Unit 4_The Heart & Great Vessles Flashcards
What are the following parts included in?
- Aortic arch
- Superior vena cava
- Ascending aorta
- Right coronary artery
- Right atrium
- Right ventricle
Anterior Heart
What are the following parts included in?
- Pulmonary veins
Posterior Heart
What do arteries and veins do in the heart?
- An artery carries blood away from the heart, no matter if it is oxygenated or not. (pulmonary arteries are deoxygenated)
- A vein carries blood towards the heart, no matter if it is oxygenated or not. (pulmonary veins are oxygenated)
What’s included in the right atrium of the right side of the heart where blood comes right from the body?
Right auricle
Fossa ovalis
Pectinate muscles (musculi pectinate)
Interatrial septum
Where are the following structures of the heart located?
Right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid valve)
Chordae tendinae
Papillary muscles
Trabeculae carnae
Moderator band
Conus arteriosus
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary trunk
Interventricular septum
Right ventricle of the heart
What’s included in the left artium of the left side of the heart?
Left auricle
Pectinate muscles
What’s included in the left ventricle of the left side of the heart?
Left Atrioventricular valve (bicuspid or mitral valve)
Chordae tendinae
Papillary muscles
Trabeculae carnae
Interventricular septum
Aortic semilunar valve
What do the following structures provide?
Right & left coronary aa.
Right marginal a.
Posterior interventricular a. (posterior descending)
Anterior interventricular a. (anterior descending)
Inferior interventricular a. (posterior descending)
Anterior interventricular a. (anterior descending)
Circumflex a. of the heart
Left marginal a.
Circulation to the heart
What’s a good landmark for looking at the posterior heart?
R/L pulmonary veins
What’s a good landmark for looking at the anterior heart?
Aortic arch
What are the big muscles of the heart?
Right/Left ventricles (particularly left ventricle)
What muscles are in the atria?
Pectinate muscles
What muscles are in the ventricles?
Papillary muscles
What holds the papillary muscles?
Chordae tendinae
How does blood leave the right ventricle?
Via the pulmonary semilunar valve
What is a little pocket for holding more blood?
Left auricle
What pushes blood through our entire body?
Left ventricle
What do the following structures provide?
Great cardiac v.
Middle cardiac v.
Small cardiac v.
Coronary sinus
Circulates the blood back to the lungs via the coronary sinus to the superior vena cava
Where does the coronary sinus v drain into?
Inferior aspect of the right atrium
The following are what structures of the heart?
Aorta (ascending, arch and descending)
Brachiocephalic trunk
- Right common carotid a.
- Right subclavian a.
Left common carotid a.
Left subclavian a.
Superior & inferior vena cava
Right & left pulmonary aa. & vv.
Great Vessels
What is a health diagnostic tool that measures electricity of the heart?
What are the steps of cardiac conduction (measured on EKG)?
- All four chambers relaxed; Atrioventricular Node valves open; ventricles filling
- Atrial systole completes ventricular filling
- Ventricles contract; Atrioventricular Node valves close; semilunar valves open; blood ejected into arteries
- Heart returns to initial state of relaxation and refills
What initiates the cardiac conduction process?
Sinoatrial Node (SA)
What are the arteries as part of the great vessels?
Common carotid aa.
Brachiocephalic trunk
Descending thoracic aorta
What are the veins as part of the great vessels?
Subclavian v.
Internal jugular v.
Superior & inferior vena cava
Right & left pulmonary aa. & vv.
Azygos v.
Accessory hemiazygos v.
Hemiazygos v.
What’s included in the Hilum (the root of the lung)?
Pulmonary aa.
Superior pulmonary vv.
Inferior pulmonary vv.
What is the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood?
What is the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries?