Earth Science Quiz 4 Q2 Flashcards
_______ rocks are stratified.
Stratified rocks are ________ rocks
Strata (plural of (a) _____) meaning (b) __________.
(a) stratum
(b) layers
Refers to the study of any layered (stratified) rock, but primarily with sedimentary rocks.
What are the factors considered in stratigraphy?
- Origin
- Composition
- Age Relationships
- Geographic Extent
(a) General term for layering in sedimentary rocks.
(b) layering in “, greater than 1 cm thick.
(c) layering in “, less than 1 cm thick.
a. Stratification
b. Beds
c. Lamination
but these are all just referred to as LAYERS
Layering usually just happens in what type of rocks?
Sedimentary rocks
Who stated that layers of sedimentary rock may contain stories about the past?
Nicolas Steno
He first noticed the layers of rocks (grand canyon)
Stratification happens because of ____________.
What ideas did James Hutton and James Ussher proposed?
James Hutton: Uniformitarianism
James Ussher: Catastrophism
An idea that states that every geologic process today occurred in the geologic past.
An idea that states that everything that is present today happened because of great and sudden catastrophes.
This is what is called to anything that isn’t horizontal in the rock layers.
Cross Bedding
According to _____________: “The present is the key to the past.”
James Hutton
This is dating the rock layers on how old something relative to something else.
* Words are used to compare instead of exact numbers.
Relative Dating
What are the 5 laws of relative dating? (+ the law that is skipped)
Law of Superposition
Principle of Original Horizontality
Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships
skipped: Law of Lateral Continuity
Laws. “Older than the one above it, but younger than the one below it.”
Law of Superposition
Laws. “All layers must be deposited in a horizontal manner.”
Principle of Original Horizontality
Laws. “The cut is always younger than the layer it cuts.”
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationship
Laws. “The **** is ALWAYS older than the rock containing it.”
Laws. “Rock embedded in another rock.”
Laws. Buried erosional or non-depositional surface SEPARATING two rock masses / strata of different ages.
Three types of unconformities:
Angular, Disconformity, Nonconformity
Unconform. Tilted strata overlain by more horizontal layers. EASIEST to distinguish.
Angular Unconformity
Unconform. Evidence of erosive agents, consists of strata that are made of different material but same rock type.
Unconform. There is difference in rock types, also easy to distinguish. Metamorphic/Igneous sometimes intrude through layers.
This is dating the rock layers by determining actual numerical age of rock/fossil.
Absolute Dating
Other reference call absolute dating as:
- Numerical Dating
- Radiometric Dating
_________ Dating = Qualitative
_________ Dating = Quantitative
In this method, fossils ang tinitignan to establish a strategy for dating.
What is the type or the name of the dating that is most use in absolute dating?
Radiometric Dating
This technique depends on traces of radioactive isotopes found in fossils. The rate of decay helps determine age, and age of rocks.
Radiometric Dating
This is the time required for half of the radioactive isotope population to decay. They check the ratio of this parent to daughter isotopes.
Half Life
(a) Parent isotope/nucleus = _______
(b) Daughter isotope/nucleus = _________
(a) origin
(b) result
Ang naghhalf-life lang ay ang ________ elements.