Unit 6 Free Response Terms Flashcards
A neurotransmitter that controls muscle contractions and heart rate:
The “little brain” attached to the rear of the brainstem. Helps coordinate voluntary motor movements, posture, and balance:
Occurs on a 24/25 hour cycle and includes sleep and wakefulness (biological clock):
Circadian Rhythm
Learned response to a previously neutral CS (same as unconditioned response):
Conditioned Response
Memory recall is increased when you are in the same physical space as where the learning/memory occurred:
Context-Dependent Memory
The minimum difference a person can detect between any two stimuli half the time:
Difference Threshold
Term for remembering an event in life:
Episodic Memory
Conscious or effortful processing:
Explicit Memory
Desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards or threats of punishment:
Extrinsic Motivation
The organization of the visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings:
Figure Ground
Perception of a relationship when no relationship actually exists:
Illusory Correlation
The use of mental pictures:
Inability to see an object or person in our midst:
Inattentional Blindness
Gives the brain information about where specific body parts are located:
Any type of memory aid:
Conveys information from the central nervous system to the body’s organs, glands, and muscles:
Motor Neurons
The effect of promising a reward for doing what one already likes to do:
Overjustification Effect
Add a desirable stimulus:
Positive Reinforcement
Old learning interferes with new learning:
Proactive Interference
Motor skills and habits:
Procedural Memory
Images from the two eyes differ; closer the object, the longe the disparity:
Retinal Disparity
New learning interferes with old learning:
Retroactive Interference
Gains power through its association with the primary reinforcer:
Secondary Reinforcer
What you choose to attend to out of all of the visual, auditory, and olfactory stimulation reaching you:
Selective Attention
A weakened sensitivity due to prolonged stimulation:
Sensory Adaptation
What we learn in one physiological state may be more easily recalled when we are again in that state:
State-Dependent Memory
Statistical statement of how likely it is that an obtained result occurred by chance:
Statistical Significance
Arouses “Fight or Flight”:
Sympathetic Nervous System
Reinforcement after an average/unpredictable number or responses:
Variable Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement