Unit 3 Lesson 6: Putting the Pieces Together Flashcards
What is the realtionship between prefixes suffixes roots and words
Not all words have both a prefix and a suffix; however, all words do have a root. And, some can even have two suffixes.
Why are medical abbreviations used
To help save time, there are some medical terms that have common abbreviations.
When should we not use abbreviations
But if using an abbreviation has the potential to cause confusion or error, then use the full term.
How are abbreviations spelled out
Abbreviations are often the first couple or few letters of a common word.
What are acronyms
When we talk about abbreviations, we are also including acronyms, which are abbreviations made by using the first letter of each word in a phrase.
What does the acronym COPD mean
One you might have heard is COPD, which stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
What does the abbreviation A&O mean?
Alert and Oriented
What does the abbreviation CBC mean?
Complete Blood Count
What does the abbreviation OTC mean?
Over the Counter (as in a medication not requiring a prescription)
What does the abbreviation Skel mean?
What does the abbreviation Sm mean?
What does the abbreviation Tab. mean?
What does the abbreviation UTI mean?
Urinary Tract Infection
What does a upward pointing arrow mean
An upward pointing arrow means “increasing”
What does does a downward arrow mean
a downward arrow is, “decreasing.”
What does “+” mean
Similarly, a “+” sign is sometimes used to note that something is present
What does “-“ mean
the “-” sign is used to note the absence of a condition.
Arguably, the most important communication is in the form of
a medical record.
What are medical records
Medical records are crucial written documentation of the patient’s condition, complaint, and the observations of the medical professional.
What is written in a medical record
Every treatment, test, or prescription is written in this record.
Whose job is it to make sure medical records are accurate
Making sure records are accurate is part of everyone’s job, and using medical terminology in the record makes for fewer errors.
What are avoiding medical errors so important
Avoiding medical errors is important—someone’s life may depend on it! People do sometimes die because of medical errors, and medical records are one of the most important ways to help the team avoid mistakes.
Today are medical records on the computor on on paper?
Today, most medical records are electronic, or in the computer.
What does electronic medical records (EMRs) mean
electronic medical records (EMRs), or the digital version of a patient chart
What do electronic medical records (EMRs) include
. Systems for electronic medical records (EMRs), or the digital version of a patient chart, including all necessary information and will have different places to store different types of information.
What is another word for EMRs
EMRs, also sometimes called Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
The term transdermitis means
Trans- is the prefix meaning across, derm is the root meaning skin, and -itis is the suffix meaning inflammation.