Unit 8 Lesson 2: Ethical, Moral, Legal? Flashcards
Morals are the beliefs and standards for behavior that people or groups consider to be good.
There are four main principles in healthcare ethics in the United States. one of the principles is: Justice
Justice: to be fair and treat everyone the same
There are four main principles in healthcare ethics in the United States. one of the principles is: Autonomy
respect for the patient’s right to make their own decision
There are four main principles in healthcare ethics in the United States. one of the principles is: Beneficence
Beneficence: acting in the best interests of the patient
Ethics, though related, are the processes of using sets of principles to decide how to behave.
There are four main principles in healthcare ethics in the United States. one of the principles is: Nonmaleficence
Nonmaleficence: to do no harm
There are four main principles in healthcare ethics in the United States. The principles are: Justice
- Autonomy: respect for the patient’s right to make their own decision
- Beneficence: acting in the best interests of the patient
- Nonmaleficence: to do no harm
- Justice: to be fair and treat everyone the same
Example of Autonomy:
A 31-year-old patient who is a Jehovah’s Witness is in need of a blood transfusion to save his life. His religion tells him that it is wrong to receive blood transfusions. After healthcare staff explain that he is likely to die without the transfusion, they still must respect his wishes. It is up to him to decide if he would rather risk death and follow his religious beliefs or accept the treatment. Medical staff cannot try to coerce or pressure him, but they should give him all the relevant facts so he can make the decision for himself.
Example of Beneficence:
Doctors and therapists work very hard to help people who have suffered strokes or other brain injuries to recover. Therapy can be hard, and some patients may decide that they don’t want to continue. Medical staff think that these therapies will help, but there is no experimental evidence to support this belief at this time. Though the healthcare workers are trying to do what is best for patients, the autonomy of the patients is important too. Sometimes beneficence conflicts with the principle of respecting patient autonomy.
Example of Nonmaleficence:
Non-maleficence means avoiding the causation of harm while beneficence involves balancing the benefits of treatment against the risks and costs involved. The two are often related. Consider the case of a patient with late-stage cancer. With aggressive treatment, the patient may live another year, but will experience pain and intense side effects. The doctors have the option of giving pain killers, but they will also hasten the patient’s death, perhaps by six months, but the quality of life will be improved. The patient decides to go with pain killers and forego the cancer treatments. The doctors have helped the patient choose against treatment that would extend life, while also prescribing pain killers that though they ease pain, will contribute to a quicker demise. It is difficult to balance all the principles.
Example of Justice:
Healthcare should be distributed equally and fairly to all who need it, without discrimination. However, some treatments are very costly and many patients, even if they have insurance, cannot afford the co-payments. Cost and access to care are big issues in healthcare around the world—poor countries and populations receive less care overall. In a day-to-day situation, it falls upon healthcare workers to treat all patients equally and with respect. A nurse may need to divide their time in a just way among the patients they are responsible for. But they also should not treat a patient who is from a group that society doesn’t respect, such as the homeless or people with dementia, any differently. Workers need to make a conscious effort to treat people equally, no matter who they are. Equality and justice are important parts of healthcare ethics.
In addition to the four core principles of healthcare ethics, we can add a few extra principles.
Honesty is a virtue in all situations, being truthful in speaking and in writing. Integrity, meaning the ability to adhere to a code of ethics and conduct, will make us reliable both as a worker and as a community member—people with integrity follow through on their word and their intentions. Competence—possessing sufficient skill and knowledge—at our job or with our everyday activities means that we are able to perform our duties; we are each responsible to ably perform our tasks, whether giving CPR or driving a car.
New discoveries are made every year in the health sciences, improving the ways we care for the ill and injured. Every health profession requires you to be alert to new developments. Most professions will require you to take continuing education:
short courses or workshops to keep your license or certification up to date.
Another term you will see in many healthcare articles is evidence-based practice:
the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to make treatment decisions.