Unit 4_Abdominal Wall Flashcards
What comprises the abdomen-superior boundary?
- Right hemidiaphragm: 4th Interspace
- Left hemidiaphragm: 5th Rib
What are the abdomen boundaries?
- Right hemidiaphragm: 4th Interspace
- Left hemidiaphragm: 5th Rib
Pelvic inlet
What are the muscles of the abdominal wall?
Rectus Abdominis
- Tendinous Intersections
- Covered by the Rectus Sheath
- Linea Alba-Aponeurotic Line
External abdominal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique
Transversus abdominis
What innervates the rectus abdominis?
Lower 5 Intercostal Nerves (i.e. 7-11)
What innervates external abdominal olique?
Lower 5 Intercostal Nerves (i.e. 7-11)
Subcostal Nerve (T12)
What innervates internal abdominal oblique and Transversus abdominis?
Lower 5 Intercostal Nerves (i.e. 7-11)
Subcostal Nerve (T12)
Iliohypogastric Nerve (L1)
Ilioinguinal Nerve (L1)
What is the main function of rectus abdomins?
Trunk flexion
What does the rectus sheath cover?
Anterior surface entirely of rectus abdominis
What is the main function of external abdominal oblique?
Trunk rotation
What is the main function of internal abdominal oblique that includes fibers in the same direction as intercostal muscles?
Trunk rotation/flexion
What is the main function of transversus abdominis?
Compressing the abdominal contents/maintain intra abdominal pressure
What are the muscles of the abdominal wall?
Quadratus Lumborum (VPR T12 and L1-4)
Psoas Major & Minor (VPR L2-L4)
Iliacus (Femoral n)
What are the regions of the abdominal wall?
4 Quadrants:
Upper Right (Liver)
Upper Left (Spleen)
Lower Right (Appendex)
Lower Left (Colon)
What is formed by Aponeuroses of both Oblique mm and the Transversus Abdominis m and covers the anterior Rectus Abdominis completely, and posteriorly to the Semilunar Line of Douglas?
Rectus sheath
What is seen as a weaker area in the abdominal region?
The posterior aspect of rectus abdominis
What vessels run on the posterior side of the Rectus Abdominis and anastomose with each other?
Superior Epigastric Artery
- Br. of the Internal Thoracic A.
Inferior Epigastric Artery
- Br. of the External Iliac A.
Subcostal aa
Superficial epigastric artery
- Br of Femoral A
What do the following describe?
- Oblique Passage in the groin area
- 1.5-2.0 Inches Long
- Present in both Genders
- Different Contents
Inguinal Canal
What is a natural pathway/fascial abdominal sheaths that form a canal and allow for descent of testicular aa and vv, cremaster m, spermatic cord (males)?
Inguinal canal
What is the area that is bound by medial to testicular artery and vein and lateral to rectus abdominis and pyramidalis, and we find weakening due to lack of coverage?
Hesselbach’s Triangle
Where do Direct Hernias occur?
Through Hesselbach’s Triangle
Where do Indirect hernias occur?
Through deep inguinal ring into canal
Where can prostate cancer, skin cancer can occur?
Hesselbach’s Triangle
Where are the following contents found?
Spermatic Cord contents
Ductus (Vas) Deferens
Testicular Artery
Pampiniform Venous Plexus
Cremaster Muscle
Testis & Epididymis
Genital br of genitofemoral n
Ilioinguinal n
Inguinal Canal in males
Where are the following contents found?
Ilioinguinal Nerve-sensory to the Labia Majora
Genital Br.-Genitofemoral Nerve-sensory to the Labia Majora
Round Ligament of the Uterus
Fat Pad “Finger of Fat”
Inguinal Canal in females
What activates the cremastic reflex - contraction of the cremaster muscle?
Genital Br.-Genitofemoral n (off of lumbar plexus)
Why might the pregnant female complain of pain in their abdominal region?
Due to the pressure on the round ligament of the uterus in the inguinal canal
If a patient is injured in the low back region/has low back pain, what symptoms may they experience?
Difficulty with abdominal contraction/maintaining compression in that region