: If the building is 3 stories or higher, a 2 1/2” handline may be needed to operate on the exterior
D: The use of a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) to determine the extent of fire spread will not work for these type of fires due to the high insulation value of the exterior finishing system
Answer: D
AUC 362
A- sec 2.8
B- sec 2.1
C- sec 2.3
D- TIC should be used on both the interior and exterior to determine the extent of fire spread. A more thorough examination is required during the overhaul phase to ensure that the exterior insulation fire does not continue to smolder undetected
Question 19:
Which Brownstone feature is described incorrectly?
A: A stoop may be present which provides access to the 2nd floor, but can interfere with laddering of the 3rd floor. Some stoops have been removed to modernize the front.
B: In the front of the building, a grate over the vent hole often has wooden cover, which can be removed for ventilation.
C: A coal chute with a metal cover is often found in the street or sunken court. It provides ventilation for basement fires.
D: As a rule, a brick parapet is carried above the roof 8” or higher. Generally, there is no parapet on the back wall of the roof.
Answer: C
C) A coal chute with a metal cover is often found in the street or sunken court. It provides ventilation for CELLAR fires.
BS/RF Add 1 p3
Question 20:
Firefighter X is looking to make an EEO complaint so as a new Lt., you decide to walk them through the process by providing information. Which is the only CORRECT piece of information you gave the firefighter?
A: At all times for incidents that affect operations, the EEO Officer can be reached through FDOC.
B: The appropriate Company Journal/Log entries shall be made following notification of an EEO complaint
C: If requested to do so by BITS or the EEO Officer, an officer can interrogate any individual involved in the alleged incident.
D: Upon completion of the EEO incident report, the officer shall submit it directly to the EEO Officer in a sealed envelope marked confidential and retain a copy in the member’s personnel folder.
Answer: C
C IS CORRECT – 6.7 - The Officer/Supervisor shall not interrogate any individual involved in the alleged incident, or initiate an investigation into the alleged incident, except if requested to do so by the EEO Officer, or Bureau of Investigations and Trials (BITs).
A – During non-office hours 6.2.2 – During business hours, 0800-1800 the EEO Officer can be reached by telephone.
B – Company Journal/Log entries SHALL NOT be entered with regard to any EEO complaints 6.9
D - No copies of the Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be retained by the Officer/Supervisor. 6.4
Question 21:
Select the incorrect tactic/procedure when using the cockloft nozzle to extinguish a fire involving the exterior insulation finish system (EFIS) of a building.
A: A 1 3/4” line should be used when the exterior fire is above the reach of ground-based streams
B: One tip of the cockloft nozzle should be capped with a 1 1/2” shutoff
C: The cockloft nozzle operated upward on the exterior of the building can provide a vertical reach of up to two floors
D: The nozzle should be extended approximately 3 feet from the window sill and then operated at a slight angle toward the building
Answer: A
A 2 1/2”” line should be used when the exterior fire is above the reach of ground-based streams
AUC 362
Question 23:
During multi-unit drill at a high rise office building in Manhattan, the building manager referenced several fire protection measures. The Officer had to correct him in which incorrect statement made?
A: Automatic closure of fire dampers is usually effected upon operation of an approved fusible link or other approved heat activated device located where they would be readily effected by an abnormal rise in temperature in the duct. Fusible links should have a temperature rating approximately 150º F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down.
B: The 1968 Building Code requires a manual fire pump to supplement the standpipe system in buildings over 300 feet high.
C: The 1938 Building Code requires a manual fire pump to supplement the standpipe system in buildings over 250 high.
D: The control cabinet for a 750 gallon fire pump will be in the shape of a large cube. It varies from 6’ x 6’ x 6’ to as large as 8’ x 8’ x 8’ in the older models. The front of the cabinet will be the control panel.
Answer: A
A) Automatic closure of fire dampers is usually effected upon operation of an approved fusible link or other approved heat activated device located where they would be readily effected by an abnormal rise in temperature in the duct. Fusible links should have a temperature rating APPROXIMATELY 50º F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down.
A Note: Once a fire damper has closed it must be manually opened before air can pass though the opening it is protecting.
HROB 3.4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3
Question 24:
Knowing how a private dwelling is constructed can contribute to quicker and more effective control of fires in these buildings. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Although balloon framing is very common in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2½ - 3 story, peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
B: In balloon frame construction, the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate.
C: A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If one is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
D: In platform construction, the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. They are capped at the ceiling level of each floor with a horizontal 2”x4” called a top plate.
Answer: C
C) A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If NONE is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
B Note: High heat accompanied by heavy smoke with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in these hidden spaces. Advanced fire in these voids may cause the ceiling to be blown down on members pulling ceilings on the top floor.
