Operant and Observational Conditioning Flashcards
The type of learning in which behaviors are emitted to earn rewards or avoid punishments:
Operant Conditioning
The type of learning in which behaviors are learned by observing a model:
Operational/Social Learning
First psychologist to formulate the theory of operant conditioning:
E.L. Thorndike
What did Thorndike call operant conditioning?
Instrumental Conditioning
Rewarded behavior is likely to occur again:
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
Actions only incidentally tied to good results:
Superstitious Behaviors
Thorndike created a _______ box to use with _____:
Puzzle; cats
Father for operant conditioning:
B.F. Skinner
Creator of the Operant Chamber:
A stimulus that elicits a response after association with reinforcement:
Discriminative Stimulus
Add a desirable stimulus:
Positive Reinforcement
Remove an aversive stimulus NOT A PUNISHMENT:
Negative Reinforcement
Innately satisfying:
Primary Reinforcer
Gains power through its association with the primary reinforcer:
Secondary Reinforcer
Used to increase a list of acceptable behaviors by earning _____:
Reinforcement should mean something to the individual:
Premack Principle
Reinforcement that occurs instantly after a behavior:
Immediate Reinforcer
A reinforcement that is delayed in time for a certain behavior:
Delayed Reinforcer
We may be inclined to engage in _____ _______ reinforcers rather than ____ _____;
Small; immediate; large; delayed
Response is reinforced every time it occurs:
Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforcing only some responses:
Partial Reinforcement