Unit 4 Lesson 3: Preschool and School Age Flashcards
What are the charteristics of preschool age childeren
Preschool age children are a fine mix of independent, fearful, and playful. They are curious about trying new things, though somewhat hesitant. They ask many “why” questions and are also learning some social skills like turn-taking and caring for others.
What does the preschool age childeren period rise importnace of
This period sees a rise in the importance of peers—people of the same age, rank, or level—and preschoolers are learning a lot about the world through their curiosity and interaction with others like them.
What are preschoolers learning
Though preschoolers are learning to control their behavior somewhat, the strong emotions of toddlerhood may still influence them.
Preschool: 3 to 5 years old
Developmental Steps:
- Recognizes peers
- Becoming a social being
- Growth slows
- Has an excess of energy
- Needs clear rules
- Can form experiences into concepts
- Develops concept of self and body image
Preschool: 3 to 5 years old
Physical Growth
- Grows taller but gains little weight
- Coordination increases
- Begins to write and draw
- Communication abilities increase
- Plays with others
- Begins to do some self-care
- Has a sense of family
Preschool: 3 to 5 years old
- Asks lots of questions
- Speaks expressively
- Controls impulses
- Can reflect on experiences
- Learns the difference between genders and develops modesty
- Can tell right from wrong
School Age: 6 to 12 years old
Developmental Steps
- Learning to direct their energy
- Peers become more important
- Slow and steady growth
- Learning to compromise and cooperate
- Capable of reasoning
- Quickly learns new skills and knowledge
School Age: 6 to 12 years old
Physical Growth
- Slow growth in height and weight
- Loses primary teeth, permanent teeth come in
- Increased hand coordination
- Increases in muscle strength, coordination, and balance
- Girls are taller than boys
- Secondary sexual characteristics develop
School Age: 6 to 12 years old
Psychosocial Development
- Game playing skills develop
- Self-image and confidence are developing
- Curiosity, especially about sexual information
- Realistic
What are the chararteristics of school-age children
School-age children are starting to look more like small adults as their proportions change. Children in this age group can vary widely in their growth rates. This age group is a time for developing a sense of accomplishment and testing out values and beliefs.
What are the needs of people of all ages
People of all ages have needs for good nutrition, social interaction, safety from wars or dangers, and also healthcare to help them through any illnesses or difficulties with their development.
What does healthcare refer to
When we talk about healthcare, it is not just care of the body but also of the psychological wellbeing of a person.
What doe shalethcare incorportare
Healthcare incorporates the physical, mental, emotional, and developmental aspects of wellness, and needs will change throughout a person’s lifetime.
How do the needs of differnt human stage differ
nfants need constant care, food, warmth, and attention. Toddlers need less care, but they need rules, guidance, and a safe home to help them explore in ways that will benefit their development. Preschoolers need less direct care, but they need support as they explore their independence, and they need stimulating activities and exposure to develop their coordination, their language skills, and so forth.
What is the concept of wellbeing
The concept of wellbeing, or the state of being happy, healthy, and able to reach one’s potential, is essential when talking about health. Being well, both mentally and physically, is critical to good health.