11 Extra Flashcards
Memory war
Over whether traumatic experiences are repressed and can later be recovered
Gender war
The extent to which nature and nurture shape our behaviors as men and women
Intelligence war
Does each of us have an inborn general mental capacity and can we quantify this capacity as a meaningful number
Viewing an abstract immaterial concept as if it were a concrete thing
Who proposed general intelligence and factor analysis
Charles spearman
L L thurstone
Spearmans opponent
Satoshi kanazawa
Argues that general intelligence evolved as a form of intelligence that helps people solve novel problems but not common problems
Howard Gardner
Views intelligences as multiple abilities that come in packages . Studying savant syndrome
Multiple intelligences
Gardner’s eight intelligences
Linguistic Logical mathematical Musical Spatial Bodily kinesthetic Intrapersonal (self) Interpersonal (other people) Naturalist
Robert sternberg
Triarchic theory
analytical intelligence
Creative intelligence
Practical intelligence
Who came up with emotional intelligence
John Mayer
Peterson salovey
David caruso
Alfred binet
Mental age
Single purpose to indenting French schoolchildren needing special attention
Lewis terman
Stanford binet
William stern
A much criticized 19 century movement that proposed measuring human traits and using a he results to encourage only smart and fit people to reproduce
Flynn effect
College entrance aptitude scores dropping
Intelligence test performance has been improving
How do they check a tests reliability
Test retest
Split half
Intelligence with brain anatomy and speed
Correlation between brain size and intelligence score. Highly educated exhibit above avg volume of synapses and grey matter.
How sable are test scores over life span
Stability increases with age
At age 4 begin to predict adolescent and adult score
About age 7 scores become fairly stable and consistent
How to deal now a days with disabled
Mainstream them
Integrate into society
High extremes
Schools track down such children separating them from power scores which make it self full filling prophecies as children live up to or down to others perceptions of their abilities
What influence becomes more apparent as we accumulate life experience
Genetic influences
The variation in intelligence test scores attributable to genetic factors
J McVicker hunt
Began tutored human enrichment
Project head start
Hunts findings
Among the poor environmental conditions can override genetic differences depressing cognitive development
Racial differences
Under skin races remarkably Alike
Race not neatly defined in biological category
When blacks and whites receive same pertinent knowledge they exhibit similar information processing skill
Golden ages
Two meanings of bias
Detects not only innate differences in intelligence but also performance differences caused by cultural experiences
Scientific meaning hinges on tests validity
Gender differences females
Better spellers Verbally fluent Better locating objects Detecting emotions More sensitive Math computation
Gender differences boys
Spatial ability
Related mathematics
Outnumber I’m low and high extremes