UCSP Quiz 3 Module 10-13 Flashcards
Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection (aka _________) was made by who?
Darwinism, Charles Darwin
One that adapts and learns to survive.
Survival of the Fittest
“It is not the _______ of the species that survives, nor the _____ ________ but the one most _______________________” - C.D., 1809
strongest, most intelligent, responsive to change
The group that consists of all modern and extinct Great Apes (modern humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and all their immediate ancestors).
Homo erectus is the ________. Similar limb and torso proportions with modern humans which suggest they walk on two feet.
Upright Man
(of the thumb of a primate). Their feet used to have such thumb that can firmly grasp to trees and other objects.
Before the Christian/Common Era
Refers to the Homo habilis. Known as _______ because it is assumed that this species had developed the ability to modify stone into tools.
Able Man
Refers to the Homo sapiens. This reflects the greater endowment of the brain power compared to his predecessors.
Wise Man
In this theory it is said that organisms produce more offspring than are able to survive in their environment and those that are better physically equipped are those that survives.
Natural Selection
Ardipithecus Etymology
‘Ardi’ means “Ground” or “Floor”, Latinised Greek ‘Pithecus’ meaning “Ape.”
Australopithecus Etymology
‘Australis’ (Latin) “Southern”, ‘Pithekos’ (Greek) “Ape”
Etymology of Anamensis, Afarensis, Garhi, Africanus
Anamensis - ‘Anam’ meaning “lake” in Turkana language
Afarensis - ‘Afar’ referring to the Afar depression in East Ethiopia
Garhi - Means “surprise” in the afar language.
Africanus - latin for “African”
Where was the fossils/remains of the Australopithecus anamensis found? What is their brain size?
It was found in Turkana, Their brain size is 370 cm3
What is the brain size of Australopithecus afarensis? What is the famous skeleton associated with this species?
Brain size of 450 cm3, this species is well known because of the “Lucy” skeleton
Why was it named Australopithecus Garhi? What is their brain size? What is their stone tools?
It is named garhi because those who found it was SURPRISED by their bone marrow. Their brain size is just ABOUT 450 cm3. Their stone tools are just simply stones.
What is the brain size of Australopithecus Africanus? What cave is in Africa that the fossils were found in?
About 420-510 cm3. Sterkfontein Cave.
Paranthropus Group Etymology
Greek ‘Para’ expressing relationship “beside”, Greek ‘Anthropos’ “man” —> “Beside Man”
Etymology of Aethiopicus, Boisei, Robustus
Aethiopicus - Latin word aethipicus meaning “Ethiopia”
Boisei - From its founder Charles Boise
Robustus - Latin Robustus “oaken, hard, firm, strong, sturdy”
The skull of ______________ is bigger than those of men.
Paranthropus Robustus
Homo Etymology
From Latin homo meaning ‘man’
Etymology of Rudolfensis, Habilis, Erectus,Heidelbergensis, Floresiensis, Neanderthalensis, Sapiens
Rudolfensis - Discovered at the east side of Lake Turkana, formerly known as Lake Rudolf
Habilis - Means handy, apt, or fit
Erectus - Latin “upright”
Heidelbergensis - (latinised word) Found in the city of Heidelberg, Germany
Floresiensis - From portuguese/latin ‘flores’ = “flowers” because the island of indonesia were it was found was mabulaklak (Also from Palawan)
Neanderthalensis - It was first found in Neander Valley in Germany
Sapiens - Latin meaning wise and sensible
Brain size of homo rudolfensis and brain size of homo habilis? Are Homo habilis erect or not.
Rudolensis had a brain size of 775 cm3 while habilis had 650 cm3. Homo Habilis are in fact erect.
Brain size of Homo Erectus? What is the difference of use of fire in habilis and erectus?
Erectus has brain size of 950 cm3. In habilis, they use fire but is not controlled. In erectus, they use fire AND it is controlled.
Homo sapiens is the ___________, people now are called ____________.
the earlier humans, Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Etymology of Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic
Paleolithic - ‘Paleo-‘ English, “Old” ; ‘Lithos’ Greek, “Stone –> Old Stone Age
Mesolithic - ‘Meso-‘ English, “Middle” ; ^ –> Mid Stone Age
Neolithic - ‘Neo-‘ English, “New” ; ^ –> New Stone Age
How was classifications for Paleo and Neo divided?
It is divided in relation to their CULTURE.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Dwelling: Mud bricks supported by timber.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Dwelling: Mouths of caves, huts, skin, tents.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Lifestyle: Sedentary. Farmed in permanent settlements, raised animals, agri was discovered, major source of food, families evolved.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Lifestyle: Nomadic. Groups of up to 50, tribal society, hunters and gatherers
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Tools: Polished stone tools made sharper by grinding.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Tools: Chipped stone, wooden weapons, light stone tools (not sharpened).
