Unit 3_TMJ, Muscles of Facial Expression & Mastication Flashcards
What structure includes the following:
- Zygomatic Process
- Infraorbital Foramen
- Frontal Process
- Alveolar Process
- Maxillary Air Sinuses
- Palatine Process
What structure includes the following:
- Neck
- Ramus
- Body
- Angle
- Coronoid Process
- Condylar Process
- Mandibular Notch
- Mental Foramen
- Mandibular Foramen (inferior alveolar foramen)
What structure is most posterior on the Mandible and articulates superiorly to create the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?
Condylar Process
What structure on the Mandible allows for travel of Inferior Alveolar vein, artery and nerve that turns into the Mental Nerve?
Inferior Alveolar Foraman
What structure on the Mandible allows for travel of the Mental Nerve?
Mental Foramen
What does the Ophthalmic n, Trigeminal n, Maxillary n, and Mandibular n travel through and can cause a lot of disruption if an injury occurs in the area?
Mandibular Foramen
What structure features articulation between the condylar process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone? It’s also a ball and socket, modified hinge joint with a gliding motion that has surfaces covered with fibrous cartilage and fibrocartilagenous articular disc (condyle/disk shift forward to “unlock” the mandible)?
Temporomandibular Joint
What muscle of mastication sits in the temporal fossa, heads to the coronoid process of the mandible, elevates the mandible when contracted and is innervated by a branch of CN V?
Temporalis muscle
What muscle of mastication comes off the zygomatic and attaches down to the angle of the mandible, closes the mandible when contracted and is innervated by CN V?
Masseter muscle
What muscle of mastication reflects the masseter on the inside of the mouth?
Medial Pterygoid
What muscle of mastication is included on the inside of the mouth, has a superior and inferior (V shaped) that come off the pterygoid plate and go over to the condyle and grabs onto the disk to pull the condyle forward to finish the opening of the mandible?
Lateral Pterygoid
What TMJ muscles support closure of the jaw and are innervated by the motor branches of V3 - Mandibular division of the Trigeminal Nerve?
Medial Pterygoid
What TMJ muscle supports depression (opening) of the jaw and is innervated by the motor branches of V3 - Mandibular division of the Trigeminal Nerve?
Lateral Pterygoid
What muscles are skeletal muscles, lie in subcutaneous fascia and are innervated by CN VII (Facial N)?
Muscles of Facial Expression
What muscle of facial expression forms a ring around the opening of the eye and supports closing the eye?
Orbicularis Oculi
What muscles of facial expression form from the zygomatic arch down around the lips and help elevate the smile?
Zygomaticus Major and Minor
What muscle of facial expression allow for whistling/puckering mouth/lips?
Orbicularis Oris
What muscle of facial expression comes off the lateral face towards the lip to assist with smiling?
What muscle of facial expression is responsible for lowering the lip/frowning?
Depressor labii inferioris
What muscle of facial expression allows for angling of the lip/bringing the lateral edges of the lips down?
Depressor anguli oris
What muscle of facial expression elevates the lip superiorly and supports snarling?
Levator labii superioris
What muscle of facial expression elevates the lateral lips up and supports sneering?
Levator anguli oris
What muscle of facial expression in the cheek buckets the lips into a trumpet, allows for drinking, eating?
What muscle of facial expression in the cheek supports chewing?
What muscle decompresses the neck?
What muscle of facial expression supports frowning?
What muscles of facial expression supports flaring the nostrils?
Levator Labii Superioris alaque Nasi