Unit 14 Extra Flashcards
Where do s the fundamental attribution error run strong
Individualistic western countries
Who proposed cognitive dissonance
Leon fistinger
Chameleon effect
We are natural mimics
Mood linkage
Sharing up and down moods
Solomon arch experiment
The line measurement experiment
What affects conformity
If it is easy and lead to believe important then less likely to conform
But if it is hard or not important then more likely too conform
Stanley milgram experiment
For obedience
Teacher or learner
The shock experiment
Obedience highest when
Authority person was close at hand
Supported by prestigious institution
Victim depersonalized
No role models for defiance
When are you likely to do bad or good in front of people
If you are good at something (easy task) do better with people there but worse when it’s a hard task and people are there
Social control
The power of the situation
Personal control
The power of the individual
Minority influence
The power of one or two individuals to sway majorities
Overt prejudice
Such as Openly and consciously denying a particular ethnic group the right to vote
Subtle prejudice
Such as feeling fearful when alone in an elevator with a stranger from a different racial or ethnic group
Blame the victim dynamic
Stereotypes rationalize inequalities
Haves usually develop attitudes that justify things as they are
Biological factors that make us prone to hurt one another
Genetic- identical twins same Temper
Neural- electrode in amygdala shocked made aggressive
More likely aggressive is frontal lobe damaged
Biochem- hormones alcohol, testosterone,
Social cultural factors in aggression
Aversive events
Social cultural influences observing models of aggression
Acquiring social scripts
Things that make people fall in love
Like those who like you
Vital ingredients for loving relationships
Equity and self disclosure
When will we help
When we notice the incident
Interpret it as an emergency
Assume responsibility for helping
Cost benefit analysis
Our constant goal is to maximize our rewards and minimize our costs
How can we transform prejudice, aggression and conflict into peace
When does it help to put two conflicting parties into close contact
Equal status
Boy Scout experiment
Boys made to dislike one another through competition
Had to fix water, trucks, rent a movie. They came together through cooperation contact
What three things cause social loafing
People as group feel less accountable and worry less
View contribution as dispensable
If they share equally regardless of contribution
Three part mixture of prejudice
Beliefs (stereotypes)
Predispositions to action (discrimination)
Social scripts
Mental tapes for how to act, provided by our culture
Rape myth
The idea that some women invite or enjoy rape and get swept away while being taken but actually wrong
Reward theory of attraction
That we will like those whose behavior is rewarding to us and that will continue relationships that offer more rewards than costs
How to get someone to and not to do something
Use facts for not to
Positive feedback for to do