Sports Medicine is concerned with the
diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of athletic injuries, as well as dealing with the effects of exercise on the human body for the enhancement of athletic performance.
There are two classifications of factors which lead to sports injuries:
intrinsic factors (mental and physical preparedness) and extrinsic factors (those factors which impinge externally on performance).
Diathermy is
a form of high-frequency heat that penetrates injured tissues deeper and more effectively than other forms of heat therapy (e.g., hydroculator packs, moist-heat packs, etc.).
Electrostimulation involves
electrodes that create a contraction of the surrounding musculature, reducing edema by pumping fluid out of the affected tissue.
Cryotherapy is the application of
cold (usually in the form of ice or “chemical ice”) to body tissues for the purpose of pain relief and decreased swelling (via vasodilation).
Heat Therapy is
the use of heating pads or hot showers which are best when followed with ice because heat alone causes static swelling.
Ultrasound is
high-frequency sound waves, which oscillate to penetrate 1 to 2-1/2 inches into muscle tissue.
Hydrotherapy is
the use of water as a therapeutic/recuperative means.
Cryokinetic therapy is very beneficial in
reducing contracted, tightened muscle tissue, as well as pumping these tissues free of accumulated, training-induced waste products.
Leg Elevation is used as a means to
reverse hydrostatic or columnar pressure after a long day standing or training.
Ongoing professional assistance:
Many forms of therapy, including various types of “bodywork,” are available to athletes at moderate cost and are highly recommended
intrinsic factors:
Variables under your control to prevent yourself from injury or ailment.
extrinsic factors:
Variables that you are unable to control to prevent yourself from an injury or ailment.
bodily physique conforms to a basic type (endomorphic, mesomorphic, or ectomorphic).
factors which impinge externally on performance
Other personnel: Trainers and coaches must beware of overstimulating the athlete into a performance which is beyond his or her capabilities.
Training program design: Make sure you warm-up and cool-down!
Environment: Investigate equipment, flooring, and venue in general.
Thermal injuries: Hydrate, wear appropriate clothing, and acclimatize prior to activity or competition.
Clothing, footwear, etc: Proper fit
Other equipment: mouth-guards, helmets, padding, belts, wraps.
Fluids, nutrition and supplements: Fitness after injury: Rehab should address muscle wasting and joint stiffness.
Contrast Showers:
Alternate between hot and cold bursts of water for 2-minute periods directly following your workout.
This form of therapy improves circulation and renders a relaxation effect
most commonly used forms of professional assistance are:
Chiropractic Massage Therapy Physical Therapy Rolfing Neuromuscular Reeducation Trager Mentastics Acupuncture/pressure Alexander Technique
Body’s local response to injury. Acute inflammation is characterized by pain, with heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. Uncontrolled swelling may cause further damage to tissues at the injury site.
The 5 Step Back Solution
Step 1: Reduce The Inflammation Step 2: Improve Segmental Alignment and Mobility Step 3: Increase Muscular Flexibility Step 4: Pay Attention to Your Posture Step 5: Strengthen Your Back & Abdomen