Unit 4_The Lungs & Heart Flashcards
What are the contents of the thorax?
Chest wall
Mediastinum (in between the 2 lungs)
- Heart
What keep lungs ”connected” to the chest wall and includes a potential space that is filled with only about 15mL of fluid?
Parietal (wall of thorax) and visceral pleura (internal organs)
Pleura space
What makes up the right lung?
2 fissures – oblique and horizontal
3 lobes – superior/middle/inferior
What makes up the left lung?
1 fissure – oblique
2 lobes – superior/inferior
When does the breath come into the lungs, and where does it branch out?
Trachea (several bifurcations) → primary bronchi (main) → secondary (lobar bronchi) → tertiary (segmental x 10) → terminal (alveolar)
What are the steps of the pulmonary circulation?
- Bronchial artery oxygenates the pulmonary tissue
- Pulmonary arteries take deoxygenated blood to alveoli to get oxygenated in the pulmonary capillaries
- Pulmonary veins take oxygenated blood to the heart
What is a domed muscle that changes intrathoracic volume, primary inspiratory muscle and includes hiatus (holes) for vena cava, aorta, and esophagus?
When the diaphragm pulls down, what act of breathing occurs?
What is the space between the two lungs?
The mediastinum
What includes an aortic arch, superior vena cava, brachiocephalic veins, trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct, thymus, vagus nerve, lt. recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerves?
Superior Mediastinum
What includes the thymus (or remnant in adulthood), lymph nodes, fat?
Anterior Inferior Mediastinum
What includes the heart and pericardium, root of great vessels, and arch of azygos vein?
Middle Inferior Mediastinum
What includes the primary bronchi, esophagus, thoracic duct, azygos vein, hemiazygos veins, vagus nerves, sympathetic trunk, and splanchnic nerves?
Posterior Inferior Mediastinum
What structures are found in more than one subdivision of the mediastinum?
- Phrenic Nerves (Superior & Middle compartment)
- Esophagus (Superior & Posterior compartment)
- Trachea (Superior & Middle-compartment for Bifurcation)
- Thymus Gland (Superior & Anterior compartment)
- Aorta (Middle compartment, Superior Compartment, Posterior compartment)
- Vagus Nerves
What is a temperamental space in the lungs?
Pleura space
What happens when there’s a pleura efusion and too much fluid in the pleura?
Fluid compresses the lungs, hard to breathe
What is a hernia of the stomach that herniates up through hiatus?
Hiatal Hernia
What is included in the Inferior Mediastinum?
When diaphragm pulls up, what act of breathing occurs?