Prac. Res. Quiz 3 Q2 Flashcards
What are the 6 resources needed before data collection?
Informed Consent
Types of Interview. Each question that you plan to ask has one single and usually short answer.
Structured Interview
Types of Interview. Preparing 5-10 questions that cover your research topic. You can ask follow-up questions.
Semi-Structured Interview
Types of Interview. Preparation of only one, open-ended question for the participant to answer freely.
Unstructured Interview
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Have your interview guide and, recording devices.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Thank your participants for their willingness to take part in your interview.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Have your interviewee sign the Informed Consent Form.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Have a comfortable, safe and private place where you conduct the interview.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Inform the participants that you will record the interview and make sure to obtain permission to record the interview.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Ask questions in a conversational tone, be friendly, stay focused on your research topic, ask follow-up questions if some answers are incomplete.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Ask one question at a time and avoid asking questions that make your interviewee nervous or uncomfortable.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Start with easier questions while the difficult or more complex ones are asked in the middle of the interview.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Ask if he/she has something else to add that you may have forgotten.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Thank the participant and tell him/her that you may contact him/her again if you have any other questions.
(when) ______ The Interview Procedure. Assure him/her that his/her information is safe and confidential.
Interview Skills. Be ___________ in planning and carrying your interview.
Interview Skills. Be a careful _________ and ___________ of non-verbal language.
listener, observer
Interview Skills. Stay _________ during the interview.
Interview Skills. Create a _______ atmosphere.
Interview Skills. Show _______ and _________ to your participants.
interest, respect
Interview Skills. Avoid __________, bad jokes, stereotypes, ______________, bad words and the like during the interview.
prejudice, discrimination
Interview Skills. Don’t frequently _________ the interviewee.
Interview Skills. _________ whatever agreement that you have with your participants.
Types of Observation. An observation where you can talk to people informally in your research setting.
Participant Observation
Types of Observation. An observation where you only observe without talking to anyone.
Silent Observation
Observation Procedure. Prepare your observation ______________.
Observation Procedure. Make sure your research __________ is a _____ environment. Pray.
setting, safe
Observation Procedure. Obtain ____________ to observe if your observation will be in a private place.
Observation Procedure. Take quick ______ in a way that it won’t take your attention form the observation.
Observation Procedure. Ask ________ questions if you need some explanation from people.
Observation Procedure. Once you found a fairly comfy place, you _________ (can / can not) write more detailed notes right after the observation.
Observation Procedure. Make sure to keep securely your _______________
field notes
Observation Skills. Carefulness and ____________ to details during the observation.
Observation Skills. Ability to quickly make __________ between what you see in the research setting and research topic.
Observation Skills. __________ and courage to INFORMALLY ask people if you feel the need to do so.
Observation Skills. ______-taking while observing.
These are taken by the researcher - It is what you take while conducting your research study.
Procedures in Taking Pictures. Identify important _______ in your research setting that you want to take a picture of.
Procedures in Taking Pictures. Take carefully your picture, taking into consideration its ____________ to your research.
Procedures in Taking Pictures. Save your _________ and your short _________ about them securely.
pictures, notes
Skills in Taking Pictures. Careful attention to __________ in a picture.
Skills in Taking Pictures. Basic _________________ skills.
Skills in Taking Pictures. __________________ of what you see in a picture.
Ethical Considerations. prepare these and ask your participants to read and sign it before you start the interview.
Informed Consent [Informed Consent Forms]
Ethical Considerations. Take all necessary steps to make sure your research project doesn’t put you or your research participants in any emotional or physical damage.
No Risk
Ethical Considerations. Never lie to your research participants. Report your data and findings truthfully
Academic Honesty
Ethical Considerations. During your data collection, please make sure to guarantee this by keeping their names private.
Privacy and Confidentiality
(when) ______ Data Collection. (title) Come up with a plan on how you will organize your data so that it is easy to find it and analyze it.
After; Design and implement a data organization plan
(when) ______ Data Collection. (title) Once you’re done with the collection of data, you may find that some data are irrelevant to your topic. Remove it.
After; Clean up your data
(when) ______ Data Collection. (title) If there are missing information in your data, catch and get the information as soon as possible.
After; Check accuracy and completeness of your data
(when) ______ Data Collection. (title) Transcription is necessary to analyze your data accurately.
After; Transcribe the interviews
Contents of QLR Project. Beginning Parts.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Lists of Figures (if any)
Contents of QLR Project. Chapter I: Introduction
Background of the Study
Problem Statement
Purpose Statement
Research Questions
Scope and Limitations
Significance of the Study
Contents of QLR Project. Chapter II: Literature Review
Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Main Idea 3
Main Idea n
Synthesis (Including the research gap)
Contents of QLR Project. Chapter III: Methodology
Research Design
Research Setting
Sampling Strategy
Research Participants
Data Collection Procedure
Ethical Considerations