Unit 1: Perspectives Flashcards
Looks at the physical makeup and operation of our brains influence on our personality, preferences, behavior patterns, abilities. Behavior is a result of heredity, nervous system, endocrine, environment.
What could be going on in this person’s body to affect his/her behavior? How do hormones or other chemicals in the body affect the behavior? What other physical issues could this person be experiencing?
Strengths: Psychology is an objective science, studies behavior. Evolutionary psychology - survival of the fittest.
Weaknesses: Does not reference mental processes. Does not look at environment/surroundings affecting you.
Our actions are a direct result of the way we processionals information from our environment. Cognitions - thoughts, expectations, perceptions, memories, states of consciousness.
How does this person interpret the situation he/she is in? Because of this interpretation, how does that affect his/her behavior? How does this person’s mental processes control the situation?
Strengths: Gives us power to make decisions - affecting our behavior as we interpret and analyze. We behave the way we think about it.
Weaknesses: Behavior changes based on if you feel supported or not by the environment. Perception can be way off.
the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection. Behavior is adaptive and hereditary and cultural.
Strengths: Genetics are used to show how people have evolved, not how people are different.
Weaknesses - controversial: most destructive behaviors come out of genetic tendencies
Suggests that we are motivated by the energy of irrational desires generated in our unconscious mind.
Strengths: Some bad experiences affect us on a conscious level.
Weaknesses: Assuming something bad happens to us.
A focus on our observable behaviors and rewards and punishments. A viewpoint which finds the source of our actions win the environmental stimuli.
What behavior can I identify in this scenario? What reward does this person get by behaving this way? Or, has this person been punished for something and that is why he/she is behaving that way?
Strengths: More scientific - can see what attributes our behavior. Focuses on reinforcing rewards and avoiding punishment.
Weaknesses: No true “why?” of what happened, focus is on changing behavior.
A viewpoint which emphasizes human ability, growth, potential, and free will. Emphasizes our mental thoughts and process as the root of our behavior.
What positive qualities does this person demonstrate? How can this person use these qualities to better the situation?
Strengths: Emphasizes positive side of human nature. All about growth. Focuses on good qualities and shaping behavior.
Weaknesses: Not the most “scientific”.
How situations and culture affect our behavior and thinking
Is there something in. the prompt that explains a cultural or social aspect of this person’s behavior?
Strengths: Emphasizes the importance of social interaction, social learning, and a cultural perspective
Weaknesses: For many years, psychology was blind to the influence of culture on people’s behavior.
Integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and socio-cultural viewpoints
Strengths: Each portion compliments the other
Weaknesses: Doesn’t look at other approaches
What unconscious conflict could this person have? What could be buried in the unconscious (fear, aggression, a conflict). How is the conflict within the unconscious seeking release (in what behavior)?