D Note: This construction feature acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
PD Ch 4 3.1-3.3
Question 25:
Upon arrival to an accident involving a Truck and a Train, your firefighters discovered unmarked packages amongst the debris. In order to know what these packages contain, you tell the firefighters to look for the shipping papers. The correct name and location of these shipping papers can be found in which choice?
A: Truck- Cargo Manifest, kept in reach of the driver Train- Waybill, carried by the conductor in the caboose or engine
B: Truck- Bill of Lading, kept in reach of the driver Train- Waybill, carried by the conductor in the caboose or engine
C: Truck- Bill of Lading, kept in cargo area of truck Train- Waybill, carried by the conductor in the caboose only
D: Truck- Not required to carry shipping papers Train- Trainbill, carried by the conductor in the caboose or engine
Answer: B
Haz-Mat 2 sec 4.4
Question 26:
When filling out the “crew” section of the PCR certain guidelines must be followed. Which one stated below is incorrect?
A: Members shall document the names and certification numbers of the CFR-D certified members who responded to the call and provided patient care.
B: The name of the member in charge of the call shall be entered in the first box.
C: Circle the name of the member completing the PCR.
D: If there are more than three CFR-D certified members on the call, list the additional names in the comments section.
Answer: D
D. If there are MORE THAN FOUR CFR-D certified members on the call, list the additional names in the comments section.
CFR CH 5 4.19
Question 27:
When using a portable ladder to stretch a hoseline, the line may be stretched dry and charged once in position, or it may be advanced up the ladder while charged. When advancing while charged, each of the following procedures should be followed with the exception of which choice?
A: When a charged hoseline is advanced up a portable ladder, the nozzle firefighter should carry the hose in their left hand.
B: When a charged hoseline is advanced up a portable ladder, the hose should be maintained on the left side of the ladder.
C: When the nozzle firefighter is to operate the hoseline from a position on the portable ladder, they should clip the hook of their personal harness to the rail of the ladder.
D: When the nozzle firefighter is to operate the hoseline from a position on the portable ladder, the base of the ladder must be secured.
Answer: C
C) When the nozzle firefighter is to operate the hoseline from a position on the portable ladder, they should clip the hook of their personal harness to a RUNG of the ladder.
Eng Ch 7 10.8, 10.9
Question 28:
Ventilation of windows on upper floors of a fire building may be accomplished by the use of a portable ladder with a member on the ladder. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: The ladder is placed upwind from the window to be ventilated.
B: The tip of the ladder, if possible, should be level with, or lower than the top of the window.
C: The member’s eye shield shall be in the down position.
D: When the member is positioned on the ladder and prepares to use a tool to ventilate the window (a 6 foot hook is preferable), he/she should extend their arms upward and slant the tool downward and strike the glass.
Answer: B
B) The tip of the ladder, if possible, should be level with, or HIGHER than the top of the window.
A Note: The placement should provide a margin of safety to the member if the fire extends out of the window. Also….Placing the ladder upwind from the window will allow the falling glass, to some degree, to be blown away from the member butting the ladder below.
D Note: This will prevent the window glass from sliding down the tool handle and causing injury to the member.
Lad 1 10.3.2
Question 32:
The rescue of victims is a prime responsibility of Fire personnel at structural collapse operations. Which of the following choices is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: The safety of personnel needs to be “carefully evaluated” before attempting complicated rescues.
B: Initial rescue actions should concentrate on removing non-ambulatory victims and victims buried persons in voids from immediate danger.
C: Due to the weight of their equipment, access to the collapse site for at least the first arriving Rescue as well as at least one Collapse Rescue Unit must be ensured.
D: A SOC Support Ladder could be utilized as an additional FAST truck, working within the Search and Rescue Sector or Branch.
Answer: B
B) Initial rescue actions should concentrate on removing ABLE-BODIED (AMBULATORY) and SURFACE or LIGHTLY BURIED persons from immediate danger.
Collapse 4.7, 9.4, 10.1
Question 34:
Members of Ladder 200 are drilling on the deployment of the search rope at MUD. The following comments are made. Which one is correct?
A: The bag must be carried in one hand.
B: The officer controlling the search pays out the rope while keeping it taut, maintaining a handhold on the rope or bag at all times.
C: The rope shall be maintained approximately two to three feet off the ground.
D: Voice contact (with HT use) shall be maintained with all search team members.
Answer: B
A. The bag is designed to be worn over the shoulder BUT MAY BE CARRIED IN ONE HAND.
C. The rope shall be maintained approximately ONE TO TWO off the ground.
D. Voice contact (WITHOUT HT USE) shall be maintained with all search team members.
TB Rope 6 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
Question 35:
All members should be familiar with how to operate safely in a Tower Ladder bucket. Which safety consideration below is correct?