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Clothes: Animal skins, woven garments.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Clothes: Animal skins.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Governance: Military and religious leaders had authority. Monarchy emerged.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Governance: Tribal society. Clan controlled by elders or the powerful (according to age).
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Economy: The concept of private property and ownership emerged for things such as land, livestock, and tools.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Economy: There was no concept of private property.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Health: People were shorter and had lower life expectancy.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Health: People were taller and lived longer.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Art: Wall paintings.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Art: Cave paintings.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Sculpture material: Stone, clay (baked)
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Sculpture material: Stone, mammoth ivory, reindeer horn
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Main Discovery: Agriculture and tools with polished stones, the pow, wheel.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Main Discovery: Fire, rough stone tools.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Food: They grew crops such as corn, wheat, beans, etc.
Paleolithic or Neolithic. Food: Hunted and gathered for their food supply.
Mesopotamia Etymology
Meso “Mid” Potamia “River”
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Formed on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is today Iraq and Kuwait.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Developed along Nile River because its annual flooding ensured rich soil for crops.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Early civilization began to form around the time of the Neolithic Revolution - 12000 BCE.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Repeated struggles for political control showed importance of region’s agricultural production and economic resources.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Some of its major civilizations include Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. They kept written records using a writing system known as hieroglyphics.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Evidence shows extensive use of technology, literature, legal codes, philosophy, religion, and architecture in these societies.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. Their rules used the idea of divine kingship and constructed monumental architecture to demonstrate and maintain power. They think THEY are Gods.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. In Monarchy (ordered by Gods), and the Rulers DO NOT think they are the gods.
Mesopotamia or Egypt. They developed wide-reaching trade network along the Nile, Red Sea, and in the East.
The process whereby wild plants have been evolved into crop plants through artificial selection. Ex. Corn
Domestication of Plants
The process of adapting wild plants and animals for human use. Like done in Pastoral Society.
Domestication of Animals
Other terms mentioned in regards to Module 11:
Irrigation System
Surplus - Because the basic needs were sustained.
Division of Labor - so that the jobs of the people do not only focus on the foods (which are already surplus) jobs include: Artisans
Early Government
What are the four kinds of political systems under anthropology?
Decentralized System, Centralized Governments, Supranational Political Systems, Empires
Decentralized System. Small family group, no larger than extended family or clan. Only consists of 30 to 50 individuals. It can cease to exist.
Band Society
Decentralized System. This is formed when bands join together. It consists of many families, more social institutions (chief or elders). They are more permanent and may be sub-divided into bands.
Centralized Governments. More complex than decentralized systems, but less complex than state or civilization. Pervasive inequality and centralization of authority, a single lineage of elite class becomes the ruling. Ex. Family in Moana
Centralized Governments. State with permanent population, defined territory, government, and capacity to enter into relations with other of its kind.
Sovereign State
Systems are created by independent nations to reach a common goal or gain strength from forming an alliance. “You want to be IN because you want a piece of the action and benefits”
Supranational Political Systems
These are widespread states or communities under a single rule. Ex. Persian ______ and Roman ________
Theories of Socialization. Process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them.
Looking-glass self
Who theorized looking-glass self
Charles Horton Cooley
Quote by Cooley regarding the looking-glass self theory
I am not who you think I am
I am not who I think I am
I am who I think you think I am
Theories of Socialization. This explains how social experience creates individual personality.
Social Behaviorism
Who theorized Social Behaviorism
George Herbert Mead
Quote by Mead regarding the social behaviorism theory
I - how you see yourself
Me - how others see you
Centralized other - how society sees you
Theories of Socialization. Based on the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories.
Who theorized psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
The three (types?) included in Psychoanalysis. Explain.
Id - Selfish decisions
Ego - Mediates Id and Superego
Superego - Doing the right thing (morality)
This refers to an individual or group’s sense of self-respect and self-worth, physical and psychological integrity and empowerment. It is something that cannot be taken away.
Human Dignity
______ is what separates human beings from animals. It is the quality or state of being worthy. Since they have THIS each must be treated equally.
These are defined as legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Often considered fundamental to civilization since it is regarded as established pillars of society and culture.
The ___________ are natural rights, civil, political, economic rights, as well as rights of the accused before, during, after trial.
Bill of Rights
These are rights inherent to ALL human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex national or ethnic origin, color, religion, etc.
Human Rights
This refers to either what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action and active participation in the realm of politics and public service.
Common Good
Also, this benefits society as a whole. In contrast to the private good of individuals and sections of society. In effect, the notion of _______ is a denial that society is and should be composed of atomized individuals living in isolation from one another.
Common Good