Trigeminal nerve Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“فقلت استغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفارا”
The largest cranial nerve which is mixed
sensory to greater part of head and motor to muscles of mastication
Trigimenal nerve
Trigmeinal ganglion is
,,,,,Ganglion type- of fifth cranial nerve
crescenteric of smeiluamr
Lies in ………… in apex of pertous temporal bone
occuipies ….. in dura ?
Trigeminal impression
Cavum Trigeminal
The trigmenal ganglion contains ,,,,,,,, nerve cells (type)
Pseduounipolar describe!
Central process sensory roots to pons
Peripheral preocess giving its branches: opthalminc + Maxillary + Mandibular
Mention Trigemnial Nuclei
Motor Nucleus : in pons giving Motor roots of trigemnial passing below Trigeminal ganglion
Main sensory Nucelus : in pons for touch and pressure
spinal nuelcus in pons to medulla to spinal cord extension for pain and temperature
Mesencephalic Nucleus for ? Proprioception
Trigmenal nerve emerges from ?
and has ,,,roots?
Anterior aspect of pons
Medial motor for first pharyngeal arch
lateral sensory large
Descibe roots of trigmenal
Sensory root : central process of trigmenal gagnlia attaced to pons aris from sensory nuclei of trigeminal : Main snesory + Spinal + Mesencephalic
Motor Root: arise from motor nucels pass beneath tigemnial ganglion and after it is out of foramne ovale unites with mandibular divison
Mention branches of Trigmenal gagnion
Opthalmic giving Frontal + Lacrinal +Nasociliary branches passing through superior orbital fissure
Maxillary passing through foramen Rotandum to pterygopalatine fossa
mandibular through foramne ovale to infratemporal fossa
Maxillary nerve is pure,,,,,,
يارب اصحي الفجر
Pterygopalating ganglion sensory root is ?
Maxillary nerve arises from ….then passes through tha ,,,,wall of cavernous sinus below …….. leaving sinus to exit ……. via formaen ………. to enter …………. then to suspend…………..?
Trigemnial ganglion
lateral wall
below opthalmic nerve
Pterygopalatine fossa
Ptrygopalatine ganglion withoud relay
Path of Maxillary ?
Foramen rotandum to pterygopalatine fossa
Pterygomaxillary fissure then to infraorbiral fissure becoming infraOrbital nerve passing in the infraOrBITAL groove the infraOrbital foramen
Describe all branches of Maxillary nerve during its course in Head !
In the cranial fossa giving meneingal Nerve
In the pterygopalatine fossa after passing from foramen rotandum :
1-Posteiror superior alveolar nerve for molars + maxillary sinus
2-GANGLIONIC For pterygopalatine gagnglion suspension
ZTemporal gigving parasympathatic for lacrimal of opthalmic and supply non hairy temple
Zfacial: for skin above promonices of the cheek
after passing throuh pterygMaxillary fissure to the infraOrbital fissure as infraOrbital Nerve In infraOrbital groove then passes the infraOrbital Foramen giving in :
In the orbit :
Middle superior alvolar nerve for Premolars + maxillary sinus
Anterior superior alveola nerve for Canines and Incisiors and Sinus
In the face :
Palpebral + External Nasal + Labial
In the cranial fossa maxillary giving
meneingal Nerve
In the pterygopalatine fossa OR
after passing from foramen rotandum :
Maxillary branches
In the pterygopalatine fossa after passing from foramen rotandum :
1-Posteiror superior alveolar nerve for molars + maxillary sinus
2-GANGLIONIC For pterygopalatine gagnglion suspension
ZTemporal gigving parasympathatic for lacrimal of opthalmic and supply non hairy temple
Zfacial: for skin above promonices of the cheek
after passing throuh pterygMaxillary fissure to the infraOrbital fissure as infraOrbital Nerve In infraOrbital groove then passes the infraOrbital Foramen giving in :
In the orbit :
Middle superior alvolar nerve for Premolars + maxillary sinus
Anterior superior alveola nerve for Canines and Incisiors and Sinus
In the face :
after passing throuh pterygMaxillary fissure to the infraOrbital fissure as infraOrbital Nerve In infraOrbital groove then passes the infraOrbital Foramen giving in :
In the orbit :
Middle superior alvolar nerve for Premolars + maxillary sinus
Anterior superior alveola nerve for Canines and Incisiors and Sinus
In the face :
Mandiular nerve is nerve of ——pharungal arch for muscles of ———–
It is …….NERVE its motor part pass below the gagnlia then unit with sensory after passing through ——— to be in ———- froming………. divding into ,,,,,adn,,,,,,,,,
First -Mastication
Foramen Ovale
Infratemporal Fossa
Manidublar trunk
anterior motor
posterior sesnory
Branches of Mandibular Trunk Mention
1-Nevcus spinosus that go back to middle cranial fossa throgh foramen spinosum to supply dura matter with middle meenigeal artery
2-nerve to medial pterygoid supplying the muscle then passing through otic gagnlia without relay to supply tensor palati and tensor tympani
MENTION branches of Anterior division of Mandibular
For 3 of muscles of mastication
Masseteric appear at upper boreder of lateral pterygoid supplying masseter
Nerve to Lateral Pterygoid
deep tempral nerve appear in the upper border of lateral pterygoid supplying temporalis
Buccal Neve sensort to skin and muscosa conering buccinator
Nerve passing between 2 heads of lateral pterygoid
Buccal nerve sensory of anterior mandiublar
Nerve passing between 2 heads of lateral pterygoid
Buccal nerve sensory of anterior mandiublar
note that buccal branch of facial is motor to buccnator!
2 Roots of which surrounde middle meinigeal artery ?
Auriclotempral nerve of posterior Mandibular
posterior division of mandibular nerve gives?
Inferior Alveolar
mention banches of auricltemoral nerve
1-Cutaneous to upper 2/3 of the external surface of the auricle + external audiotry meatus + outer surface of tympanic membrance + hairy area of temple
2-Articular to ? TMJ
3-Sensory to parotid parenchyma
4-postganglionic parasypmathatic from otic ganglion secretory to Parotid
nerve has triple relation with submandiublar duct
lingual nerve of post mandibular nerve
describe path of lingual nerve
Deep to lateral pterygoid joined by corda tympani of taste sensation then appear at inferior lateral pterygoid anterior to inferior alveolar nerve !
then reach internal surface of the mandible to the root of 3rd molar only covered by gingival muscosa so liabiled to injury then moves
superficial to hyoglossus suspending submandibular ganglion
triple relation with submandibular duct lateral below medial then
moves on genoglossus medial to sublingual salivary glands
Distribution of lingual nerve
=Carries general sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue
=Floor of mouth + lingual aspect og gingiva
=Preganglonic parasympathatic of submandibular and sublingual SGs
=Post ganglionic parasympathtic fibersr to sublingual SGs
=Ganglionic suspending branches
describe inferior alveolar nerve
Appear at the inferior border of lateral pterygoid posterior to lingual nerve
then give Nerve to Mylohyoid and anterior belly of diagastric then to Mandibular foramen supplying teeth and gums of lower jaw
then to Mental froamina to be Mental Nerve for Lowe lip and Chin
angle of mandible supplied by?
Cervical pleuxes
Great auricular nerve C2+C3
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