What is Bowlby’s theory?
Infants are biologically pre-programmed to form attachments.
Define attachment
The emotional bond between infants/young children and their main caregiver.
According to Bowlby, a disruption in attachment has a negative impact on…
According to Bowlby when is the most critical period for developing attachments?
In early months, how many PRIMARY attachments do infants form? (Bowlby)
One PRIMARY attachment
According to Bowlby, attachment to the primary caregiver is a model for…
future attachments.
What do Schaffer and Emerson describe?
the stages of attachment of children
According to Schaffer and Emerson, from birth to 3 months the baby…
responds to any caregiver
According to Schaffer and Emerson, from 4 to 7 months the baby…
shows preference to primary caregiver but accepts care from others
According to Schaffer and Emerson, from 7 to 9 months a baby…
prefers primary caregiver and seeks attention form them, they are unhappy when they are separated from them and shows fear of strangers.
According to Schaffer and Emerson, from 10 months+ the baby…
begins to develop attachments to others who respond to them. by 18 months, most infants have formed multiple attachments.
What did Ainsworth do with the strange situation?
Ainsworth classified attachment into three types, based on a study of childrens reactions for when they were parted from their parents
What are the three types of attachment Ainsworth established from the Strange Situation?
1- Secure
2-Insecure / avoidant
3- Insecure / resistant
Describe ‘secure attachment’ (Ainsworth)
Parenting style: in tune with the child and their emotions
Infants behaviour:
- will show levels of distress when main caregiver leaves and will welcome them when they arrive.
-seeks comfort from caregiver when upset
-is happy around strangers if their caregiver is present as well
Describe ‘insecure/avoidant’ (Ainsworth)
parenting style: unavailable to child, rejects them
infants behaviour:
-does not show any distress when caregiver leaves
-continues to explore the environment and may to go to astranger for comfort
Describe ‘insecure/resistant’ (Ainsworth)
parenting style: inconsistent with meeting the childs needs
infants behaviour:
-shows distress when caregiver leaves but resist contact when they arrive
-shows anxiety and insecurity
What may disrupted attachments cause?
- difficulty in forming relationships
- depressive & learning disorders
- anxiety, delinquency