care for people with mental ill health is provided by…
GP’s and specialist mental health services
what are types of mental ill health
- bipolar disorder
- dementia
- psychosis
- postnatal depression
- self harm
what four main providers is care delivered by for caring people with mental ill health?
- family and friend
- charities e.g. Rethink, Mind
- private sector organisations e.g. the Priory Group
under the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) people can be…
- detained and treated without their consent for their own health and safety or/and for others
- admitted to hospital
- usually the police is involved in this
to prevent mental ill health, how can we maintain good mental health?
- talking about their feeling
- eating and drinking well
- keeping active
- keeping in touch with friends and loved ones, asking for help, caring for others
- doing something they enjoy/are good at
caring for people wit learning disabilities is…
very specialized, requires highly trained staff
the four key care priorities are..
- choices: for people so they have a say in the care
- care in the community with personalized support provided by multidisciplinary teams
- innovative services that offer a range of care options, with personal budgets so that care meets individual needs
- provide early intensive support for people who need it so they can stay independent in their community, near home
what four main care providers provide care for people with a learning disability?
- family and friends
- support workers
- psychologists
- social workers
professionals may refer to some people with learning disabilities such as……
refer to them as ‘people with behavior that challenges’
as it is important to recognize that they are people first and that their condition doesn’t define who they are
when caring for people with learning disabilities, the carers should…
- use language that the person can understand and to ensure that the persons preferences are respected
-care meets the persons needs
-report risk
and more
what are the types of physical and sensory disability?
- sensory, e.g. hearing/visual impairment
- neurological e.g motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis
- spinal cord injury e.g. spina bifida
- amputation e.g. a limb is removed by surgery
what are the four main care providers in physical and sensory disability
- family and members and friends
- support workers
- physiotherapists
- specialist medical teams
some children have very specific care which includes children who…
- have learning/physical disability
- exhibit behavior with challenges
- have severe illnesses
- have been victims of abuse and neglect
children’s care is given through 5 main care providers
- parents
- other family members and friends
- teachers/teaching assistants/ support in nursery or play group from qualified nursery assistants
- specialist support workers, e.g. for children with learning or physical disabilities
- pediatrician, work in settings such as hospitals
when caring for children, care should follow the correct procedures such as…
- keeping children safe
- ensuring a healthy/accessible learning environment
- encouraging children’s learning development
- confidentiality of the child
- working in partnership with the parents of the child
- anti discriminatory
- promoting children’s rights
according to the early years foundation stage curriculum, children are entitled to learning and development in…
three prime areas: -communication and language -physical development -personal, social and emotional development specific core areas: -literacy -mathematics -understanding the world -expressive arts and design