Unit 4 Lesson 5: Yesterday, Today, and Into the Future Flashcards
What is the importnace of herbal and animal based extractions for the healthcare industry
herbal and animal-based extractions are the basis for about 118 of the 150 prescription medicines we use today in the United States, some originating in older remedies.
Who was Hippocrates
Hippocrates (460-377 BC), a physician in the Classical Period in Greece, is considered ‘the father of modern medicine.’
What is The Hippocratic Oath
The Hippocratic Oath—an oath taken by physicians to uphold ethical obligations to patients and society—is still in use in a modern form by graduating medical students today.
What do docotrs promise under the The Hippocratic Oath?
Basically, new doctors promise to use their abilities to the good of patients and never to harm patients, to respect the privacy of patients, to share their knowledge with the next generation of doctors, and to prevent disease whenever possible
What did The orginal Hippocratic oath include
The original oath included reference to the gods, and throughout much of the history of humans, medicine and religion or spirituality have been linked.
What is Ayurveda
An ancient text of Hinduism in India refers to medicine and healing with herbs, and this is the earliest record of what has now become Ayurveda, a system of healing that is still practiced.
What are tradtional health practices in china
In China, traditional medicine was linked to Taoist doctors, and the art of healing with acupuncture, herbs, and massage is popular in many parts of the world today.
What are ancillary
Many versions of traditional and natural treatment, including massage, movement therapies, herbs, and dietary changes, are used today by a large number of people. For many people, these alternative treatments are used as ancillary services
What is the meaning of ancillary servcices
healthcare services used to support a primary physician.
Talk about health in the meiddle ages
In the Middle Ages, advances in medical thought and practice were occurring throughout the Islamic world and Europe, with schools of medicine popping up during this time
What was US health like in the 1700s
In the United States, traditional practices were brought over from Europe during the time of the colonies, and healing was often done by women in the house. By the 1700s, some physicians trained in England and Scotland had come to the colonies. But disease was still rampant.
What was health like in america during the civil war
During the Civil War, more soldiers died of disease than from battle wounds, and with bad water and poor sanitation, disease spread quickly among the troops.
What was US jhealth like during the wat in the middle eat
Things began to improve more radically in the 20th century, with more nurses being trained in the United States. With World War II, war again propelled advances in medicine. More recently, improvements in battlefield medicine during the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have meant that many seriously wounded soldiers have been able to survive and return home.
Medical advances in the 20th century in US
During the 20th century, medical practice reduced the number of deaths from diseases that could spread among groups of people; now medical care focuses on treating chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and other non-contagious diseases.
History of medcine has to do with what factors
The history of medicine is tangled up with religion, war, culture, and many other influences. Exploring the connections between historical events and ideas and changes in healthcare practices can reveal many interesting details about how healing is part of culture.
What is it like today int he helathcare industry for African Americans
African Americans are often diagnosed later and therefore are more likely to die from such diseases as cancer and heart disease.
Why must there be more studys for women in the healthcare indusrty
Medical research has often used the model of a male patient as the norm, meaning that the differences in disease presentation in women are not known, therefore women may not respond to studied treatments in the same way as men; more research on both genders and all ethnicities is needed to help increase the fairness and equality of outcomes among different groups.
What are bioethics
Our laws and regulations need to expand to cover the new possibilities, but this requires thought. The field of bioethics studies the moral and ethical questions that arise from new medical discoveries.
What is public health?
Public health—the science of protecting and improving the health of a community—becomes ever more necessary as the increase in global travel means that diseases can spread quickly around the world.
What is epidemiolgy
To discover ways to control disease and increase health of the whole population, the field of epidemiology studies disease in whole populations, analyzing causes and identifying possible control measures.
What do Epidemiologists do
Epidemiologists can use the new tools of technology and data analysis to process large amounts of health information, finding out more ways to combat rising health problems. As the lifestyles and economic prosperity of developed countries spread into less developed areas, the diseases associated with obesity and processed food supplies also spread to more people. While improving the economic lives of people in poorer nations is one goal, limiting the ways in which economic prosperity can have negative health effects is also an important goal.