A: When no other option is available, members may escape from the bucket by means of the escape ladder in the hinged position. Prior to exiting the bucket, members shall ensure the apparatus remains in P.T.O., the engine is on and the escape ladder side rails are raised.
B: The Tower Ladder provides an excellent platform for overhaul operations. The top of the bucket railing should be positioned slightly above the work area.
C: When using a power saw from the Tower Ladder bucket it is preferable to have one member control the bucket while a second member operates the saw.
D: The boom may be utilized to force hanging timbers or cornices back into a building or onto a roof, but shall never be used to pull or push objects, or as a derrick.
Answer: C
A) When no other option is available, members may escape from the bucket by means of the escape ladder in the hinged position. Prior to exiting the bucket, members shall ensure the apparatus remains in P.T.O., the engine is SHUT DOWN and the escape ladder side rails are raised.
B) The Tower Ladder provides an excellent platform for overhaul operations. The top of the bucket railing should be positioned SLIGHTLY BELOW the work area.
D) The boom shall NOT be used to force timbers or cornices back into a building or onto a roof, to pull or push objects, or as a derrick.
TL Ch 3 3.6, 3.7
Question 36:
During company drill on elevator operations in high rise fireproof multiple dwellings, FF Red made an incorrect comment. Indicate the incorrect comment.
A: Elevators equipped with Fire Service shall be operated by a firefighter and personnel shall exit at least two floors below the fire.
B: After members disembark the elevator car, the firefighter operating the elevator shall place the elevator on “Hold” at the location. When an elevator not equipped with Fire Service is used, it shall be returned to the lobby unstaffed.
C: Doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should not be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is under control. When under control, these doors can be vented by opening them to the exterior, as long as wind will not force smoke back into the building.
D: Overloading of elevators must be avoided as a stalled elevator car is an elevator car out of service. Look for maximum load signs and consider each member and their equipment to be greater than 275 pounds.
Answer: B
B) After members disembark the elevator car, the firefighter operating the elevator shall RETURN TO THE LOBBY WITH THE ELEVATOR. When an elevator not equipped with Fire Service is used, it shall be returned to the lobby unstaffed.
A Note: Before proceeding to the fire floor, members shall survey the layout of the stairs, hallway, and apartment below the fire apartment.
MD Ch 2 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
Question 38:
Structural collapse at vacant building fires is always a concern. In addition, all members should adhere to common safety practices. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: When operating at vacant building fires, members should establish a collapse zone during the early stages of fire operations.
B: Woodframe buildings often experience inward-outward or ninety-degree wall collapse, especially corner buildings and isolated (stand-alone) frame buildings.
C: Members should form a habit of climbing stairs by placing the middle of their foot above the step riser and stepping as close to a supporting wall as possible. Placing downward pressure on risers and climbing close to supporting stringers is the safest way to climb stairs because these areas are the most structurally stable areas of the staircase.
D: A method, often used for climbing “U”-return stairs with cracked or broken marble landings, is to hug the newel post while stepping to the floor above. When using this tactic, members should step up from the tread on the lower staircase to the landing, placing minimal weight on the landing itself, then to the tread on the upper staircase.
Answer: D
D) A method, often used for climbing “U”-return stairs with cracked or broken marble landings, is to hug the newel post while stepping around the marble landing to the stair riser on the floor above. When using this tactic, members should step up from the RISER on the lower staircase to the RISER on the upper staircase without placing ANY weight on the landing itself.
Vacants 6.2 C, 7.1
Question 39:
Which component(s) of the intrinsically safe fans is/are intrinsically safe?
A: All components
B: The plug only
C: The motor only
D: The plug and the motor
Answer: C
Natural Gas Addendum 3 1.3 #1
Question 40:
You are completing administrative duties in your office when the proby knocks on the door and enters, asking you to explain what a “boilover” is. You present the proby with correct information in each of the choices below except?
A: A “boilover” is an event in the burning of certain combustible liquids in an open-top tank when, after a long period of quiescent burning, there is a sudden increase in fire intensity associated with the expulsion of burning oil from the tank.
B: When water is added to the fuel, it sinks to the bottom of the container and has little effect on extinguishing the flames which are on the surface of the fuel. Under certain conditions, the water vaporizes into steam causing it to expand more than 1700 times in volume.
C: Boilover commonly occurs in residential kitchen fires when water is added to a grease/oil fire in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
D: In most cases, water will greatly facilitate the extinguishing effect on flaming liquid fires.
Answer: D
D) In most cases, water (without a suppression additive) has LITTLE EXTINGUISHING EGFECT on flaming liquid fires.
B Note: The rapidly expanding steam expels the fuel upward and out of the container, which ignites and results in a large plume of burning liquid outside of the container.
C Note: Boilover can be more catastrophic when occurring in a larger flammable liquid fire such as a transformer fire or tanker truck fire.
TB FD Ch 3 10.1-10.3