Define discrimination
Discrimination is where someone is treated unfairly and unequally because of who they are, experienced prejudice that has been put into practice
Define direct discrimination
Direct discrimination is treating someone worse or unfairly due to their characteristics e.g harassment and victimization
Define indirect discrimination
Indirect discrimination is where an organization practice, policies, and rules have a worse effect on some individuals. e.g pregnant women or new mothers treated unfairly
What is the Equality Act 2010
This act protects people from discrimination by employers, health and care providers, educational providers, transport services, and public bodies like the government
examples of how the service user as a person with physical disbalities have anti discriminatory practice
- provide accessible rooms in clinics
- support participation in sport and exercise in schools
examples of how the service user as a child with emotional and behavioral difficulties have anti discriminatory practice
- provide peer mediation and mentoring at school
- provide nurture groups in primary schools as an example of intervention strategy
examples of how the service user as an asylum seeker have anti discriminatory practice
- provide translation services if it is needed
- recognize cultural preferences
examples of how the service user as a person with hearing impairment have anti discriminatory practice
- provide hearing loops in GP surgeries
- use British Sign Language to communicate
examples of how the service user as a transgender have anti discriminatory practice
- use gender terminology which is suitable for the service user
- recognize any associated mental health issues
examples of how the service user as a traveller have anti discriminatory practice
- could enable access to gp users in new areas
- ensure that hostile language is not used