UNIT 1 - FACTORS Flashcards
what are the characteristics of a dysfunctional family?
- members of the family do not carry out their responsibilities, needs of family members arent met
- there is negativity displayed towards one another
- abuse may happen
- use of coercion and blame
why might dysfunctional families exist?
- parents reflect their own dysfunctional bringing up
- untreated mental illness in one or more of the members of the family
- alcohol/drug abuse
what is the impact of a dysfunctional family
members of a dysfunctional family have negative self image and low self esteem, difficulty building friendships and relationships
what are some of the possible effects of parental divorce or separation?
- stress isolation, guilt
- psychological, health problems
- increased likelihood of drug or alcohol abuse
what is the demanding supportive parenting style?
- children are accepted for who they are
- there is mutual love and respect
- children are often self controlled, confident and have high self esteem
what is the demanding unsupportive parenting style?
- parents assert their authority
- children are controlled
- children may have poor social skills and low self esteem,
what is the undemanding supportive parenting style?
- parents are indulgent they do not attempt to control behavior
- children may be self confident, impulsive may have difficulty building relationships
what is the undemanding unsupportive parenting style?
- parents are neglectful and show a lack of interest
- there is poor attachment
- children may have low confidence, low self esteem, and hide their emotions
what are the different forms of bullying
- verbal: using words to hurt
- emotional: causing psychological hurt
- physical: using force etc
- cyber bullying: using tech
name some examples of verbal bullying
- name calling
- making racist/sexist/disablist comments
- threats
- hurtful comments
name some examples of emotional bullying
- excluding, ignoring, stalking
- spreading rumours
name some examples of physical bullying
- hitting, pushing, slapping
- kicking
name some examples of cyber bullying
- sending hurtful messages using the internet
- sharing personal information about others
what are the short term effects of bullying
- inability to cope with life events
- low self esteem
- poor self image
- withdrawal from school, work and activities
what are the long term effects of bullying
bullying can have psychological effects, development and well being
- difficulties in forming relationships
- poor academic achievement
- self harm, substance abuse
what can culture, community and belief influence?
- dress
- lifestyle, personal values
- their dietary
- morality
give examples of dietary restrictions on religion
- forbid some type of food e.g. Muslim pork, Jews shellfish.
- Buddhists and many Hindus are vegetarian
what are the possible health benefits of dietary restrictions that religions provide?
- high fibre/low fat diets, lower risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and high blood pressure
- if alcohol and stimulants are restricted lower risk of cancer, heart disease.
what are the possible health risks of dietary restrictions that religions provide?
-nutritional deficiencies
what are the possible health benefits of fasting?
- loss of weight
- reduces cholesterol levels
- detoxification
which religions encourage fasting?
- Muslims Ramadan
- Jews different days throughout the year
- Mormons first Sunday of each month
give examples of medical interventions in religions/beliefs.
- christian scientists believe in healing through prayer
- Jehovah’s witnesses do not receive blood transfusion.
what are the possible health risks for medical interventions?
deterioration to health and possible deaths
what are the positive effects of culture and beliefs
- people share the same value. beliefs and religion
- people feel accepted and are supported by others.
- people feel valued as others value them for their beliefs.
what are the negative effects of culture and belief
- people can be discriminated
- people may feel excluded because of their beliefs
- a persons culture/belief may be ignored or not understood.
what are economic factors?
all aspects of life related to money, including educational achievement, our jobs etc.
define income and expenditure as an economic factor
a persons level of income and wealth
define lifestyle and health as an economic factor
being bale to afford healthy diets or lifestyles
the ability to keep and sustain employment .
define employment status in economic factors
whether the person is in works or not
what type of work they are in
whether it is full time or part time etc
define education in economic factors
the stage of education reached
-educational opportunities and achievements
what are the physical benefits in economic factors
- manual active jobs - improve muscle tone and stamina
- improves lifestyle can afford things that they need.
what are the physical drawbacks in economic factors
- may cause muscular and skeletal problems
- sedentary/desk based job may cause health problems. lack of physical activity
what are the intellectual benefits in economic factors
- promotes creative thinking, problem solving as in work or education
- being able to afford a good diet, can promote cognitive development
what are the intellectual drawbacks in economic factors
- may cause deterioration of memory and problem solving skills
- low income, low quality lifestyle can lead to stress, loss of concentration
what are the emotional benefits in economic factors
- being in a job may lead to high self image and self esteem as they are being productive
- having a good income and job can support a healthy lifestyle
what are the emotional drawbacks in economic factors
unemployed, no income, leads to low self esteem and low self image
- poor health, poor lifestyle low income
- concerns of lack of work or finance can lead to stress
what are the social benefits in economic factors?
- provides opportunities to develop friendships, being at work, education etc.
- being able to afford healthy lifestyles can lead to healthy friendships
what are the social drawbacks in economic factors?
- low income/unemployment can lead to fewer opportunities in building friendships
- poor lifestyle can lead to break down of friendships.